内在动因,internal motivation
1)internal motivation内在动因
1.The article, from the angle of the development of Marxism, the experience and lessons of the socialism revolution and construction, the external environment and the era, analyzes the theoretical basis of Deng Xiaoping’s economic practice, internal motivation, realistic foundation and contribution to the development of Marxism in China.本文以马克思主义的发展、中国社会主义革命和建设的经验教训;我国所处外部环境与时代特征等方面,分析了邓小平经济理论形成的理论平台、内在动因、现实基础和对马克思主义中国化的历史贡献。

1.The Inner Drive of China Swordsmen Literature Hot in 20th Century;论20世纪中国武侠文学热的内在动因
2.Internal Reasons for China s Choice of the New Strategy of Peaceful Rising;中国选择和平崛起新战略的内在动因
3.The Internal Reasons of China s Choosing New Peacefully Rising Road;中国选择和平崛起新道路的内在动因
4.On the Internal Motive of Regional Economy Disequilibrium Development in China我国区域经济不平衡发展的内在动因
5.Analyzing Inherent Reason of Afforesting the Interpersonal Relationships Inside Enterprises企业内部人际关系绿化的内在动因分析
6.The Preliminary Discussion on the Reform of Vocational and Technical Education Curriculum;职业技术教育课程改革的内在动因及发展理念
7.The Evolution of American Countervailing Policy to China and Its Internal Motivation;美国对华反补贴政策的演变与内在动因分析
8.Two-level Management in Universities;校系二级管理走向校院二级管理的内在动因
9.Analysis on the Internal Reason and Mechanism of Cold-stored Food Logistics;冷藏食品物流发展的内在动因与机制探析
11.Intrinsic Motivation and Essential Requirement of Legalization in Modern Administrative Management;现代行政管理法制化的内在动因与本质要求
12.Unhealthy Personality of College Students the Potential Reason of Anti-society Behavior;大学生不健康人格因素是引发反社会行为的内在动因
13.There are inner and external reasons for the enterprises to actualize the strategy.知识产权战略的实施,有其内在和外在的动因。
14.The Influence of Internal Power and External Factors on the Rising of American Research Universities;美国研究型大学的兴起:内在动力与外在因素
15.The automobile engine is an internal-combustion engine because the fuel (gasoline) is burned inside it.汽车发动机是一种内燃机,因为燃油(汽车)是在发动机内燃烧的。
16.Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in Intracranial Aneurysms and Arteriovenous Malformations;血管内皮生长因子在颅内动脉瘤和动静脉畸形中表达的研究
17.Study on the Dynamic Distribution of Lidocaine in Dogs After an Epidural Administration;利多卡因在硬膜外麻醉犬体内动态分布的研究
18.Pharmacokinetics of Rabeprazole in Chinese Subjects in Relation to CYP2C19 Genotypes;雷贝拉唑在国人不同CYP2C19基因型个体内的药动学

drivers of inter内在驱动因素
3)internal factors内在因素
1.The internal factors that affect the research are the experience of educational research,material,methods of educational research,and the time for the research.影响福建省小学教师开展教育科研的内在因素主要有科研经验、资料占有、科研方法掌握以及科研时间等问题;外在因素主要有外部环境支持、经费保障等。
2.Apart from the general characteristics a common principal should have, celebrated principals should possess special characteristics, the internal factors by which their successes are achieved.名校长首先应具备一般校长所具备的共性因素 ,但名校长的成功还有很多特殊的内在因素 ,这些特殊的内在因素是他们走向成功的主要原因。
3.The internal factors of style mainly consist of the three parts—meeting the particular needs of society,using the particular way of thinking and selecting the particular type of writing which are deeply related with each other.文体构成的内在因素主要由适应特定的社会需要、运用特定的思维方式、选择特定的语体形态这三个方面构成 ,而且彼此之间有着深刻的内在联系。
4)intrinsic factor内在因素
1.Analysis of intrinsic factors influencing teachers development;教师发展的内在因素分析
2.According to the main intrinsic factors influencing the development of the information environment, this paper analyzes on the main problems existing in the course of the development of our country s information environment, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.依据影响信息环境发展的主要内在因素,分析了我国信息环境在发展过程中存在的主要问题,并提出针对性的对策。
3.According to the international experience, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors play roles in the development of E-governance, but intrinsic factors are essential since they decide the direction and speed of E-governance s development, whether they are accommodate or not.根据国际经验,在电子政务发展的过程中,外在环境因素和内在影响因素共同起作用,而内在因素是根本的、第一位的,它的顺或逆,归根到底决定着电子政务发展的方向与速度。
5)inherent incentive内在诱因
1.So it is the key to solve the problem to illustrate the inherent incentives that cause it.然而,时至今日,这种古老而又野蛮的审讯方式依然存在,并成为我国司法体制的一颗顽固毒瘤,而诠释刑讯逼供产生的内在诱因是解决问题的关键。
6)internal cause内在原因
1.This paper is an attempt for a definition of academic corruption, and an analysis of its harm, internal cause and issues of its social control.认为学术资源分配中的利益失衡、学术的“失范”、学术民主的匮乏等是产生学术腐败的内在原因 ,主张通过重树学术诚信之风、建立学术公正制度以及通过正确处理学术自由与学术自律、学术惩罚与学术宽容的关系 ,来战胜学术腐
