习得环境,acquisition environment
1)acquisition environment习得环境
1.This paper talks about the creation of college English acquisition environment.本文对大学英语习得环境创设的相关问题加以论述。
2.Live Chinese teaching aims to create and make full use of the Chinese language acquisition environment, to promote the communicative approach, and to use real and natural language materials.实况汉语教学努力营造并充分利用汉语的习得环境 ,坚持教学过程的交际化 ,坚持使用真实、自然的语言材料 ,在汉语教学的同时 ,坚持国情文化的教学 ,在视听说三者的关系上相当灵活 ,在开设实况汉语教学的过程中 ,注意适时、适量 ,实况汉语教学只适合于解码类的课型。
3.In order to promote teaching effeciency,teachers should create better acquisition environment in language classroom.学习者学习第二语言的过程是以教师讲授和学习者自身感悟两种方式进行的 ,传统的教学往往忽视了后者 ,要提高教学效率 ,教师必须加强习得环境的营造。

1.How to Establish the Acquisition Environment for Primary English;学校+少儿英语教师+家长=良好的习得环境——浅谈如何营造少儿英语学习的习得环境
2.Research on Preschooler Language Acquisition Environment That Integrates "Seeing, Hearing and Doing;“视、听、做”一体化的婴幼儿语言习得环境研究
3.On the Enlightenment from Second Language Acquisition Environment Theory on University English Teaching;二语习得环境理论对大学英语教学的启示
4.The entire learning environment will be enriched.整个学习环境会显得丰富多彩。
5.You must learn words from the context.你得结合语言环境来学习字词
6.They say the home offers a better place for learning.他们觉得家庭提供了更好的学习环境。
7.Foreign Language Environment and the Efficiency of Foreign Language Competence Acquisition;外语环境与外语能力习得效率的研究
8.Vocabulary Competence and Vocabulary Acquisiton Strategies in EFL SettingEFL环境下词汇能力与词汇习得策略
9.An Investigation on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of College Students under Autonomous Learning Environment;自主学习环境下大学生英语词汇习得策略调查
10.Autonomous English Learning in a Simulated Environment on the Basis of SLA;从二语习得角度谈模拟环境下的外语自主学习
11.The study of Theoretical Foundations of Vocabulary Acquisition and Web-based Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies of College English;词汇习得理论基础与网络环境下大学英语词汇习得的策略的研究
12.Workshop on Access to and Dissemination of Information on Environmentally Sound Technologies [Seoul, 1994]关于取得和传播无害环境技术信息的讲习班
13.The Study of Language Output in Chinese Context and Second Language Acquisition;中国环境下的语言输出与第二语言习得研究
14.Influences Upon Foreign-language Learning by Expanding Environmental and Mental Space;扩大环境与思维空间对外语习得的影响
15.Quantitative Analysis of Influence of Environments on Students Second Language Acquisition;环境因素对二语言习得影响的定量分析
16.A Study on Probability and Strategies of Vocabulary Acquisition Based on Network;网络环境下的词汇习得可能及策略探讨
17.To Design Internet-based Cognitive-psychological Environment for Vocabulary Acquisition;基于网络技术的词汇习得认知心理环境设计
18.A General Comment on the Effect of Environmental Factors on First Language Acquisition;关于环境变量对儿童母语习得影响的研究

Language acquisition environment语言习得环境
3)Conditions for Spoken Chinese Acquisition口语习得环境
4)the environment for foreign language acquisition外语习得环境
1.The Approaches of Creating the Environment for Foreign Language Acquisition;创造外语习得环境的途径
5)natural environment of acquisition自然习得环境
6)contextual acquisition语境习得

焦虑习得反应理论焦虑习得反应理论learned response theory of anxiety  焦虑习得反应理论(learned respo”setheory of anxiety)焦虑的一种理论模式。此理论将重点不是放到个体的内心冲突上,而是着重阐述个体如何通过学习的历程将焦虑同某种情境联系起来。根据这个理论,焦虑是一种习得的反应。某种情境引起创伤性体验,这会使得一些人将两者联系起来;此后每当想到此情境或刺激时便立刻焦虑起来。由此可见,这是一种条件反射式的学习历程,焦虑是一种条件反应。有时候,人们采用逃避或回避的方式借以减少焦虑,即逃离或事先避开所怕的刺激情境。逃避和回避减少了焦虑体验,焦虑体验的减少反过来又强化逃避和回避行动。这样一来,焦虑者就没有机会来细心探查原先的那个刺激情境是否真的值得焦虑,是否有什么办法对付它。一些成年人一直回避那些在其童年时代诱发过焦虑的情境或刺激物,这种童年期习得的焦虑很难消退,其原因便是回避行为。这一理论得到一些临床观察的支持,对焦虑症的治疗有指导意义。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)