语言应用能力,language application ability
1)language application ability语言应用能力
1.The feasibility to improve students’ language application ability with way of focusing on applied ability training and conducting teaching based on different levels is put forward.提出了突出学生语言应用能力的培养,进行分层次教学,提高学生运用英语能力的可行性。

1.Cultivating Abilities to Use English in Comprehensive English Teaching--Giving An Example of Cultivating Intercommunicative Ability;综合英语教学中语言应用能力的培养——以语言交际能力的培养为例
2.Making Good Use of the Text to Improve the Learners Language Competence;发挥教材优势提高学生语言应用能力
3.New Concept in ZHC Examinations and the Cultivation of Students' Ability in Using LanguageZHC考试新理念与语言应用能力的提高
4.Comments on Developing Language Application Ability in Vocational English Teaching;浅议职教英语教学中语言应用能力的培养
5.Reforming the Teaching of College English to Cultivate Students Ability;改革大学英语教学,培养学生语言应用能力
6.On how to improve students English language competence in audio-visual-oral classes;谈英语视听说课中的语言应用能力训练
7.On Reforms in the Teaching System of Cultivating Postgraduates Abilities to Use English;培养研究生英语语言应用能力的教学体系研究
8.On Fostering Students' Applicable Ability of Language under New Situation论新形势下大学生英语语言应用能力的培养
9.To improve students practical skill of English language by reinforcing the teaching of listening and speaking;加强听说教学 提高学生的语言应用能力
10.On Creating English Language Environment and Enhancing Learners Communicative Competence;创造英语语言环境,培养英语应用能力
11.Creating English Language Environments and Enhancing Students Communicative Competence;创造英语语言环境培养英语应用能力
12.How to Train the Applicable Ability of Language and Writing for Higher Vocational Students如何培养高职学生语言文字应用能力
13.Improve the Function of Language Lab and Foster the Students Ability of Applying English Language;改进语言实验室功能 培养学生外语应用能力
14.The Development of Grammatical and Pragmatic Competence in L2:A Perspective of Verschueren s Theory of Adaptation;从语言顺应论看二语习得中语法能力和语用能力发展的关系
15.Create Language Environment to Improve Students Applying Ability;创造语言环境 提高学生的英语应用能力
16.Communicative Competence and Language in English Teaching;交际能力与交际语言在英语教学中的应用
17.Only through constant practice, can we improve our language proficiency quickly.只有不断练习,才能迅速提高语言的应用能力。
18.Linguistic Abilities & Linguistic Uses of Rural Residents in Tibet;西藏农村居民的语言能力及语言使用

language competence语言应用能力
1.Using scientific methods to strengthen the detection of the development of college students English language competence is not only one of the important contents and trend of college English formative assessment,but also one of the significant tasks of the College English teaching reform.采用科学的方法,加强对学生在学习过程中语言应用能力发展情况的检测,是大学英语形成性评价的重要内容及发展方向之一,也是大学英语教学改革的重要课题。
3)the applied ability of language语言应用能力
1.Aiming at the characteristics of university freshmen,teachers should ground students in the foreign language,strengthen students comprehensive development in listening,speaking,reading and writing;and foster students the applied ability of language and creative capacities.针对高等学校一年级新生的特点,在教学过程中给学生打好扎实的语言基本功,注重听、说、读、写、译各项语言技能的全面发展,突出语言应用能力、创新能力的培养。
4)language proficiency语言应用能力
1.The paper takes the cultivation of students language proficiency and language ability as astarting-point to probe into the current situation and importance of vocabulary teaching in higher vocational college(HVC).本文以培养学生语言知识和语言应用能力为出发点,探讨词汇教学的现状和词汇教学的重要性,并结合教学实践提出提高词汇教学效果的方法。
5)ability to use language应用语言能力
6)ability to use English language英语语言应用能力
1.The teaching approaches can greatly stimulate the students interest and enthusiasm,and have achieved the aim of developing the ability to use English language and to communicate each other in English.着眼高职高专护理专业学生学习英语的基础,根据专业及心理特点,遵循八大教学原则,有效开展教学实践,这种教学方法可激发学生英语学习的兴趣、热情,达到培养学生出色的英语语言应用能力和人际沟通能力的目的。
