1.The Semi-Discretization of the System Consising of a Robot and Its Associated Safety Mechanism;机器人与其连带的安全装置构成的系统解的半离散化
2.In a redundant robot configuration with a buitt-in safety system,we structure an elementary step function to approximate the system repair rate in the system model and present the semi-discretization model which prorides the theory foundation for the further research of numerical calcalation.对具有内部构造安全保障体系的冗余机器系统中的修复率μ(x)用初等阶梯函数方法进行逼近,并给出了系统的半离散化模型,为进一步数值计算打下基础。
3.We structure an elementary step function to approximate the system repair rate in the system model,and present the semi-discretization model,which procides the theory foundation for the further lesearch of numerical calcalation.针对具有热储备的可修复平行系统模型中修复率U(X)用初等阶梯函数进行逼近,给出了系统的半离散化模型,进一步为数值计算打下了理论基础。

1.The Semi-Dicretization of Analyzing a Redundant Robot Configuration with a Built-in Safety System;内部构造安全保障体系系统解的半离散化分析
2.Numerical Simulation on Neutral Systems Based on Semi-discretization基于半离散化的中立型时滞系统的数值仿真
3.A Superlinearly Convergent Norm-Relaxed Method of Feasible Directions for Finely Discretized Problems from Semi-Infinite Programming;半无限规划离散化问题超线性收敛的模松弛可行方向法
4.A hole formed by etching through an oxide or insulating layer on a semiconductor wafer for the purpose of permitting diffusion into or deposition onto aselected area of the semiconductor.为了在半导体中选定的区域内扩散或沉积,在半导体圆片蚀刻氧化层或隔离层形成的孔。
5.Optimal Error Estimation on Semi-discrete Solution of Parabolic Equation;抛物型方程半离散解的最优误差估计
6.The Study on the Solution Existence and Convergence of a Population Developing System;关于人口发展方程半离散算法的研究
7.The Conley Index for Discrete Semidynamical Systems;离散半动力系统的Conley指标
8.Semi-implicit discrete scheme for solving one-dimensional shallow water flow equation半隐式的离散格式求解一维浅水流动
9.The Semi-Discrete Streamline Diffusion Finite Element Method for Time-Dependented Convection Diffusion Problems;发展型对流扩散方程的半离散流线扩散有限元解法
10.discretization of continuous time system连续时间系统离散化
11.maximization over discrete离散集合上的最大化
12.discretization:The act of making mathematically discrete.离散化:使成为数学上的离散形式的行为.
13.Semi-active control of cable vibration based on time discrete system基于时间离散模型的斜拉索半主动振动控制
14.On Semidirect Product of Discrete Groups and Crossed Product of von Neumann Algebras;关于离散群的半直积与von Neumann代数的交叉积
15.Nonlinear Semi-discrete Model of Investment Dynamic System;投资动力系统的一个非线性半离散模型
16.Semi-discrete model of nonlinear population evolution system;一类非线性种群发展系统的半离散模型
17.Error Estimates of The Semi-discrete Finite ElementMethod For A Class of Linear Hyperbolic Equations;线性双曲型方程半离散有限元方法的误差估计
18.EFG Solution of Parabolic Partial Differential Equation and Error EstimationEFG法解抛物型偏微分方程的半离散误差估计

semidiscrete formulation半离散化格式
1.Study on semi-discrete central-upwind scheme for the 2-D shallow water equations;运用半离散中心迎风格式计算二维浅水方程的研究
2.A semi-discrete mixed finite element method for Sobolev equation;Sobolev方程的半离散混合有限元法
3.Third-order semi-discrete central-upwind scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws;求解双曲型守恒律的半离散三阶中心迎风格式
4)semi-discrete scheme半离散
1.Under the semi-discrete scheme,the corresponding error estimates are derived without Ritz projection.研究了广义IMBq方程的各向异性有限元方法,在不需要传统的Ritz投影的情况下,得到了半离散格式下的误差估计。
2.In this paper we present the parabolic equation mixed element anisotropic analysis,we give error estimate of the semi-discrete scheme.讨论抛物型方程的混合元的各向异性分析,给出了半离散格式的误差估计。
5)discrete semi norm离散半模
6)discreet semigroup离散半群
1.In this paper,we discuss the weak convergence of convotution powers of probability measures on some kind of countable and discreet semigroups.讨论一类可数离散半群上概率测度卷积幂的弱收敛性 ,主要结果是利用局部群化的观点给出了概率测度卷积幂弱收敛的一个充分条件 。

离散时间周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示   (1)  式中χ((n))N为一离散时间周期序列,其周期为N点,即  式中r为任意整数。X((k))N为频域周期序列,其周期亦为N点,即X(k)=X(k+lN),式中l为任意整数。    从式(1)可导出已知X((k))N求χ((n))N的关系   (2)  式(1)和式(2)称为离散傅里叶级数对。    当离散时间周期序列整体向左移位m时,移位后的序列为χ((n+m))N,如果χ((n))N的离散傅里叶级数(DFS)表示为,则χ((n+m))N的DFS表示为