盐成分,component of soluble material
1)component of soluble material盐成分
2)Salt lake composition盐湖成分
3)salt compositions盐分组成
1.Characteristics about distribution of salt compositions in Ningxia Majiatang salinized soil after irrigation;宁夏马家塘盐化土壤灌水前后盐分组成的分布

1.Characteristics about distribution of salt compositions in Ningxia Majiatang salinized soil after irrigation宁夏马家塘盐化土壤灌水前后盐分组成的分布
2.The Salinity Composition and Distribution Characteristics in Saline-Sodic Soil Profile under Different Land Use不同利用方式的苏打盐渍土剖面盐分组成及分布特征
3.Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and form part of the gastric juice.胃里可分泌出盐酸,而盐酸是胃液的组成部分。
4.Flour, liquid, salt, and yeast are constituent parts of bread.面粉,水,盐和酵粉是面包的组成成分。
5.Characteristics and Distribution of Soil Salinity in Soil Profile in Shule Irrigated Areas of Gansu疏勒河灌区土壤剖面盐分分布及组成特征分析
6.Components and changes in flavor compounds of water-boiled salted duck pre-and post-irradiation盐水鸭辐照前后风味成分的组成及变化
7.Application of Microcomputer in salts and Salt Lake Brine Analysis微型计算机在盐类和盐湖卤水组成分析中的应用
8.Effect of boron on composition and microstructure of the siliconized layers prepared by electrodeposition in molten salts硼对熔盐电沉积渗硅层成分及组织结构的影响
9.This layer is made of98 percent water along with small amounts of salt, proteins and other compounds.这一层是由98%水和少量盐分、白质和其它成分组成的。
11.Examples: sodium chloride( common salt); carbonates, sulphates and phosphates of sodium, potassium, and magnesium; besides calcium phosphates and iron.如:氯化钠(盐)由钠、、组成的碳酸盐、酸盐、酸盐,及磷酸钙和铁等。
12.relating to or living in or consisting of water that is not salty.与没有盐分的水相关、生活在这种水里或者由这种水组成。
13.Partition of Sequence Strata and Discussion about Salt-rock Resource in Shahejie Formation of Eogene, Dongpu Depression东濮凹陷下第三系沙河街组层序地层划分及盐岩成因探讨
14.Synthese, Structure, and Property Study of Polyoxometalate Crystals Assembled by Supramolecular Interaction;超分子力组装的多金属氧酸盐晶体的合成、结构和性质研究
15.Syntheses, Structures and Properties of Supramolecular Assemblies Based on Organic Amines and Polyoxometalates;有机胺——多金属氧酸盐超分子组装体的合成、表征和性质研究
16.Self-assembled Synthesis, Structures and Properties of Biology Molecules and Polyoxometalates of Anderson Type;Anderson型多金属氧酸盐与生物分子的自组装合成、结构与性质
17.The Research of Change of Population Structure of Artemia Parthenogenetica and Taxonomic Status of Bisexual Artemia, in the Four Coastal Salterns of Liaoning Province, China;辽宁沿海盐场卤虫种群组成的变化及两性种的分类地位研究
18.Synthesis, Structures and Properties of Supramolecular Assemblies Based on Classical Polyoxometalates经典多金属氧酸盐超分子组装体的水热合成、结构和性质研究

Salt lake composition盐湖成分
3)salt compositions盐分组成
1.Characteristics about distribution of salt compositions in Ningxia Majiatang salinized soil after irrigation;宁夏马家塘盐化土壤灌水前后盐分组成的分布
4)saline-alkali component盐碱成分
1.Chemometrics analysis on the saline-alkali components of some main wild-hemp growing soils in Xingjiang;新疆野麻主产区土壤中若干盐碱成分的化学计量学分析
5)basic ingredient盐性成分
6)salinization components盐碱化成分
1.Variation characteristic of salinization components in water environment of Song-Nen plain west;松嫩平原西部水环境中各盐碱化成分的变异特征

茶卡盐湖  青海省开发最早的盐湖,迄今已有300多年的开采历史。位于乌兰县东小盆地内,属共和盆地最西部分。湖面海拔3059米,其外围山地海拔均超过4000米。湖北茶卡乡高出湖面约20米,年均高温9.7℃,年降水量212毫米,为温带内陆荒漠气候。湖水属钠盐型,渐趋干涸,盐层厚,距地面近,蕴藏量大,每平方公里达370万吨以上。茶卡盐厂全部为机械化采盐,年产30万吨。盐厂靠近青藏公路,又有铁路专用线连接青藏铁路,运输便利。