人体健康风险,human health risk
1)human health risk人体健康风险
1.In this paper,the human health risk of fire gases resealed from organ halogen flame-retardants during heating and combusting was investigated by fire life cycle analysis(Fire-LCA)method based on the principles of LCA and epidemic statistic data.本文基于LCA的原理,结合国外的流行病研究资料,健康统计资料和国内的有关统计资料,采用Fire-LCA的方法,依据归宿分析——效应分析——危害分析这一途径,研究了有机卤系阻燃剂火灾烟气通过不同介质和途径对人体健康的影响,提出了烟气污染物产生的人体健康风险的定量评价方法。

1.Preliminary Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Baiyin District;白银区重金属污染下人体健康风险的初步评价
2.Dynamic Analysis of Health Risk Assessment of Carbon Tetrachloride in a Groundwater Supple Source某水源地四氯化碳人体健康风险评价动态分析
3.Level of organochlorine pesticides in organisms of xiangshan harbour and assessment on human health risk象山港海域生物体中有机氯农药残留水平及人体健康风险评估
4.The Rregional Hhealth Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Aagricultural Products and Soil;区域土壤及农产品中重金属的人体健康风险评估
5.Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Multimedia Environment in Shen-fu Irrigation Area in Liaoning Province辽宁省沈抚污灌区多介质重金属污染的人体健康风险评价
6.Research on the Contaminated Sites Management and Remediation Based on the Human Health Risk Assessment基于人体健康风险评估的污染场地管理与修复研究
7.Con clu sion The viruses in the reused wastewater after conventional treatment for greening and irrigation of farmland presented less risk to human health.结论城市回用污水用于城市绿化和灌溉农用时,水中病毒对人体健康风险很小。
8.Health Risk Assessment to the Contamination of Underground Water in Dongshan Dump瑞安东山垃圾场地下水污染对人体的健康风险评价
9.Human Exposure Factors in Health Risk Assessment健康风险评价中人体暴露参数的国内外研究概况
10.Health risk assessment for personnels in downwind when DU hit tanks贫铀弹击中坦克致下风方向人员健康风险
11.risk ones fortune [health, life]冒着财产[健康,性命]风险
12.Quickening Systematical Innovation for Developing Well in Risk Industry加快体制创新,促进风险投资产业的健康发展
13.Health risk assessment of organic pollutants in water of Wuhan reach of Yangtze River长江武汉段水体有机污染的健康风险评价
14.Risk Assessment of Environmental Health for the PAHs in Regional Water Supply Source区域水源地水体多环芳烃健康风险评价
15.The Relationship between Self-rated Health and Mortality Risk of the Chinese oldest old;高龄老人自评健康与死亡风险的关系研究
16.Environmental Risk Analysis of Nano-TiO_2 Materials to Human Health纳米TiO_2材料对人类健康的环境风险分析
17.The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk个人账户保健康 社会统筹保风险——兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割
18.health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.为老年人服务的健康保险;65岁以上的人可享受的健康保险的联邦管理体系。

health risks健康风险
1.Viewpoints and analysis on the extremely low frequency fields health risks对极低频场健康风险的观点与分析
2.Through the study of concentration of heavy metal in farmland from the city epigenetic irrigated area, the difference of their ability of beneficiation and health risks were analyzed and compared.通过对试验区内玉米、小麦和土壤中重金属含量的研究,分析比较了作物对重金属的富集能力和健康风险。
3.In this paper the environment impacts and health risks were compared from the viewpoint of whole energy chain.将煤电与核电的环境影响和健康风险从全燃料链角度进行比较 ,结果表明 ,煤电燃料链的环境影响和健康风险比核电燃料链大。
3)health risk健康风险
1.Water source quality safety evaluation based on health risk assessment;基于健康风险的水源地水质安全评价
2.Pollution survey and health risk of BTEX in indoor air of public places;公共场所BTEX的污染特征、源解析及健康风险
3.Evaluation of Health Risk in 795 Governmental Office Workers;795名国家公务员心血管疾病健康风险评估
4)human health risk assessment人类健康风险评价
1.Based on the investigation of heavy metal pollutions on an abandoned metal smelter site in Shenyang, and by using the United States Environmental Protection Agency methodologies for human health risk assessment, the human health risk of the polluted soil on the study site was assessed.以沈阳某冶炼厂废弃厂区重金属污染监测为依据,采用美国环保局最新的人类健康风险评价标准方法对沈阳某冶炼厂废弃地块污染土壤进行了评价,并且假设未来该土地利用类型为工业用地(Ⅰ)或休闲用地(Ⅱ)。
5)Human health人体健康
1.Electromagnetic pollution caused by high voltage overhead lines and its harm to human health;高压架空线引发的电磁污染及其对人体健康的危害
2.Research on Influence of metallic elements in gangue on human health;煤矸石中金属元素对人体健康影响的研究
3.The Present Study Status of Impaction of Heavy Metal in Water to Human health And Lorrelative Countermeasures;水体中重金属对人体健康影响的研究现状及对策
1.Influence of chromium metabolism to human health and sport;铬代谢对人体健康及运动的影响
2.Relationship between human health and resveratrol in wine葡萄酒中白藜芦醇与人体健康

性生活与人体健康    性生活与人体健康    书名。苏联И·Ф·尤思达著,刘利民等译。作者参考最新的文献资料,利用本人的研究成果,在本书中向读者提供了有关性系统生理、性构造和性心理的发育以及性活动的心理卫生和生理卫生等方面必要的知识,对于所有达到性成熟的人均有裨益。有1990年教育科学出版社铅印本。