现代交通业,modern transportation industry
1)modern transportation industry现代交通业
1.Facing our country economy and transportation development condition in new era, our country proposes modern service industry, modern transportation industry and modern transport industry construction strategic decision.面对新时期我国经济和交通发展的状况,国家提出了建设现代服务业、现代交通业和现代交通运输业等战略决策,湖北省根据自身实际,深入分析,提出了湖北交通建设现代服务业的战略研究。

1.Problems about Speeding up Development of Traffic Literature Edit in Modern Traffic Industry and Countermeasures加快发展现代交通业交通文献采编工作的问题与对策
2.For Promoting the Development of Modern Transportation, the Scientific and Technological Innovation Must be Strengthened;推动现代交通业的发展必须强化科技创新
3.Setting up and Carrying out Scientific Outlook on Person Utilization is the Requirement of Modern Traffic Industry Development发展现代交通业要求树立和落实科学的用人观
4.Energy Conservation Countermeasures for Developing Modern Traffic Transportation in Chongqing;重庆发展现代交通运输业的节能对策
5.Discussion of Mordern Communications Service Standardization;现代交通服务业服务标准化工作浅析
6.On the development countermeasures logistics in traffic transport industry;交通运输业在现代物流中的发展对策
7.How Traditional Transportation Enterprises to Transform into Modern Logistics Ones;传统交通运输企业如何向现代物流企业转型
8.How to Establish Modernized Enterprise System for State-owned Communications Enterprises;国有交通企业建立现代企业制度的一点思考
9.Brief Analysis on Development of Modern Physical Distribution Promoting the Development of Transportation Business;浅析发展现代物流促进交通道路运输业的发展
10.The Double E Push Model for the Development of Modern Logistics in Transportation Industry;交通运输业发展现代物流的双E推模式
11.Modern Project of Managerial Logistics in Dalian Transportation Enterprises;大连市交通运输企业现代物流管理方案
12.Research on the Ways for Transportation Companies in Guangzhou to Deploy Logistics Services;广州交通运输企业开展现代物流活动研究
13.Countermeasures of Developing Logistics in Hubei Transportation Industry;湖北交通运输业发展现代物流的对策研究
14.A study on the transformation of urban public traffic to modern logistics城市公共交通运输业向现代物流转变模式探讨
15.On transition mode of old northeast industrial base from traditional transportation to modern logistics;老工业基地交通运输企业向现代物流业转型模式研究
16.Effective Amalgamation of Modern Transportation and Modern Logistics;现代交通运输与现代物流的有效融合
17.The Transition from Traffic into Logistics in Ningbo Transportation Industry;宁波市交通运输业向现代物流业转型面临的机遇和对策
18.The Developing Strategy from Specialized Trading Markets to Modern Circulation Enterprises;论从专业交易市场走向现代流通企业的发展策略

modern transportation现代交通
1.So,intelligent building and modern transportation were affected seriously.传统停车场基于手工管理和操作,工作效率低,账务管理漏洞突出,尤其是安全性难以得到充分保证,与智能建筑和现代交通的发展严重脱节。
2.On the basis of reflection of modern transportation road network,this paper points out the planning and construction of modern transportation road network should be a dynamic and rolling model which needs to be put in construction cycle,then introduces the layout method of modern transportation road network,the newly developed road network in particular.在对现代交通路网规划布局进行反思的基础上,指出现代交通路网规划建设应该是一个动态与滚动发展的模式,应该纳入建设周期,地块标高等概念,继而对路网规划布局方法进行了介绍,重点对新兴的路网规划布局方法,即交通区位线布局法进行了探讨。
3)modern traffic现代交通
1.The paper introduces the basic situation of the daily traffic detector and its practical application in the modern traffic, summarizing the principle and the ways to choose such detector in its practical application.本文系统的介绍了常用交通检测器的基本情况,以及在现代交通中的实际应用,并总结了实际应用中对检测器的选择原则和方法。
2.The aesthetics of modern traffic is a newly-arisen trans-disciplinary field which studies the aesthetic principles in our transportation activities,under the guidance of which we construct our contemporary transportation concepts,design traffic tools,plan traffic networks,build tr.现代交通美学就是一门分析研究人们交通活动中的审美规律,指导人们正确按照"美的规律"构建现代交通理念、设计现代交通工具、规划现代交通网络、营造现代交通景观、提高现代交通效能的一门新兴交叉学科。
4)traffic modernization交通现代化
1.From the point of view of the traffic safety this paper divides the course of traffic modernization into two stages: the first modernization and the second modernization.从交通安全角度道路交通现代化进程可分为第一次现代化和第二次现代化两大阶段。
5)modern transportation现代化交通
1.Thinking about developing modern transportation after we have joined WTO;加入WTO后对发展现代化交通的思考
6)modern circulation industry现代流通业
1.The function of modern circulation industry in the region economy;现代流通业在区域经济中的作用
2.The importance of modern circulation industry appears gradually in terms of GDP growth,economic restructuring,employment increase and market unification.现代流通业在区域经济发展中对GDP、优化经济结构、就业、市场一体化的作用日益增强。
