训练模型,training model
1)training model训练模型
1.This paper analyses the statistics of body slam in sanda and discusses the importanc of body slam and related factors,and proposes a training model.对散打竞技场上运用下潜抱摔进行量化分析,探讨其在比赛中的重要性及影响其得分的相关因素,并依此构建了其训练模型

1.Simulating training and training effect for shot-putters under strength control;铅球技术训练模型设计及其应用研究
2.The system mode of the coaches role to athletes during the process of trainning;教练员对运动员训练作用的系统模型
3.Research on Conceptual Model of Requirements Analysis for Equipment Command Training装备指挥训练模拟需求概念模型研究
4.Modeling for the Equipment Exercise and Test System based on ER Model基于ER模型的装备训练考核系统建模
5.Full update recreates and trains the mining model完全更新将重新创建并训练挖掘模型
6.Parameters Training Problem on Some Special HMMS;几类特殊隐马氏模型的参数训练问题
7.Study on Capability Theory and Model of Equipment Support Training;装备保障训练能力理论及其模型研究
8.The Regulation of GS for Training of Track and Field;田径运动训练中的灰色系统模型控制
9.The model for evaluation of fire training work effect applied by BP networks;BP网络在消防训练评价模型中的应用
10.A Modified Training Algorithm of Hidden Markov Model;一种改进的隐马尔可夫模型训练算法
11.Development of Input-Output Model of Competitive Sports Training System;竞技体育训练系统投入产出模型设计
12.Model System on Main Training Targets of Men s hammer throwing;男子链球主要训练指标体系模型研究
13.Research and Implementation of Semi-Supervised Based Self-Training Classification Model半监督自训练分类模型的研究与实现
14.Research on Conceptual Model of Mission Space for Equipment Command Training装备指挥训练任务空间概念模型研究
15.Impostor Selection for SVM Models Training in Speaker Verification用于SVM话者模型训练的冒认话者选取
16.Design of Missile Training Simulator Based on ADAM基于ADAM的某型导弹模拟训练系统设计
17.Design of Simulative Training System For HUD某型飞机平显火控模拟训练系统设计
18.Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Certain Refueling Equipment某型加油装备的半实物模拟训练系统

model training模型训练
1.The latest development in the areas of the feature extraction, model training and classification is reviewed and the trend and rubs are also discussed.详细介绍了说话人识别的基本原理,从特征提取、模型训练和分类等几个方面就近年的主要研究情况进行综述和评价,并在此基础上探讨了研究难点和发展前景。
3)discriminative model training区分性模型训练
1.Considering the characteristics of such features and differences between audio types,a hierarchical discrimination algorithm was proposed based on discriminative model training and feature filtration,which trained GMMs(Gaussian mixture models) in each layer and selected the feature subset resulting in maximal separability for them.根据该特征参数的特点以及各类音频之间的差异,给出了一种区分性模型训练和特征筛选相结合的多级二分类音频分类方法,即为各级建立GMM(Gaussian mixture model)模型的同时挑选出使当前模型区分程度达到最大的特征子集。
4)Mixed Training Model(MTM)混合训练模型
5)Audio Training Pattern语音模型训练
6)model training of artillery weapons炮兵器训练模型

AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片