浪涌电压和电流,inrush voltage and current
1)inrush voltage and current浪涌电压和电流
1.Unreasonable selection of dead time can make inverting components to produce higher inrush voltage and current and even damaged.死区时间选择的不合理会使逆变器件产生过高的浪涌电压和电流甚至损坏。
2)surge voltage/surge current浪涌电压/浪涌电流
3)voltage surge电压浪涌

1.When avoltage surge occurs, it activates a circuit breaker in the surge protector,protecting the computer system.电压浪涌发生时,就会激活浪涌电压保护器中的断路器,从而保护计算机系统。
2.The Coordination Mechanism of Cascaded SPDs in Low Voltage Distribution Systems低压配电系统中浪涌保护器配合机理
3.Random Model and Solution to Surge and Waterhammer;水电站水击和调压室涌浪的随机数学模型及其求解
4.When the wave wells up the regulation that the voltage is greater than the gas and in charge of, gas in charge of discharge earth connection too high voltage, Protect the apparatus systematically.当浪涌电压大于气体管的规定时,气体管会将过高的电压放电接地,保护系统器材。
5.Varistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 2: Sectional specification for surge suppression varistorsGB/T10194-1997电子设备用压敏电阻器第2部分:分规范浪涌抑制型压敏电阻器
6.Calculation of Lifting Force and Surge during Closure of Cate in Surge Chamber调压室闸门关闭时的吊力与涌浪计算
7.A Design of Switching Power Supply Circuit with Lightning Surge Protection一种防雷击浪涌的开关电源电路设计
8.At the severalty microseconds twinkling of an eye, well up to the dozens ofth kilovolt of at voltage at waves /rice, bear enormous load of whole systems, May damage the equipment in consequence.在几微秒的瞬间,浪涌电压高达几十千伏/米,整个系统将承受巨大的负载,后果可能损坏设备。
9.Elimination of Switching Power Supply Surge Current with "Soft-start Circuit"利用“软启动电路”消除开关电源浪涌电流
10.Analytical Solution for Surges in Throttled Upper Chamber Surge Tank Following Load Rejection阻抗上室式调压室突弃全负荷时涌浪的解析解
11.Power Ports and Intra梑uilding Ports Lightning Surge Tests of the NEBS AuthenticationNEBS认证——电源端口和室内端口的雷击浪涌
12.Analysis and Evaluation of Surge Wave Caused by Accumulation Body Failure in Reservoir Area near the Dam某水电站近坝库区堆积体坍岸涌浪分析与评价
13.An Investigation on Lightning Surge Protection of Low-Voltage AC Power Lines;低压交流电源线路的雷电电涌防护研究
14.Surge suppressor and low-order harmonic filter can improve power supply quality.利用浪涌抑制器和低次谐波滤波装置,可有效改善供电质量。
15.Research on Mechanism Analysis and Suppression Technology with Respect to EFT and Surge电快速瞬变脉冲群和浪涌干扰机理与抑制技术研究
16.Huge waves surged over the rocks.一排排巨浪涌向石滩。
17.The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.海浪汹涌地拍击着沙滩
18.The boat was swallowed up by the boiling waves.船被汹涌的浪涛吞没。

surge voltage/surge current浪涌电压/浪涌电流
3)voltage surge电压浪涌
4)Surge Voltage浪涌电压
1.Simulation and damp methods of surge voltage during the IGBT switching off in inverter;IGBT变频器的关断浪涌电压仿真分析及其抑制方法
2.The analysis literature about the establishment of working mode for series induction heating power supply was appreciably deficient,especially the mechanism of surge voltage forming during current commutation when inverter worked on different mode.通过对电压源逆变器工作方式的分析,研究了电流换相过程中浪涌电压的产生机理,并据此确定了逆变器的工作方式与控制方式。
3.The inverter uses opetimal phase angle control scheme to suppress the surge voltage during the commutation of current.为了抑制电流换相期间的浪涌电压,逆变器采用最佳相角控制。
5)surge current浪涌电流
1.The restraining surge current of capacitor using transformer;利用变压器抑制电容浪涌电流
2.The defects of the traditional methods of internal limiting surge current are pointed out.指出内置式限制浪涌电流方法的局限,提出了一种外置式限制浪涌电流的新方法——交流型KJH浪涌电流限制器,浪涌电流仅比正常工作电流峰值大1~2倍。
3.The limitations of the traditional methods of limiting surge current, such as bigger energy consumption, second surge current and function failure are pointed out.指出了功耗大、二次浪涌和功能不动作是传统限制浪涌电流方法的缺陷。
6)rush current浪涌电流
1.Using the techniques of DAC control and soft-start voltage sense,the rush current and overshoot of the output voltage during start-up are eliminated effectively,allowing for a smooth output voltage ramp from zero to regulation.提出了一种基于DAC(digital-to-analog converter)控制的数字软启动电路,利用DAC控制和软启动电压检测技术,有效抑制了DC-DC开关电源启动过程中产生的浪涌电流和输出电压过冲,实现了输出电压从零到调整值的平坦上升。
2.A novel CMOS-compatible soft-start circuit for DC-DC switching regulator is presented,by using the technique of current limit and digital soft-start,which eliminates the rush current and the overshoot of the output voltage during start-up effectively.提出了一种基于CMOS工艺的新颖软启动电路,该电路利用限流和数字软启技术,实现了输出电压快速、稳定软启,有效抑制了DC-DC开关电源启动过程中所产生的浪涌电流和输出电压过冲。

皮浪  古希腊怀疑论的主要代表。爱利斯人。曾参加亚历山大军队的远征,到过印度。他认为由感觉和理性得来的知识都不可靠,要认识客观世界是不可能的,甚至客观世界是否存在也是可疑的。人既不能从自己的感觉也不能从自己的意见来说事物是真的或假的,应当毫不动摇地坚持不发表任何意见,不作任何判断,对任何一件事情都说,它既不是不存在,也不存在。他认为,人的行为只是按照风俗习惯所作的约定,无所谓光荣不光荣,正当不正当,也没有任何事物是美的或丑的;因此,没有一件事情可以肯定下来,因为人们对任何一个命题都可以说出相反的命题来。在他看来,最高的善就是不作任何判断,不要任何知识。他主张对一切都要无动于衷,不作任何反应,以免引起无谓的争论和烦恼。只有这样,才能得到灵魂的安宁。据第欧根尼·拉尔修说,有一次皮浪在船上遇着风暴,同船人都很害怕,他却指着船上仍在安静地吃东西的一头猪说:聪明人应该象这猪一样不动心。皮浪的这种怀疑论否定了知识和科学,反映了奴隶主阶级的没落心理。