光解机理,photolysis mechanism
1)photolysis mechanism光解机理
1.The photolysis mechanism was proposed as: under the irradiation of 254 nm UV, theσ-bond between C4-C5 in 5,5 -dimethylhydantoin underwent cleavage, which resulted in the formation of isocyanate as the intermediate.推测了其在醇、水中的光解机理为:在波长254 nm的紫外光激发下,5,5 -二甲基海因能够在4,5位碳间发生σ键的均裂,重排生成异氰酸酯中间体,继而和醇反应生成相应的酯,或和水反应脱羧生成异丙基脲。

1.Theoretical Studies on the Pyrolysis Mechanism of N, N-Dimethylglycine Ethyl Ester and the Photodissociation Mechanism of Hydroxyacetone;N,N—二甲基甘氨酸乙酯热分解反应机理和羟基丙酮的光解机理的理论研究
2.Study on the Degradation Mechanism of Bromobenzene Induced by the Photolysis of HNO_2(NO_2~-) under Ultraviolet Light紫外光光解HNO_2(NO_2~-)诱导的溴苯降解机理研究
3.Mechanism Study of TiO_2 Photocatalytic Degradation of Pesticide Pyridaben;TiO_2光催化降解杀虫剂哒螨酮机理研究
4.Photolysis Kinetics and Mechanism of Anthraquinones;蒽醌化合物光解动力学及其机理研究
5.Reaction Mechanism of Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dye over Iron (Hydr) Oxides;(羟基)氧化铁光催化降解有机物的反应机理
6.In the laser this damping mechanism can be visualized as follows.在激光器中,这种阻尼机理可以如下理解。
7.Objective: To study the photodegradation mechanism of Fleroxacin solution.目的:研究氟罗沙星溶液光降解反应机理。
8.Decomposition of 1, 2-dichloropropane Induced by UV Laser Radiation;激光诱发1,2-二氯丙烷分解反应机理研究
9.Degradation of Non-biodegradable Organic Compounds by Combined Photocatalysis and Ozonation Processes;光催化—臭氧氧化处理水中难降解有机物
10.Adsorption-Photocatalytic Activities and Mechanism of TiO_2/Bentonite on Degradation of Gaseous Toluene;TiO_2/膨润土吸附光催化降解气相甲苯及机理研究
11.Theoretical Study of the Peroxidation of Chlorophenols in the Dye Sensitized Photodegradation Condition敏化光降解条件下氯代酚的过氧化机理研究
12.Kinetics and Mechanism on Gaseous Photo-catalytic Degradation of Benzene Series苯系物气相光催化降解动力学及机理研究
13.Study on the Degradation Mechanism of Bromate in Nano-TiO_2 Photocatalytic System二氧化钛光催化对水中溴酸盐降解机理的研究
14.Understanding of Camcorder Photographic Characteristics through the Control of Gamma Curve and Knee Point从伽玛曲线和拐点控制理解摄像机的感光特性
15.The photolysis dynamics and mechanism of pesticide Abamectin in water农药阿维菌素在水中的光解动态及机理
16.Study on the Photocatalytic Degradation Mechanism of Syringe Lignin with TiO_2纳米TiO_2光催化氧化紫丁香醇降解机理研究
17.Mechanism on Photocatalytic Degradation of Benzoic Acid with TiO_2-film ElectrodeTiO_2膜电极光电催化降解苯甲酸的机理研究
18.Photocatalytic degradation mechanism of methyl orange by rare-earth doped TiO_2稀土修饰TiO_2光催化降解甲基橙反应机理

Photodegradation mechanism光降解机理
3)the photodegradatlon mechanism光降解反应机理
4)photocatalystic degradation mechanism光催化降解机理
5)mechanism of cleavage解理机理
6)dissolution mechanism溶解机理
1.The influence of those methods on environment and fiber properties is discussed according to the dissolution mechanism.本文论述了天然纤维素纤维的生产方法包括铜氨溶液、NMMO及LiCl/极性溶剂等对生态环境和纤维性能的影响 ,重点介绍了纤维素在LiCl/极性溶剂体系中溶解机理及各种溶解条件对溶解性能的影响。
2.Methods\ The influence of those methods on environment and fiber properties are discussed according to the dissolution mechanism and spinning theory.方法 从溶解机理及其纺丝原理上讨论了包括铜氨法、粘胶法、 NMMO(N-甲基 -吗啉 -N-氧化物 )法及 Na OH法对生态环境和纤维性能的影响 。
3.According to the change of transmissivity,the dissolution mechanism was concluded: the hydrogen bond between cellulosic fibers molecule broke up and the new coordinate bond Cd←O formed.纤维的溶解机理为:纤维素纤维分子间氢键断裂,且有新的化学键生成。

解离机理分子式:CAS号:性质:进行交换反应的化合物先解离成离子或自由基,当重新复合为分子时发生了同位素的重新分配,其通式是 AX0+BX*←→A+X0+B+X*←→AX*+BX0大多数气相分子的化学键的键能较高,只有高温下解离机理才适用。例如氢同位素歧化反应在温度不太高时,按半解离机理进行,需要催化剂。高温条件下,氢分子的解离度大到游离原子的平衡浓度可以和分子浓度相比时,解离机理开始起显著作用。