积极参与,positive participation
1)positive participation积极参与
1.Hannah Arendt works out a created consideration and interpretation on civic culture which based on "positive participation" which is republicanism tradition by analysis and definition of some conceptions,for instance,action and public realm and so on.阿伦特通过对行动、公共领域等概念的分析和界定,对建立在"积极参与"这一公民共和主义传统上的公民文化作出了极富原创力的思考和阐释。

1.a major player in world affairs.世界事务的积极参与
2.We were in the thick of it.我们正积极参与此事。
3.To participate actively in a cause or an enterprise.积极参与积极加入一项事业或一个企业
4.and takes an active part in the dialogue and cooperation process aimed at regional security.积极参与地区安全对话与合作进程。
5.Participating in Life Actively and Successful Aging;试论积极参与生活与成功老化的实现
6.childbirth during which the mother is encouraged to be an active participant.母亲积极参与的一种分娩过程。
7.The party was successful because everyone entered into the spirit of the thing.这次聚会因大家积极参与所以很成功.
8.The HKSAR will continue to participate constructively in these activities.香港会继续积极参与这些活动。
9.The party is successful because everyone enters into the spirit of the thing这次聚会因大家积极参与所以很成功
10.Silicon Valley companies are being enlisted into the War on Terrorism.硅谷公司正在积极参与反恐怖战争。
11.The party is successful because everyone entered into the spirit of the thing.这次聚会因大家积极参与所以很成功。
12.X. Active Participation in International Human Rights Activities十、积极参与国际人权活动
13.Teachers often encourage class participation.教师常鼓励学生积极参与
14.China will take active part in the new round of WTO negotiations.中国将积极参与世贸组织新一轮谈判。
15.to encourage small- and medium-sized enterprises to take an active part in the international cooperation鼓励中小企业积极参与国际合作
16.--Actively participating in international cooperation in the field of marine development.--积极参与海域开发的国际合作。
17.We are expected to participate actively in English class.要求我们积极参与英语课的活动。
18.China should participate actively in the new round of WTO agricultural negotiations.中国应积极参与wto新一轮农业谈判。

1.Case Study of a Worker in Online Course: How and What to Participate;远程学习积极参与者:参与方式与内容的个案分析
3)participant enthusiasm参与积极性
4)To participate actives积极参与与合作
5)participating in life actively积极参与生活
1.This paper introduces the new concept of "successful aging", analyses the relationship between participating in life actively and successful aging and discusses three practical ways to an active participation in life: maintaining healthful interests and hobbies, taking part in community service on a voluntary basis and resuming working.文章介绍了“成功老化”这一新概念,分析了积极参与生活与成功老化的关系,阐明了老年人积极参与生活的三种实践形式:维持健康的兴趣爱好、参加社区志愿服务、继续工作,指出发展社会支持网络对老年人参与生活从而实现成功老化的重要作用。
6)Readers active participation读者积极参与
