孵育模式,incubation mode
1)incubation mode孵育模式
1.Exploration of characteristics and incubation mode of human resources for passenger-dedicated line关于客运专线人力资源特性和孵育模式的探讨

1.Exploration of characteristics and incubation mode of human resources for passenger-dedicated line关于客运专线人力资源特性和孵育模式的探讨
2.A study on the characteristics of incubator industry and operation models of Chinese business incubators;孵化器产业特征及我国孵化器营运模式探析
3.Research on the Operation Mode of Incubator Industrial Base Based on Secondary Incubating基于二次孵化的孵化产业基地运行模式研究
4.Research on the Mechanism and Mode of High-Tech Business Incubator Financing;科技企业孵化器融资机理与模式研究
5.Demonstration Study on XIBI & the Operation Model of Business Incubators;企业孵化器运营模式暨XIBI实证研究
6.Studies on Model Innovation of Agriculture Hi-Tech Business Incubator;农业科技企业孵化器的模式创新研究
7.Synergic Development Mode between Business Incubators and Risk Investments;企业孵化器与风险投资协同发展模式
8.Research on Mode and Estimation of High-Tech Industry Business Secondary Incubation高技术产业二次孵化模式及评价研究
9.The Innovation of “Xiaguang Pattern" in the High-tech Business Incubator in China;“峡光模式”对我国科技企业孵化器模式的创新
10.Operational Mode of Business Incubator and Actuality & Development Countermeasure Study in Anhui Province;企业孵化器运营模式及安徽省孵化器现状与发展对策
11.The Analysis on the Closed Operation and Management Mode of China Enterprise s Incubator;我国企业孵化器封闭式运行与管理模式分析
12.Studies on the Operational Mechanism and Developmental Modes of Agricultural Business Incubator;农业企业孵化器运行机制与发展模式研究
13.Research on the Construction and the Operation Pattern of Secondary Science and Technology Incubator;科技企业的二次孵化体系构建及运作模式研究
14.The Research about Operational Mode of High-tech Business Incubator Based on Cluster Analysis;基于聚类分析的科技企业孵化器运作模式研究
15.Study on Enterprise Operation Modes of Business Incubator and the Involvement of Government Promotion;我国孵化器的企业化运作模式和政府作用研究
16.The Research on Incubator s Model Comparison and Administration in Zhuzhou Hi-Tech Zone;株洲高新区孵化器模式比较及其治理研究
17.Study on Operation Model & Appraisal System of China Technique Enterprise Incubator;中国科技企业孵化器运作模式及评估体系研究
18.The Primary Research on the Reformation of the Institutional Mode of Incubator in Scientific Technology Enterprises in China;我国科技企业孵化器制度模式改革初探

raising module孵育模块
1.This paper presnts the fuzzy control of the raising module and simulated in of ELISA and its simulation with MATLAB.本文主要提出了运用模糊控制系统对酶免分析仪孵育模块进行分析,并用MATLAB仿真。
3)incubation model孵化模式
4)Incubator model孵化器模式
1.The Effects of Cryopreservation and Incubation on the Levels of Oxidative Stress of Human Sperm;低温冷冻和孵育对人精子氧化应激水平的影响
2.Preparation and incubation of rat precision-cut lung slices;离体肺组织切片的制备和孵育
