1.On Development Status of the New Seaside Tourist Villages around Beibu Gulf Tourism Circle and Corresponding Countermeasures——A Case Study of Sanniangwan Village of Qinzhou“北部湾旅游圈”滨海旅游新村发展现状及对策——以广西钦州三娘湾村为例

1.On Development Status of the New Seaside Tourist Villages around Beibu Gulf Tourism Circle and Corresponding Countermeasures--A Case Study of Sanniangwan Village of Qinzhou“北部湾旅游圈”滨海旅游新村发展现状及对策——以广西钦州三娘湾村为例
2.It is said that she was the 23rd daughter of the Western Goddess Mother,据说她是西母娘娘的第二十三个女儿,
3.The Bitterness and Dream of Confined Maidens Cinderella and the Third Miss;灰姑娘与三姑娘闺阁中的无奈和梦想
4.Another Kind of Uglification: to Interpret Outlaws of the Marshels Revolving around Three women;另一种丑化——以扈三娘、孙二娘、顾大嫂为考察对象
5.A bride is diligent for three days.新娘子三天勤快。(新官上任三把火。)
6.On the Relationship Between Mongolian and the Hans in the Late of Ming Dynasty through San Niangzi's Marrying Four Kings三娘子四嫁顺义王与明末蒙汉关系
7.You hens cut out that conversation in there!娘儿们别在里面说三道四!
8.The Original story of Aunt Lotus in Strange Stories from a Scholar s Studio;《聊斋志异·荷花三娘子》本事琐证
9.She went to the Temple of the Goddess of Fertility and asked for a magic prescription, which called for a little incense ash and two or three medicinal herbs.到娘娘庙,她求了个神方:一点香灰之外,还有两三味草药。
10.Three or four of them started chasing one girl, chasing her toward the grove.'约摸有三四个姑娘联合起来追逐一个姑娘,追着她向柑橘林跑来。
11.The Birth of a God-an Analysis of the Godliness Process of the Nantang Taijun Niangniang in the Tai Lake Basin一个神灵的诞生——太湖流域南塘三殿太均娘娘神灵化过程探析
12.Minzhi is only a 13-year-old girl who has finished her primary school.敏芝只是位刚刚念完小学的十三岁的小姑娘。
13.Do you know how many men go to see Mademoiselle San-the girl who lives behind the grocer's shop in Chien Street?前街杂货店里的三姑娘做的哪几户客人?
14.Fortunately, Jou-chia seldom went to her parents' home, going only to her aunt's house every second or third day.幸而柔嘉不常回娘家,只三天两天到姑母家去顽。
15.Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。
16."He is already three. There's a saying, `a child of three can move about free.' So he can be left alone.“有五岁了,古人说,‘三周四岁离娘身,’可以离开你了。
17.I see that John has been going around with the same girl for three months now.我看见约翰三个月一直和一个姑娘在一起。
18.The Rebel of Cui Ying-ying,Du Li-niang and Lin Dai-yu;反叛高歌三人奏——崔莺莺、杜丽娘、林黛玉形象分析

1.Sanniangzi s Contribution on the Friendship between Mongolia and Han in Late Ming Dynasty;三娘子对明末蒙汉和平友好关系的贡献
2.Sanniangzi was an outstanding female politician of Mongolian nationality during Longqin and Wanli time in Ming Dynasty.三娘子是明朝隆庆、万历年间一位杰出的蒙古族女政治家。
3.Sanniangzi is a women hero of Mongolian, at the same time, her understanding of China\'s history also had a very far-reaching consequences.三娘子是蒙古族的女英雄,同时,她对中国的历史也产生了极其深远的影响。
3)Chen San and Wu Niang陈三五娘
1.Of all the literary styles of Chen San and Wu Niang,like folk songs,spoken operas,traditional operas,fictions,legends,the earliest kind,as far as we know,is the traditional operas,which include Story of Lizhi and Mirror(《荔镜记》) in the 45th year of the Jiajing period of the Ming dynasty(1566) and Story of Lizhi(《荔枝记》)in the 9th year of the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty(1581).在所有关于陈三五娘的文学作品如歌谣、说唱、戏曲、小说、传说等诸种体裁中,今天能够看到的最古老的版本却属戏曲类型,有刊刻于明嘉靖四十五年(1566年)的《荔镜记》和刊刻于万历九年(1581年)的《荔枝记》。
4)the third miss三姑娘
5)Third Wife Lectures Her Son三娘教子
6)Aunt Lotus荷花三娘子
1.The Original story of Aunt Lotus in Strange Stories from a Scholar s Studio;《聊斋志异·荷花三娘子》本事琐证
