核心词句,core words and phrases
1)core words and phrases核心词句
1.In order to im-prove the quality and effectiveness of interpretation, it is necessary to analyze and discuss commonlyused discourses, styles and core words and phrases, and use interpretation examples from formal oc-casions to elicit interpretation rules of Chinese and Japanese.为了提高口译的质量和效果,有必要通过大量正式场合的口译实例,对正式场合中日口译的常用语篇、语体和核心词句等进行分析探讨,找出正式场合中日口译的规律。
2)head verb语句核心动词
1.Research on automatic acquiring head verb of Chinese sentences;汉语语句核心动词的自动获取研究
3)kernel sentence核心句
1.This paper analyses,in terms of the kernel sentence and surface meaning,translation of long sentences in scientific English,as well as the deficiency of the kernel sentence in translation.本文从核心句和表层意义来理解科技英语中的长句翻译,并分析了核心句在翻译过程中的缺点。
2.In terms of grammatical analysis, the same grammatical structures may embody different meanings; the relationships between words and words can be transferred from linguistic forms to the corresponding kernel sentences; the key to translation lies in the translation of meaning.奈达的翻译理论对于翻译实践有很强的指导作用:从语法分析角度来讲,相同的语法结构可能具有完全不同的含义;词与词之间的关系可以通过逆转换将表层形式转化为相应的核心句结构;翻译含义是翻译成败的关键所在。
3.In order to avoid the mechanically equivalent but stylistically unacceptable sentences in translation,Amerian translation thoerist Eugene Nida discusses seven kernel sentences in The Theory and Practice of Translation.奈达在《翻译理论与实践》一书中论述了七个核心句,本文将其概括为三类基本句型:1。

1.On the Semantic Structural Patterns of Chinese Core-Sentences;试论现代汉语核心句的句义结构类型
2.The Application of Eugene Nida's Kernel Sentences in the Sentence Translation from Chinese to English尤金·奈达“核心句”在汉英句子翻译中的应用
3.Key Words and Core Syntax of Symbolism of Tunpu(the village fortress) Text;屯堡文本符号化空间的关键词与核心句
4.Importantly, the syntactic head can be used to explain the behaviors of the construction.更重要的是,可以借助句法核心解释动结式的句法行为。
5.I'll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words.我将仅用几句话来概括辩论的核心要点。
6.The simple sentence is a kernel and sophisticated phenomenon in language studies.简单句是语言研究中一个核心而复杂的现象。
7.Japanese Overseas Students Prosodic Features of Nuclear Stress in Declarative Sentences;日本留学生汉语陈述句核心重音的韵律表现
8.Ba sentences: their kernel and peripheral patterns and how to teach them;把字句的核心与外围——以《红楼梦》前80回为例
9.Sytax the Base and Core of Chinese Grammatics;句法规律:汉语语法学研究的基础与核心
10.The Syntactic Limitation of "A Verb s Core" and Grammarizing of Verbs;一个动词核心"的句法限制与动词的语法化
11.The nature and the principles of X-movement: A theory of the syntax-morphology interface;核心移位的本质及其条件──兼论句法和词法的交界面
12.The Study of Amrican Students' Prosodic Features of Nuclear Stress in Chinese Declarative Sentences美国留学生汉语陈述句核心重音的韵律表现研究
13.The Null Preposition Hypothesis and the applicative construction: A syntactic study of thepost-intransitive-verb non-core arguments虚介词假设与增元结构——论不及物动词后非核心论元的句法属性
14.The resultative construction is a compound derived syntactically, so its head is the functional category which selects arguments for the verb.动结式是句法派生的复合词,其句法核心是为动词选择论元的功能范畴。
15.Listen again and check the ture sentences.再听一遍对话,核对句子
16.Situational semantics' kernel thought is from Frege's point that dividing a statement into assertion and the content of the sentence.境况语义学的核心思想正是来自弗雷格关于断定和句子内容相分离的观点。
17.Articulate your words carefully [clearly].要用心地 [清楚地] 把话 (一句一句) 说清楚。
18."All right, then, I'll say what I think's right.“那么,我说几句良心话。

head verb语句核心动词
1.Research on automatic acquiring head verb of Chinese sentences;汉语语句核心动词的自动获取研究
3)kernel sentence核心句
1.This paper analyses,in terms of the kernel sentence and surface meaning,translation of long sentences in scientific English,as well as the deficiency of the kernel sentence in translation.本文从核心句和表层意义来理解科技英语中的长句翻译,并分析了核心句在翻译过程中的缺点。
2.In terms of grammatical analysis, the same grammatical structures may embody different meanings; the relationships between words and words can be transferred from linguistic forms to the corresponding kernel sentences; the key to translation lies in the translation of meaning.奈达的翻译理论对于翻译实践有很强的指导作用:从语法分析角度来讲,相同的语法结构可能具有完全不同的含义;词与词之间的关系可以通过逆转换将表层形式转化为相应的核心句结构;翻译含义是翻译成败的关键所在。
3.In order to avoid the mechanically equivalent but stylistically unacceptable sentences in translation,Amerian translation thoerist Eugene Nida discusses seven kernel sentences in The Theory and Practice of Translation.奈达在《翻译理论与实践》一书中论述了七个核心句,本文将其概括为三类基本句型:1。
4)kernel sentence pattern核心句式
5)sentence core句子核心
6)mononuclear sentence单部句;单核心句
