出口温度,Outlet temperature
1)Outlet temperature出口温度
1.The result shows that the outlet temperature by partial charged method is more steady and its discharging rate is higher than that by fully charged method.比较了两种冻结方式在蓄冷和释冷过程中的传热性能,结果表明,不完全冻结方式在释冷过程中盘管出口温度更稳定、释冷速率更高,给出了不完全冻结必须满足的条件。
2.On the basis of on-site data and in conjunction with the working principle of a power plant coal-pulverizer system a state-space dynamic mathematical model has been set up of the coal pulverizer outlet temperature and pulverizer inlet-air flow rate through an analysis of the coal pulverizer control system.基于现场数据 ,结合电厂磨煤机系统的工作原理 ,通过对其控制系统分析 ,建立了磨煤机出口温度和磨煤机入口空气流量的状态空间动态数学模型。
3.Two calculation methods for combustor outlet temperature of an aeroengine were described.概要介绍了某型航空发动机燃烧室出口温度的2种计算方法,结合发动机试车数据对采用2种计算方法得到的结果进行了对比分析。

1.If Outlet is COLDER than Inlet, temperature differential is minus (-).如果出口温度比入口低,温度差是减(-)
2.The outlet pipe of the VOD can reach temperatures up to120℃.VOD的出口温度能达到120℃温,所以必须预防接触。
3.Modeling of the Cooling Water Outlet Temperature of Closed Cooling Tower封闭式冷却塔冷却水出口温度的建模
4.A soft-measuring method to measure the core coolant temperature at the outlet of a nuclear heating reactor核供热堆堆芯冷却剂出口温度的软测量方法
5.Chen Chun-yuan,Sun Jia-qing,Research and Improvement on The Furnace Outlet Temperature Calculation Method in Utility Boilers电站锅炉炉膛出口温度计算方法的研究与改进
6.Outlet temperature characteristics of pneumatic pressure-reducing valve for hydrogen vehicles氢能源汽车车载气动减压阀出口温度特性研究
7.Use the outlet temperature of tension heat setting to control the production of polyester staple利用紧张热定型出口温度控制涤纶短纤维生产
8.Numerical simulation of an Aero-engine combustor exit temperature field某型航空发动机燃烧室出口温度场数值模拟
9.Variations of beth evaporating temperature and gas-cooler exit temperature have strong impacts on the EER of the system.蒸发温度和气体冷却器出口温度两工况的变化对该系统性能的影响程度相对较大。
10.Application of BP Neural Network to Predict the Extrusion Load and Exit Temperature Evolution during Extrusion Process基于BP神经网络的挤压力与挤压出口温度预测研究
11.Research on Temperature Distribution Measurement at Aeroengine Combustion Chamber Exit Based on Acoustic Wave Sensor基于声波传感器的航空发动机燃烧室出口温度分布测量研究
12.Calculation Method Analysis and Application of Combustor Outlet Temperature for an Aeroengine某型发动机燃烧室出口温度计算方法分析及应用
13.Computation of Lubricant Temperature at Outlet of Accessory Gearbox附件机匣出油口润滑油温度计算方法
14.The Numerical Simulation on Temperature Field by FEM and the Research by Experiment;挤出口模温度场有限元分析及实验研究
15.The Influence on Region Load by Limitting the Work Temperature of Air Condition;限制空调出风口温度对地区负荷的影响
16.Effects of Temperature on Outlet Ammonia Content of Brown Technology Ammonia Synthetic Tower and Products Output温度对合成塔出口氨含量及产量的影响分析
17.The axillary temperature is about1 degree Fahrenheit less than an oral temperature.腋窝温度比口腔温度大约低1华氏度。
18.The thermometer records 40oC.温度计显示出40℃。

exit temperature出口温度
1.The influnce of the surface contact conductance in crystallizing and rolling areas on the exit temperature of the strip was analysed by dividing the casting area into two segments.将铸轧区分成结晶区和轧制区两段 ,分析了结晶区和轧制区的界面接触热导对铸坯出口温度的影响。
2.Based on the aerodynamic calculation and using some experiential formula on flow and jet mixing,the exit temperature debugging method at a certain turbine combustor was studied according to the working condition and the overhaul experimental data.在气动计算基础上,借鉴有关流动和射流穿透经验关系,依据发动机工况及试车测试数据,针对某型发动机燃烧室,进行了通过改变掺混孔孔径调整出口温度场分布的计算方法研究。
3.The application of Grey models GM(1,1) in the exit temperature prediction of coal pulverizer is discussed .探讨了灰色预测模型GM(1,1)在磨煤机出口温度预测中的应用。
3)temperature at outlet出油口温度
4)the work temperature of air condition出风口温度
5)concrete out-of-mixer temperature出机口温度
6)outlet temperature出口温度,输出端温度
