《荷塘月色》,Moonlight over the Lotus Pond
1)Moonlight over the Lotus Pond《荷塘月色》
1.On the Love Theme of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from Narratology;《荷塘月色》情爱主题的叙事学证明
2.Analyzing the Translation of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond——From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;语法隐喻对翻译《荷塘月色》的启示(英文)
3.On Translated Version of Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond;朱纯深译《荷塘月色》部分段落赏析

1."I see" the Lotus Pond--about the Analysis and Extension of "I" in Lotus Pond in the Moonlight;“我见”荷塘——关于《荷塘月色》中“我”的分析及引申
2.Realistic Understanding the Theme of the "Lotus Pond In Moonlight"--"Lotus Pond in Moonlight" has nothing to do with "4 ·12" coup d'état实事求是地理解《荷塘月色》的主题——《荷塘月色》与“四·一二”政变无关
3.Talk about Synaesthesia too--And concurrently analyses two sentences in" moonlight of lotus pool也论通感——兼析《荷塘月色》中的两个句子
4.On the Love Theme of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from Narratology;《荷塘月色》情爱主题的叙事学证明
5.Quering the Paint of Sexual Psychoanalysis in Lotus Pond Moonlight;关于《荷塘月色》“性”精神分析的质疑
6.On the Art of Describing“Shadow”in the Prose《Moonlight Over Lotus Pond》;《荷塘月色》中写“影”艺术的探讨
7.Analyzing the Translation of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond--From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;语法隐喻对翻译《荷塘月色》的启示(英文)
8.On Translated Version of Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond;朱纯深译《荷塘月色》部分段落赏析
9.Rhetorical Charm in The Lotus Pool by Moonlight and Green;浅谈《荷塘月色》和《绿》的修辞魅力
10.Doubt on both the Mood Making and the Perfect about the Works“Moonlight over the Lotus Pond”;《荷塘月色》意境构成与作品完满性质疑
11.Using the Scenes to Express One’s Emotion and Employing the Things to Reflect One’s Aspiration:about Zhu Ziqing’s Prose Moonlight on the Lotus Pond;借景抒情 托物言志——谈朱自清《荷塘月色》
12.Lotus Pond in Moonlight: An Aestheticist and Decadent Text;《荷塘月色》:唯美——颓废主义的文本
13.Interpretation of Zhu Ziqing s Masterpiece Moonlight in Water Lily Pond;心中的江南——读解《荷塘月色》的精神品格
14.The Analyse of the Language Style s Quanta Method in 《The Moonlight in the Lotus Pond》;对《荷塘月色》语言风格的量性分析
15.A quiet and beautiful picture--appreciation of "the moon over lotus pool;清幽美妙的图画——《荷塘月色》赏析
16.Literature Appreciation and Teaching Literature of 《Moonlight in the Lotus Pond》《荷塘月色》的文学解读和教学解读
17.An Aesthetic Approach to the English Versions of He Tang Yue Se;散文翻译中的美学视角:以《荷塘月色》英译为例
18.The Contrast between and Appreciation of Two English Versions of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond;《荷塘月色》两个英译本经典片段对比赏析

The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond《荷塘月色》
1.Behind Dreaming about Beautiful Woman s Right and Wrong——Summary contends which about"The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond";美人幻梦背后的是非之旅——关于《荷塘月色》争鸣的综述
2.The comprehension on the prose "The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond" written by Zhu Ziqing is always different,This article focuses on the common practice of Jiangnan intecllectual to ananlyse"The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond"as well as the deep sense and source of culture which was composed by Zhu Ziqing in his prose.从江南士风这一视角解读《荷塘月色》以及朱自清写景散文,并从中透析朱自清散文创作的深层文化心理和文化渊源。
3)Moonlight over the Lotus Pond荷塘月色
1.The Contrast between and Appreciation of Two English Versions of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond;《荷塘月色》两个英译本经典片段对比赏析
2.Moonlight over the Lotus Pond by Zhu Ziqing——a famous prose writer in China,is a favorite work for Chinese teachers and students and also one of the best examples of prose used for teaching Aesthetic.《荷塘月色》是散文家朱自清先生的杰作,历来为广大师生所喜爱,是用于审美教学最为理想的一篇散文。
4)the moonlight in the lotus pond荷塘月色
6)lotus pond荷塘

荷塘月色散文。朱自清作。1927年发表。写作者执教的清华大学内荷塘的景色。描绘了荷塘里的荷叶、荷花及其色、香,荷塘上的月光、月影,荷塘四周的杨柳及蝉声、蛙声,生动地再现了月夜荷塘的风致,反映出作者对当时社会不满,但又幻想超脱现实的思想矛盾。作品采用比喻、烘托等手法,极富诗情画意。 【荷塘月色】散文。朱自清作。1927年发表。写作者执教的清华大学内荷塘的景色。描绘了荷塘里的荷叶、荷花及其色、香,荷塘上的月光、月影,荷塘四周的杨柳及蝉声、蛙声,生动地再现了月夜荷塘的风致,反映出作者对当时社会不满,但又幻想超脱现实的思想矛盾。作品采用比喻、烘托等手法,极富诗情画意。