旅游与交通一体化模型,Integrated Model of Tourism and Transportation
1)Integrated Model of Tourism and Transportation旅游与交通一体化模型
2)tourist traffic pattern旅游交通模式

1.Mountain Tourist Traffic Pattern Based on Tourist Traffic Trip Chain基于旅游交通出行链的山地旅游交通模式研究
2.Research on the Harmonious Development of Tourism in Tibet Viewed from Tourist-Host Interaction;从旅游客主交互行为模式看西藏旅游和谐发展
3.The Sustainable Use Model of Tourist Resources in Three Gorges Reservoir Area After Traffic Pattern Changes交通新格局与三峡库区旅游资源可持续利用模式
4.Tourism Project: Development of tourist spots and tourist products, improvement of travel facilities and upgrade of tourist facilities.旅游项目:开发旅游景区和旅游产品,改善旅游交通和更新旅游设施。
5.Interactive Teaching Mode in Tourism Oral English Learning交互式教学模式在旅游英语口语教学中的运用
6.On the Shape of Tour Traffic of folk-custom within the Scenic Spots in Sichuan;浅探四川风景名胜区内民俗化的旅游交通形式
7.Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process Optimizes the Choice for Tourism Transportation Modes;应用层次分析法优化旅游交通方式选择
8.On the Leaping Development of Yangzhou s Tourist Industry Under the New Traffic Pattern;论新的交通格局下扬州旅游业的跨越式发展
9.Research and experiment on model for installation of roads tourism traffic signs in Beijing北京市道路旅游交通标志设置模型研究和试验
10.VII. Transportation, Post, Telecommunications and Tourism七、交通、邮电和旅游
11.On the Training Model of Cross-Cultural Communication Competence of Tourism College Students;旅游院校学生跨文化交际能力的培养模式
12.Primary Analysis on a New Model of Life-style for Old People-"Migrant" Tourism;浅析老年旅游的新模式——“候鸟式”旅游
13.A New Mode of Tourism Management and Administration--Study on the Mode of Tourism Management and Administration about Dali Tourism "IC Card";旅游行业经营管理的新模式——对大理旅游“一卡通”经营管理模式的探讨
14.The Empirical Research on Travel Behavior Pattern of Foreign Visitors Traveling in China;旅华外国游客旅游行为模式实证研究
15.A Study on the Travel Behavior Mode of China s Foreign Commercial Tourist;旅华外国商务游客旅游行为模式研究
16.Creative Travel:An Innovative Developmental Pattern in Tourism;创意旅游:旅游产业发展模式的革新
17.Travel 2.0:Building the New Tourism Service Pattern;旅游2.0:构建新的旅游服务模式
18.Medical Tourism:The new Developmental Pattern of Tourism Industry in Xi'an医疗旅游:西安旅游产业发展新模式

tourist traffic pattern旅游交通模式
3)urban tourism transportation城市型旅游交通
4)Tour traffic旅游交通
1.the text expatiate on the meaning and purport of tour traffic and folk-custom tour, Discuss the shape of tour traffic of folk-custom within the scenic spots at present in Sichuan.本文阐述了旅游交通和民俗旅游的涵义及其意义,浅要的探讨了现阶段四川省风景名胜区的民俗化的旅游交通形式,引出现有四川民俗旅游开发存在的问题,对其提出了一些建议。
5)tourism traffic旅游交通
1.Hierarchy of need theory is introduced on the basis of the practical situation of tourism traffic development in our country.结合目前中国旅游交通发展的实际情况,介绍层次需求的基本理论,根据未来国民生活方式的变化规律和层次需求理论的基本原理,对需求理论将给旅游交通带来的变化以及可能的交通发展趋势做出分析,同时提出在这种变化中旅游交通发展所面临的问题及新的思路,对于今后指导旅游交通的发展具有一定的参考价值。
2.Tourism traffic is one of very important parts in tourism development.旅游交通是旅游业的重要的组成部分。
3.In recent years,with the development of tourist activity and the maturity of tourist behavior,the demand of tourists on tourism traffic becomes even higher.为适应旅游者多方面与个性化需求,旅游交通在实现空间运载功能的同时,趋向于提供多元化和综合性的服务产品,因而交通自身已经具备旅游吸引物的某些特征。
6)tourism transportation旅游交通
1.Influence of the independent travel market in China on the demand of tourism transportation背包旅游市场对国内旅游交通需求的影响
2.Analysis on Tourism Transportation Network of Capitals of the Six Central Provinces Based on Their Tourism Cooperation基于中部旅游合作的六省省会城市旅游交通网络分析
3.As a main component part of tour, tourism transportation plays an important role in the tour and economy development.旅游业是西藏的特色经济支柱产业,旅游业的发展必然带动西藏经济的快速发展;旅游交通是整个旅游业的重要组成部分,在旅游业中的地位和作用都非常独特,旅游交通的落后现状是制约西藏旅游业发展、经济发展的重要原因之一。

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