语境策略,context strategy
1)context strategy语境策略
1.The application of context strategy in Chinese teaching is to let students take advantage of context and master methods of understanding language, and with this habit, to improve their Chinese diathesis.语境策略是指听读者在语境条件下和语用能力的基础上,运用语境进行话语理解的策略。
2.The relationship between vocabulary development and strategy use by vocabulary college students is probed based on the analysis of vocabulary ability and the use of context strategy after strategy training for 3 months.文章在分析高职院校学生词汇水平和语境策略使用情况的基础上,通过对实验组为期3个月的语境策略培训,探讨了语境策略和词汇习得的关系。

1.Obey and Disobey in the Language Context--Strategies of the Language Context;语境的顺应与悖逆——语境策略探微
2.The Contextual Deficiency and the Textual Adaptation Strategy in the Chinese Poem Translation;汉语诗词翻译中语境缺失与语境顺应策略
3.Inference the Word Meaning from the Context;英语语境中推理词汇意义的策略研究
4.Throughbreaking of Discourse--The Strategy of Violating Relevance话语突围——语境在关联中的悖离策略
5.On the Pragmatic Strategic Analysis of Interviewee in Contest of English Interview;英语面试语境中受试者的语用策略分析
6.“Requests” and Politeness Strategies in English Contexts;英语语境中的“请求”言语行为与礼貌策略
7.Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Senior Middle Schools in Line with the New Criteria of English Course;新课程环境下高中英语词汇教学策略
8.Study on the Teaching Strategies of College English Listening and Speaking under Multi-media Environment;多媒体环境下英语听说教学策略探讨
9.The Vision and Strategy of Citizenship Education in the Context of Internationalization;国际化语境中公民教育的愿景与策略
10.Compensatory Strategies on Cultural Context in C-E Translation;英汉互译过程中的文化语境补偿策略
11.An Elementary Introduction of Teaching Strategies of Large Class English Education;浅谈大班英语教学环境下的教学策略
12.The Language Environment and Strategy of Inbound Travel Service Communication;对外旅游服务语言交际的环境与策略
13.A Discussion of the Oversear Students Learning Strategy Related to the Vocabulary Context;留学生利用词汇语境学习策略之探析
14.On the National Literature’s Tactics in the Globalization’s Language Environment;论全球化语境中民族文学的策略应对
15.The Constraints of Informative Intention and Cognitive Environment on the Selection of News Translation Strategy信息意图、认知语境与新闻翻译策略
16.Characteristics of High Context Advertisements and Strategies of Their Cross-cultural Communication高语境广告特点及其跨文化传播策略
17.Context Effects in Lexical Chunks Acquisition and Teaching Strategy探析词块习得的语境效应与教学策略
18.The Strategy of Literary Theory in the Context of Culture-study文化研究语境下文学理论的应对策略

the strategy of contextualization语境化策略
1.Also, in this way, they should be encouraged to train themselves the strategy of contextualization.鉴于语境线索的应用价值,在英语专业泛读教学中,教师要积极引导学生利用语境线索来创设和构建语境,鼓励学生在应用语境线索中有意识地培养语境化策略,从而提高篇章理解能力。
3)Language Context strategy语言语境策略
4)Situational teaching strategy语境性教学策略
5)On Contextual Strategy试论语言语境策略
6)globe text monitoring strategies全局语境监控策略
