经济运距分界点,Economic haul separation point
1)Economic haul separation point经济运距分界点

1.Determination of economic haul separation point in analysis of freight and miscellaneous charges运杂费分析中经济运距分界点的确定
2.Operation Economical Analysis of Ultra-supercritical 600MW Turbine超超临界600MW汽轮机运行经济性分析
3.On Economic Value Added Operation in Commercial Bank;商业银行运用经济增加值的难点分析
4.Identifying the Turning Points and Its Characteristics of Business Cycles in China;中国经济周期运行特点及拐点识别分析
5.Economics Analysis on Markets,Businesses and Governments 'Running Border市场、企业与政府运行边界的经济学分析
6.Reviews on the Theoretical Improvement of the Spatial Economy;块状世界的经济学——空间经济学点评
7.The main features of national economic performance are:经济运行的主要特点是:
8.Empirical Analysis on Regional Economic and Investment Disparities in China;我国地区经济差距与投资差距的实证分析
9.An Empirical Analysis of Regional Economy Disparity and Investment Disparity in China;中国地区经济差距与投资差距的实证分析
10.Control-point Analysis of Solving Urban Rubbish Problem by Use of Economic Means;运用经济手段解决城市垃圾问题的控制点分析
11.An Analysis of the Economic Underdevelopment and Industry Economy of the Ethnic Region of the Northwest of China;西北民族地区经济发展差距及其产业经济分析
12.The Analysis on Economic Disparities and Their Reasons of Three Belts in China;我国东中西部经济差距及其成因分析
13.The Research of Income Assign Gap and Economy Increase Relation;收入分配差距和经济增长的关系研究
14.On Decomposition of Regional Econmic Disparity in Qinghai Province;青海省区域经济发展差距的因素分析
15.Analysis and Rational Study of Regional Economic Development Gap of Shannxi Province;陕西省区域经济差距变化及原因分析
16.The Analysis of the Elements Accounting for Income Gap in the Fluctuation of Economic Cycle;对经济周期波动的收入差距因素分析
18.Fiscal Decentralization,Rural-Urban Income Disparity and Economic Growth in China财政分权、城乡收入差距与经济增长

economic haul distance经济运距
1.Analysis of economic haul distance of railway engineering materials;铁路工程材料经济运距分析
3)Economic traffic threshold经济交通量分界点
4)economical critical point经济临界点
1.With the help of this algorithm,the stamping part cost can be easily calculated with both carbide and steel dies,and furthermore the economical critical point can be found out according to the resulted cost curves.用这种算法可以分别计算出使用钢制模具和硬质合金模具的冲压件成本,然后根据成本曲线找出经济临界点,对于指导模具选择和降低冲压件成本具有重要的意义。
5)point of economic in motion经济运行点
1.15kVA main transformer s power loss and relation of load β and explained main transformer ecomoic in motion, calcculated the point of economic in motion. 根据电力变压器功率损耗的分析,找到了ТДГ3 15万kVA2台主变压器的功率损耗与负荷率β的函数关系,并对该2台主变压器的经济运行进行了探讨,计算出了经济运行点。
6)break-even hauling distance最经济运输距离
1.This study evaluates the effect of these factors on the uses of manure on cropland by cost-effect analysis and determines the break-even hauling distance, which is the maximum distance traveled to equate th.本次研究以福建为案例区域,对粪肥还田整个过程进行费用效益分析,以评估粪肥资源化的经济可行性,同时在费用和效益持平的条件下,得出粪肥的最经济运输距离。

运距  运输工具载运旅客或货物的起迄点(旅客为上车点至下车点、货物为装货点至卸货点)之间的路程长度。一般以公里为计量单位。在经济管理工作中有重要意义的是测算和分析平均运距和经济运距两个指标。    平均运距是指一定时期内,平均每位旅客、每吨货物被运送的公里数。其计算公式为:        在客、货运量(见运输量)既定的情况下,平均运距决定着客、货周转量的大小,影响着运输过程中劳动消耗量的多寡,以及车辆周转时间,客、货运达期限,在途物资数量,运输成本水平等。    经济运距是指在一定的运输条件(运网布局、客货源状况、各种运输方式的技术经济特性等)下,某种运输方式能发挥最佳经济效益,即达到社会劳动消耗(包括时间价值)最小的运距。它是在各种运输方式之间相互比较而测算出来的具有一定变化范围和幅度的数值。对不同种类的货物、不同的运输方式和同一运输方式中不同类型的运输工具,经济运距各不相同。测算和分析经济运距可以为确定各种运输方式的合理使用范围提供依据。随着经济的发展和生产技术的进步,以及各种运输方式技术装备的进步、经营管理水平的提高,经济运距也在不断地发生变化。