意识形态渗透,ideology infiltration
1)ideology infiltration意识形态渗透
1.In the 21st century,we must be on guard against the Western ideology infiltration and develop the Open Policy.在新世纪里 ,既要扩大对外开放 ,又要警惕西方意识形态渗透

1.A Study on the Means of Ideological Penetration into Youth and Youth Organizations in Western Countries;西方国家对青年和青年组织意识形态渗透的手段研究
2.The Western Ideological Infiltration with the Background of Economy Globalization;经济全球化背景下西方意识形态的渗透
3.To Strenthen Contruction of the Power of Resisting the Ideological Concealing Infiltration加强防御西方意识形态隐蔽渗透能力的建设
4.Thirdly, the pervasion of western ideology will prick up and the ideological struggle becomes more complex than ever.三、西方意识形态的渗透会进一步加剧,意识形态的斗争将出现前所未有的复杂性。
5.Thirdly,the pervasion of western ideology will prick up and the ideological struggle becomes more complex than ever before.三、西方意识形态的渗透会进一步加剧 ,意识形态的斗争将出现前所未有的复杂性。
6.Conducting the Education about Anti-split and Anti-infiltration Struggle in the Ideological Sphere in Xinjiang Colleges and Universities under the Guidance of the System of the Socialist Core Value用社会主义核心价值体系引领新疆高校意识形态领域反分裂反渗透斗争教育
7.On a number of theoretical misunderstandings in the field of ideology;意识形态论域中的若干理论误区透视
8.An Analysis of the Causative Factors Weakening Ideological Perception in China;我国意识形态“淡化”现实原因透视
9.As the primary ideology, the relationship between Religion and Aesthetics is compatible and reciprocal in main aspects;作为意识形态中萌发很早而且互相渗透的元意识,宗教与美学的关系在主流上本来就是互容互惠的;
10.On the Impact of Laoshe s Consciousness of Life on the Figure Molding in His Novels;老舍的生命意识对其小说形象创造的渗透和影响
11.The Culture Consciousness Seepage in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职英语教学中的中西文化意识渗透
12.The Permeability of Cultural Awareness in Junior School English teaching;如何在初中英语教学中渗透文化意识
13.Discussion on the Infiltration and Cultivation of Healthy Consciousness in the Teaching of PE;论体育教学中健康意识的渗透和培养
14.The Permeability of Intercultural Awareness in College English Teaching;跨文化意识在大学英语教学中的渗透
15.A deep reflection on individuals in reality in The German Ideology and its realistic significance《德意志意识形态》中“现实的个人”的深层透视及其现实意义
16.A Full Analysis on Theory of Communication in The German Ideology and Its Practical Significance;《德意志意识形态》中“交往理论”的深层透析及其现实意义
17.The property or condition of being permeable.渗透,渗透性可渗透的特质或状态
18.Aesthetic Interaction and Transformation of Aesthetic Images in Oil Painting;诗意渗透与西方油画审美形象的嬗变

permeate consciousness渗透意识
3)Going Through the Ideological Fantasy穿透意识形态幻象
1.Manipulation of ideology and the translator s subjectivity on "equivalence"of translation;意识形态与译者主体性对翻译“对等”的操纵
2.Olympic Setting and Displaced Ideology;奥运布景与意识形态位移
3.Ideology,the Translator s Ideology and Literary Translation Strategy;社会意识形态、译者个体意识形态与文学翻译策略
1.Preliminary Study on Academic Classification of Ideologies;意识形态的学术分类初探
2.Reflections on Anti-separtion War in Ideologies;对意识形态领域反分裂斗争的思考
3.This paper sets out to identify tendencies in the representation of spoken and written discourse in newspapers,to outline how these tendencies accord with ideologies implicit in news production and to explain some of the reportage linguistic means in relation with ideologies and power.本文探讨了新闻报导中话语再现的趋势,并分析了这些趋势如何与新闻报导中没有直接表露出来的意识形态保持一致;认为新闻报导并不是绝对的、真正的客观报导,它总是采用一些语言手段来潜移默化地影响意识形态,因而是带有倾向性的。
1.Relation of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom s Consciousness and Chinese-western Culture;太平天国意识形态与中西文化的关系
2." By taking advantage of the system,the "Main Melody" culture is flexible and dynamic in serving "socialism of Chinese characteristics" and the "new consciousness.借助体制优势,"主旋律"文化变换战略与战术,使用更具弹性和富于活力的方式,表达服务于"有中国特色的社会主义"的"新意识形态"。
3.The global move of capital,commodity,telecommunications and news media has bombarded traditional value concept and social consciousness.资本、商品、通信和新闻媒介的全球流动对主权国家的传统价值观和社会意识形态形成巨大冲击。
