双核菌丝,dikaryotic hyphae
1)dikaryotic hyphae双核菌丝
1.It was found in the study of ultrastructure of the septal pore apparatus indikaryotic hyphae of Trenlella fuciformis The pore cap consists not of a number of cupu-late bodies,but of a number of folded laminate bodies that are dome-shaped over thepore openings.在银耳(Tremellafuciformis)双核菌丝隔膜孔器超微结构的研究中,发现银耳孔帽分子横切时为两平行条形,而不是环形。
2)binucleate Rhizoctonia双核丝核菌
1.Uninucleate Rhizoctonia,binucleate Rhizoctonia and multinucleate Rhizoctonia were distinguished among the tested Rh.结果73个分离菌株可区分为单核丝核菌、双核丝核菌和多核丝核菌三大类,可能属于多个物种。
2.The nuclei of 57 Rhizoctonia isolates from 13 crops were stained by using Safranin O-KOH, among these isolates, three are binucleate Rhizoctonia, and the rest fifty four are multinucleate Rhizoctonia.比较了 5种不同的染色方法对丝核菌 (Rhizoctonia)菌株细胞核的染色效果 结果表明 ,番红O -KOH的染色效果最好 ,Giemsa、苯胺蓝 -甘油次之 ,染色效果最差的是苯胺蓝 -乳酚油及曲利苯蓝 -乳酚油 用番红O -KOH染色方法对分离自 13种作物的 5 7个丝核菌菌株进行细胞核染色 ,其中 3个菌株为双核丝核菌 ,其余 5 4个菌株为多核丝核
3.Twelve RAPD primers were used to assess the genetic variation of 23 isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia from different localities of Yunnan Province.利用12个随机引物对23个双核丝核菌菌株进行DNA指纹分析,结果表明,12个引物共获得210条多态性DNA谱带,多态性检测率为100%。
3)Nonpathogenic binucleate Rhizoctonia spp无致病性双核丝核菌
1.Cross Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp.Isolated from Thirteen Plants on Rice,Sweet Corn,Cucumber and Cabbage;13种植物丝核菌对水稻、甜玉米、黄瓜和甘蓝的交互致病性
2.Effect of Trichoderma viride on activities of Polygalacturonase in Rhizoctonia;绿色木霉菌对丝核菌多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性的影响

1.The Susceptibility of Ag of Rhizoctonia to Seven Commonly Used Fungicides;丝核菌菌丝融合群对常用杀菌剂敏感性测定
2.Research Progresses in the Biocontrol of Plant Diseases Caused by Rhizoctonia丝核菌属真菌病害生物防治研究进展
3.Studies on the Host Range of Rhizoctonia Ceralis禾谷丝核菌生物学的研究——Ⅲ.寄主范围
4.Etiology of Rhizoctonia Head Rot on Brassica Oleracea;包菜立枯丝核菌球腐病的病原学研究
5.The Antagonism of Metabolite by Trichoderma.Td31 to Rhizoctonia solani木霉菌株Td31代谢产物对立枯丝核菌的拮抗作用
6.Studies on the Anastomosis Group of Rhizoctonia Solani Isolated from Leguminaceous Crops and Their Redifferentiation in Xinjiang;新疆豆科作物立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群及其再分化研究
7.A Study on the Anastomosis Group of Rhizoctonia Solani K(?)hn Isolated From Cotton Fild and Their ReDifferentiation in Nothern of Xinjiang;新疆北疆棉田立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群及其再分化的研究
8.Anastomosis groups and vegetative compatible groups of Rhizoctonia solani from 11 leguminaceous crops in Xinjiang新疆11种豆科作物立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群及营养亲和群研究
9.Study on anastomosis groups and their pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from alfalfa in Xinjiang新疆苜蓿立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群及其致病性研究
10.form genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found.不完全真菌的形态的属一些被分类在薄膜革菌属和丝核菌属。
11.Studies on Esterase Isoenzymes of Rhizoctonia Isolates From Some Crops in Jiangsu Province江苏省几种作物丝核菌酯酶同工酶研究
12.Analysis of Maize R.solani AG1-IA-induced Genes Differential Expression;立枯丝核菌AG1-IA诱导玉米差异表达基因的研究
13.Studies on the Resistance Mechanism of Rhizoctonia Cerealis to Tebuconazole;禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia Cerealis)对戊唑醇的抗性机制研究
14.Primary Isolation Swainsonine from Rhizoctonia Leguminicola Culture Solution;豆类丝核菌培养液中苦马豆素的初步分离
15.Study on the Preparation of Biological Seed Coatings Controlling Soil-borne Plant Disease Such as Rhizoctoniosi Etc;防治丝核菌等土传病害的生物型种衣剂研究
16.The Effective Fungicide Election and Evaluation to Alfalfa Damping-off;戊唑醇对两种丝核菌致毒效应及防治技术研究
17.Cell-wall Degrading Enzymes Produced by Rhizoctonia Solani and Their Pathogenicity to Rice Plants;立枯丝核菌胞壁降解酶及其在致病中的作用
18.Production of Rhizoctonia Solani Toxin and Relationship between the Toxin and Its Virulence;立枯丝核菌毒素的产生及与致病力的关系

binucleate Rhizoctonia双核丝核菌
1.Uninucleate Rhizoctonia,binucleate Rhizoctonia and multinucleate Rhizoctonia were distinguished among the tested Rh.结果73个分离菌株可区分为单核丝核菌、双核丝核菌和多核丝核菌三大类,可能属于多个物种。
2.The nuclei of 57 Rhizoctonia isolates from 13 crops were stained by using Safranin O-KOH, among these isolates, three are binucleate Rhizoctonia, and the rest fifty four are multinucleate Rhizoctonia.比较了 5种不同的染色方法对丝核菌 (Rhizoctonia)菌株细胞核的染色效果 结果表明 ,番红O -KOH的染色效果最好 ,Giemsa、苯胺蓝 -甘油次之 ,染色效果最差的是苯胺蓝 -乳酚油及曲利苯蓝 -乳酚油 用番红O -KOH染色方法对分离自 13种作物的 5 7个丝核菌菌株进行细胞核染色 ,其中 3个菌株为双核丝核菌 ,其余 5 4个菌株为多核丝核
3.Twelve RAPD primers were used to assess the genetic variation of 23 isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia from different localities of Yunnan Province.利用12个随机引物对23个双核丝核菌菌株进行DNA指纹分析,结果表明,12个引物共获得210条多态性DNA谱带,多态性检测率为100%。
3)Nonpathogenic binucleate Rhizoctonia spp无致病性双核丝核菌
1.Cross Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp.Isolated from Thirteen Plants on Rice,Sweet Corn,Cucumber and Cabbage;13种植物丝核菌对水稻、甜玉米、黄瓜和甘蓝的交互致病性
2.Effect of Trichoderma viride on activities of Polygalacturonase in Rhizoctonia;绿色木霉菌对丝核菌多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性的影响
1.Studies on Genetic Diversity of the Fungus Genus Rhizoctonia in the Major Winter Wheat Growing Areas and Yunnan Province of China;中国冬小麦主产区及云南丝核菌属真菌的遗传多样性研究
2.Research Progresses in the Biocontrol of Plant Diseases Caused by Rhizoctonia丝核菌属真菌病害生物防治研究进展
3.One hundred and twenty-six isolates of Rhizoctonia spp.从广西21个县(市)的采集玉米纹枯病标本,经分离纯化后获得126个丝核菌属菌株,其中多核丝核菌121株,双核丝核菌5株。
6)single spore culture单核菌丝

2,2-双氯甲基-三亚甲基-双[双(2-氯乙基)磷酸脂]CAS:38051-10-4分子式:C13H24Cl6O8P2中文名称:2,2-双氯甲基-三亚甲基-双[双(2-氯乙基)磷酸脂]英文名称:2,2- bis(chloromethyl)-trimethylene bis[bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate] phosphoric acid, 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)-1,3-propanediyl tetrakis(2-chloroethyl) 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)trimethylene bis(bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate) 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)-1,3-propanediyltetrakis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate