文化交融,cultural blending
1)cultural blending文化交融
1.The existence of interethnic marriage in Tachang promotes the harmony of local ethnic relations and cultural blending between different ethnic groups.族际婚姻的广泛存在促进了当地民族关系的和谐及各民族间的文化交融
2.Nowadays Foreignization in translation plays an important part in cultural blending and becomes the "ambassador" of it,with cultural exchange and blending getting more and more frequent.在文化交流、文化融合日益密切的今天,异化翻译的使命更显卓著,成为文化交融的"大使",担当了重要角色。

1.the policy of perpetuating native cultures (in opposition to acculturation).(为对抗文化交融)发扬本土文化的政策。
2.Looking at the Situation of Multicultural Amalgamation from Cultural Dissemination;从文化的传播看多元文化交融的态势
3.Inexorable Trend of the Times: Combination of Scientific Culture and Human Culture;时代的必然趋势:科学文化与人文文化交融
4.The Trend of Interfusion Between Humanities and Science;科学文化与人文文化交融——兼论全面素质教育
5.Ezra Pound: Bridge the Gap between Western and Oriental Culture从庞德意象派诗歌看中西方文化交融
6.A Study on a Dream of Red Mansions in the Prospective of the Cultural Integration of Manchu and Han;满汉文化交融视野下的《红楼梦》研究
7.The linguistic Contact of Qinghai Multicultural Adjacent;青海多元文化交融下的语言接触现象
8.The watchtowers in Kaiping, a classic example of integration of western culture and Chinese culture;开平碉楼——中西文化交融之经典作
9.Yuanqu Opera: Treasure of the Integration of the Refined and Popular Cultures;元杂剧——雅俗文化交融整合的时代瑰宝
10.Reflection on the Customs of Marriage in Macau in Perspective of Anthroplogy;澳门婚俗中西文化交融的人类学思考
11.Wilde in Cultural Exchange Between Chines and Western Aesthetic从中西审美文化交融的角度看王尔德
12.Promoting the integration of two culture to improve college students education in cultural quality;促进两种文化交融 推进大学生文化素质教育
13.A Discussion on Integration of Enterprisc Culture and Campus Culture in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校校园文化与企业文化的交融
14.The Combination of Medicine and Literature in the Yuan Dynasty;论元代文学与医学相交融的文化景观
15.Nomadism Culture and Farming Culture : Two Kinds of Culture Blendings together with Patching each other;游牧文化与农业文化:两种文明的交融与互补
16.Blending and Conflicts Between Traditional Chinese Culture and the Multi-Network Culture;中华传统文化与多元化网络文化的交融和碰撞
17.The Cultural Exchanges between China and Europe from the Aspect of the China Porcelain during the Reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty;从康乾年间外销瓷看中西文化的交融
18.Cultural Conflicts and Affinities in W.S.Maugham s Novels;毛姆小说中东西方文化的冲突和交融

cultural fusion文化交融
1.As one form of cultural exchanges, translation as a matter of fact a cultural fusion.作为文化交流形式之一的翻译实际是一种文化交融
2.As one form of cultural exchange, translation is as a matter of fact a cultural fusion.作为文化交流形式之一的翻译实际上是一种文化交融
3)cultural communication文化交融
1.As two countries bounded on each other, China and Vietnam have a long history of cultural communication, which can date back to ancient mythical times.在新世纪里 ,中越两国的文化交融必然伴随着全球化而日趋加强。
4)cultural mingling文化交融性
5)Chinese Culture Combination语文交融文化
6)multi-culture communication多元文化交融
1.A lot of the works of the Chinese oversea writers cover the description of the Chinese people s clashes with foreigners and their helplessness in multi-culture communication in foreign countries.海外华人文学作品较多的表现了华人在异国他乡多元文化交融中的冲突与无奈,岑岚的作品尤以表现这种冲突与无奈见长。
