经营恶化,deterioration of operation
1)deterioration of operation经营恶化
2)hostile activity恶意经营
1.Such kind of hostile activity to subsidiary companies has produced serious negative efforts,and the administrative authority should pay much attention and employ the necessary policies to govern the hostile activities.但是,在母子公司关联交易过程中,部分母公司利用自身的管理优势、技术优势、信息优势和控制权优势,对子公司实施恶意经营行为,严重损害了子公司利益相关者的利益。

1.On the Governance of the Hostile Activity of Parent Company in the Parent-subsidiary Company System;论母子公司制条件下母公司恶意经营行为及其治理
2.The campers were suBjected to extreme weather.野营者们经历了极恶劣的天气
3.Behave, for the matter, management, etc. mean the bad impression with disgusted.为人、为事、经营、等表示反感与恶心。
4.Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny.许多人把恶劣的经营与命运混为一谈。
5.The Post-issue Operating Performance Deterioration of China IPO Firms中国企业IPO后经营业绩恶化问题研究
6.The Stylistic Meanings of "Jingying" and "Disegno";“经营”与“disegno”的风格学意义
7.He does wholesale business, while his brother is engaged in retail business.他经营批发生意, 他弟弟则经营零售生意。
8.He once did me such an unscrupulous shot in the eye.他曾经如此肆无忌惮地恶意中伤过我。
9.The sinner gets the payment of deceit; but his reward is certain who puts in the seed of righteousness.恶人经营,得虚浮的工价。撒义种的,得实在的果效。
10.The environment had been very rough for the downstream petroleum business in the past decade.数十年来,石油下游工业的经营环境恶劣。
11.I am willing to pay a franchise fee to obtain a proven business operation.我愿意支付特许经营费作为使用特许经营商的经营模式。
12.Once Hung-chien remarked maliciously to Jou-chia, "Your aunt loves her dog more than she does you."鸿渐曾经恶意地对柔嘉说:“你姑母爱狗胜于爱你。”
13.A Rational Analysis on the Behavior of Escaping from Fostering Obligation;对恶意逃避抚养责任行为的经济学分析
14.Malicious, spiteful, or overbearing.恶毒的、恶意的或专横的
15.and how the merchants there conducted their many different businesses.及当地商人经营各种不同生意的情形。
16.That business partnership is of long standing.那生意上的合理经营维持了很久。
17.The partnership will be dissolved by mutual consent .经双方同意,合营公司宣布解散。
18.conduct business, a meeting, negotiations, etc经营生意、 主持会议、 主持谈判等

hostile activity恶意经营
1.Such kind of hostile activity to subsidiary companies has produced serious negative efforts,and the administrative authority should pay much attention and employ the necessary policies to govern the hostile activities.但是,在母子公司关联交易过程中,部分母公司利用自身的管理优势、技术优势、信息优势和控制权优势,对子公司实施恶意经营行为,严重损害了子公司利益相关者的利益。
3)privatization in management经营民营化
1.Probes into operative mode of city garden;城市公园的可经营化模式初探
5)optimal management countermeasures优化经营
6)running culture经营文化
1.His frequent achievement is owing to his running culture.这一切都得益于他的经营文化,在适应环境、诚信、道义、以人为本等方面给现代人做出了榜样,也使自己成为可与范蠡(陶朱公)相提并论的大商人。

经营①筹划并管理(企业等):~商业ㄧ~畜牧业 ㄧ苦心~。②泛指计划和组织:这个展览会是煞费~的。