1.The phenomena of predicates unmarked transferred-designation exist in ancient Chinese.上古汉语中谓词性成分存在无标记转指现象,有些转指是一种临时性的用法,有些转指则产生了新的名词。
2.The reflexive pronouns "己","自","身" all have the transferred-designation in ancient chinese language.反身代词"己"、"自"、"身"等在古汉语中皆有指代三身的转指用法,通过分析这几个反身代词在古汉语中的使用情况,并考察此类现象在古文献中的分布后,认为反身代词转指三身的用法并非其向三身代词的转化演进,也非此类代词语法功能的转变,而是由于古汉语的特点及语境导致反身代词的这种转指用法的产生,其自身表己称之功能并无变化。
3.In languages, the phenomena of self-designation and transferred-designation exist both in the word-formation level and in the syntax level.语言中的构词平面和句法平面上存在着自指和转指现象 ,构词平面上的转指不仅可以是有标记的 ,而且也可以无标记。
2)transferred referent转指
3)transferred reference转指
1.This thesis focuses on the De-structure, and uses the appellation from Zhu dexi s articles: On the Word De, De-structure and judgment sentence, Self-reference and transferred reference.“的”字结构又称“的”字短语、“的”字词组,本文采用朱德熙《说“的”》、《“的”字结构和判断句》、《自指和转指》的称谓,统一称为“的”字结构。
4)self-reference and transformation-reference自指和转指
5)A metonymic model of transferred designation of de-constructions in Mandarin Chinese转指和转喻
6)instruction transformation指令转换

1.A phrase often associated with a macro instruction, where one source language instruction is converted to several machine language instructions.通常与宏指令有关的一种用语,即把一条源语言指令转换成若干条机器语言指令。
2.Computer program that turns instructions in a high-level language into a form that the computer can understand and act on将高级语言指令转换为计算机可识别并照其执行的编译程序
3.Algorithm about transforming PLC ladder diagram to instruction list based on series-parallel merging method基于串并联归并的PLC梯形图向指令表转换算法
4.A movement from one set of instructions to another.转移从一套指令到另一套指令的转移
5.A transfer instruction to a subprogram.指向子程序的转移指令。
6.With an assembler, each source statement is converted to a single machine-level instruction.对于汇编程序,每一个源语句都转换成一条机器指令。
7.a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation.计算机可以直接使用而无须转换的一套指令代码。
8.With a compiler, a given source statement may be converted to any number of machine-level instructions.但对于编译程序,一个源语句可以转换任意数目的机器指令。
9.Number system conversion can be achieved via compilation language programming, but a number of instructions are needed.汇编语言程序进行数制转换速度快,但是需使用大量的指令语句。
10.A set of instructions that are executed between two successive branch instructions.两条相继转移指令间执行的一组指令。
11.negotiable order of withdrawal account可转让提款指令帐户
12.unconditional control transfer instructio无条件转移控制指令
13.branch or skip on condition条件转移或跳越-指令
14.Absolute Conditional Transfer Instruction and Relative Conditional Transfer Instruction;条件绝对转移指令与条件相对转移指令
15.Represents a general converter. Type of converter can be specified.表示普通转换器。可指定转换器的类型。
16.Specifies the translation of the subcategory. The translation is source specific.指定子分类的转换。转换是源的。
17.The specified transition type cannot be used on this transition.指定的转换类型不能用于此转换。
18.transfer from one domain into another, as of ideas and principles.指思想和原则的转换。

transferred referent转指
3)transferred reference转指
1.This thesis focuses on the De-structure, and uses the appellation from Zhu dexi s articles: On the Word De, De-structure and judgment sentence, Self-reference and transferred reference.“的”字结构又称“的”字短语、“的”字词组,本文采用朱德熙《说“的”》、《“的”字结构和判断句》、《自指和转指》的称谓,统一称为“的”字结构。
4)self-reference and transformation-reference自指和转指
5)A metonymic model of transferred designation of de-constructions in Mandarin Chinese转指和转喻
6)instruction transformation指令转换

世间转法转智转无尽【世间转法转智转无尽】  世间转者,谓展转摄前众生界、世界、虚空界也。法转者,谓展转摄前法界、涅槃界、佛出现界也。智转者,谓展转摄前如来智界,心所缘佛智所入境界也。盖此三转,皆言无尽者,以世法智之三种,展转含摄,无有穷尽,是名世间转、法转、智转无尽。