旅游企业,tourism enterprise
1)tourism enterprise旅游企业
1.The ability of planning-a new perspective of the core competencies of tourism enterprises;企业策划能力——旅游企业核心竞争力的新视角
2.Analysis on grouplization of tourism enterprise in China;关于我国旅游企业集团化问题的探析
3.Research on the Intangible Asset Management of the Tourism Enterprise;旅游企业无形资产管理研究

1.An Analysis of the Supply of Graduates Majoring in Tourismand Demand of Tourism Enterprises in Jiangsu Province;江苏省院校旅游专业与旅游企业供求现状分析
2.An Analysis of Growing of National Tourism Enterprise Group Based on the Theory of Corporation s Competence;我国旅游企业集团化的企业能力分析
3.An analysis of ETM Strategy for Native Tourism Enterprises;本土旅游企业差旅管理经营战略探析
4.A Study on the Psychological Contract between the Tourism Consumers and Tourism Enterprises;旅游企业与旅游消费者的心理契约研究
5.The ability of planning-a new perspective of the core competencies of tourism enterprises;企业策划能力——旅游企业核心竞争力的新视角
6.Enterprise growth theory and China tourism enterprise acquisition s route strategy;企业成长理论与我国旅游企业并购的路径策略
7.Study on the Application of CRM in Tourism Industry客户关系管理在旅游企业的应用研究
8.The Research on Business Ethics of Tourism Corporations Based on BSC基于平衡记分卡的旅游企业道德研究
9.Research on the Tourism Enterprises Network Marketing Based on Web2.0;基于web2.0的旅游企业网络营销研究
10.Research on Network Marketing Channel Integration Strategy of Turism Enterprises;旅游企业网络营销渠道整合策略研究
11.Research on Tourism Enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility Index System of Evaluation;旅游企业社会责任评价指标体系研究
12.A Study of the Present Situation of Entrepreneurs(Managers) in Hangzhou Tourist Industry;杭州旅游企业家(经理人)队伍现状研究
13.An Analysis of the Economic Consequence of Multi-operation in Tourism Enterprises;旅游企业多元化经营的经济后果分析
14.An Essay on the Cause and Category of Tourism Alliance;试论旅游企业联合发展的成因及分类
15.A Probe into the Course of Internship in Tourism Enterprises;高职旅游企业顶岗实习课程教学初探
16.Internal marketing and it s implementing tactics of tourism enterprises;旅游企业内部营销理论及其策略研究
17.A Comparative Study on Public Behavior and Performance of Tourism Enterprise;公共行为与旅游企业绩效相关性研究
18.Carrying Out Differential Strategy to Reinforce the Competitiveness of Tourist Enterprise;实施差异化策略 增强旅游企业竞争力

tourism enterprises旅游企业
1.The Cause of Shortfall in Product Differential Management of Tourism Enterprises and Its Countermeasures;旅游企业产品差异化经营不足及对策研究
2.Experience Marketing :a new strategy for development of tourism enterprises;体验营销:旅游企业发展的新思路
3.Research on Tourism Enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility Index System of Evaluation;旅游企业社会责任评价指标体系研究
3)tourist enterprise旅游企业
1.On Human-based Management in Tourist Enterprise;浅论旅游企业的人性化管理
2.Analysis of Economic Benefits Assessment in Tourist Enterprises;旅游企业经济效益评价方法分析
3.The influence of China s joining WTO on the Chinese tourist enterprises and their marketing strategies;入世对我国旅游企业的影响及营销对策
4)tourist enterprises旅游企业
1.Service quality is the lifeline of tourist enterprises, which, however, frequently fluctuates as a result of service differences.服务质量是旅游企业的生命线 ,而服务差异是导致服务质量波动、影响服务质量的根本原因。
2.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the network brand, and on the basis of generalizing the necessity for tourist enterprises to establish the network brand, and puts forward several suggestions on how to establishing the network brand of tourist enterprises.文章分析了网络品牌的特征,在总结了旅游企业树立网络品牌的必要性的基础上,提出了我国旅游企业进行网络品牌建设的若干建议。
3.For the operators,the cognizing limitation to the consumers,the characteristics of the products and the cost of collecting the information can cause asymmetry of information,inefficiency and the gap between the service which the enterprises supply and the feel of the consumers,so the government and the tourist enterprises should take actions to resolve these problems actively.就旅游经营者而言,对旅游消费者认知的局限、旅游产品的特征以及搜集信息所需支付的大量成本都决定了旅游市场信息不对称的存在,并进而产生市场效率低下以及所提供的服务与消费者感知出现缺口等后果,政府及旅游企业应积极采取有效措施解决这些问题。
5)tourism industry旅游企业
1.Competition in tourism industry is getting fiercer,and organizational learning capability,in this war,has been realized as the key to hold lasting competitive edge.随着旅游企业竞争日趋激烈,学习能力成为旅游企业获取持续竞争优势的关键所在。
2.With the coming of digital time symbolized by network economy and knowledge economy, the management in tourism industry becomes more and more complicated and changeable, and the traditional management mode can no longer meet the needs of tourism development.随着以"网络经济""知识经济"为特征的数字化时代的到来,旅游产业的经营环境日益复杂多变,传统的科层制组织结构越来越不能满足旅游企业生存和发展的需要,具有传统组织不可比拟的扁平、灵活、高效、柔性等特点的网络型组织结构将成为今后旅游企业的必然选择。
3.And then Strategic Management for Tourism Industry comes.现代企业管理的一个重要特征就是从战略的高度对企业进行管理,由此形成旅游企业战略管理。
6)Tourist industry entrepreneurs旅游企业家

旅游企业旅游企业tourism enterprises 默i览_州S:吧烹二沪嘿躲瞥糕交通企业、旅游商品销售部门、旅游场所经营部门。 旅行社依法设立,并且有法人资格,从事招待、接待旅行者、组织旅游活动、实行独立核算的企业。在西方国家,旅行社分为批发经营商和零售商两大类。批发经营商通过大批量购买旅游企业的产品,并按日程编排为包价旅游路线或包价度假集合产品,再出售给旅游者。中国的旅行社按允许接待旅游者的范围分为一类旅行社、二类旅行社和三类旅行社3个等级层次。其中,一类旅行社经营对外招徕并接待外国人、华侨、港澳同胞、台湾同胞来中国、归国或回内地的旅游业务。代类旅行社不对外招徕,只经营接待第一类旅行社或其他涉外部门组织的外国人、华侨、港澳同胞、台湾同胞来中国、归国或回内地的旅游业务。三类旅行社经营中国公民国内旅游业务。 旅游饭店向旅游者提供食宿的企业。旅游饭店有各种不同的划分方法,按饭店设施等级划分高、中、低档饭店或星级饭店。按接待对象划分为商务旅馆、度假饭店、会议饭店等。按交通工具分为汽车旅馆、机场饭店、铁路饭店等。其中饭店的星级划分是国际上最为通用的饭店划分方式。 旅游交通企业以旅游者为服务对象的各种旅游车队、客船等。有些企业也兼有公共交通的性质。 旅游设施经营企业包括游览场所和旅游区内各种游乐设施的经营企业,主要有各种类型的风景区、公园、游乐场、俱乐部等。黝 中国在国外展出的玻璃、陶瓷制品 旅游商品梢售企业旅游区内经营销售各种旅游纪念品、工艺品、土特产品的商业企业。旅游商品性收人是旅游收人的重要组成部分,是衡量一个地区旅游业发展水平的重要指标。(牛亚菲)