公众演说,public speech
1)public speech公众演说
1.Therefore, this paper extends a systematic study on strategies for translating metaphor of English public speech into Chinese.公众演说是介于口语体和书面体之间的一种独特文体,目前,对其隐喻翻译策略的研究还很少。
2.However,most of the researches have been done through pragmatic approach in the interrelationship between vagueness and diplomatic language in conversational aspect,few of them touch upon the diplomatic language in the domain of public speech,and even fewer has dealt with vagueness from the perspective of stylistics.因此,公众演说已成为西方国家一些大学、学院甚至是中学的必修课程,而语言学家和政治家们对成功演讲的研究始终热情如一。

1.A Study on Strategies for Translating Metaphor of English Public Speech into Chinese;英语公众演说中隐喻的汉译策略研究
2.Public speaking is adventurous for anybody else.公众演说对于每个人来说都是极其富有挑战性的。
3.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people.对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。
4.A long, pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.长篇大论的演说一种尤指对公众集会作的冗长而浮华的演说
5.The speaker fired the audience with enthusiasm.演说者激起听众的热情。
6.The crowd hooted at the speaker.群众对演说者起哄。
7.Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?
8.The audience thrilled to his speech.听众为他的演说所感动。
9.The speaker held his audience spellbound.演说者使听众听得入迷。
10.He is going to make a speech in public.他将当众发表演说。
11.The speaker inspired the crowd.他的演说鼓舞了群众。
12.The crowd fired away at the speaker.公众向演讲者发问。
13.It 's difficult for this shy girl to master the art of public speaking .对这位腼腆的姑娘来说,掌握公众场合演讲的技巧可不容易。
14.The mob howled down the lecturer.群众以吼叫声迫使演讲者停止演说。
15.demotic entertainments; demotic speech; a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms.民众娱乐;民众演说;对通俗韵律非常敏感的诗人。
16.Taft embarked in September 1909 upon a 13,000-mile speaking tour from Boston to the West Coast to assuage the popular discontent.为了缓和公众的不满,塔夫脱于1909年9月开始了从波士顿到西海岸长达一万三千英里的演说。
17.Second, speechmarking requires more formal language. Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar.其次,公开演说需要使用正式语言。听众对充满俚语、行话、和语法错误的讲话反应消极。
18.His speech ignited the crowd greatly.他的演说使群众激动万分。

Public-speaking skill公众演说技巧
1.Based on the teaching practice, the paper makes a substantial exploration on the training of the main interpreting skills as memory training, not-taking skill, public-speaking skill and paraphrasing.结合教学实践具体探讨了口译教学中的记忆技巧、笔记技巧、公众演说技巧和释义技巧的训练 问题。
3)public speech公众演讲
1.The paper is a qualitative and contrastive study with data proof of inaugural speeches and nineteen public speeches of Presidents of the United States from 1933 to 2005.以1933年至2005年美国总统就职演说和19篇公众演讲组成的语料库为基础,采用韩礼德功能语法理论,以数据统计为支持,从词汇特征、句法/语法特征、修辞三方面对美国总统就职演说进行定性对比研究。
4)public speaking公众演讲
1.From the perspective of this theory,the interpreter is delivering a public speaking when interpreting the source language into the target language.在释意理论的视角下,译员用译语将原语信息再现时,等于是发表了一次公众演讲。
5)public speaking course公众演讲课
1.A new oral course for advanced-level English majors — English public speaking course;英语专业口语教学新课型——公众演讲课的探索与实践
6)public speech公共演说
1.Based on a detailed analysis of some public speeches,the present study aims to apply relevant theories to explore the use of pragmatic strategies,such as the unconventional choices of person deixis,proper redundancy strategy and code-switching strategy in the public speeches.以公共演说的一些实例为语料,结合语用学的相关理论,对演讲语篇中所采用的非常规性使用人称指示语、适当冗余策略及语码转换策略等语用策略作一分析,以期教师在外语教学中,能注重培养学习者掌握正确的语用策略,提高他们的语用能力和教学能力。
