服务价格,service price
1)service price服务价格
1.Faced fierce competition among Chinese logistic enterprises, the service price and quality is studied by applying the game theory(pure strategic Nash equilibrium & admixture strategic Nash equilibrium).针对我国物流企业竞争十分激烈的现实,从物流企业提供的服务价格与服务质量关系角度出发,用纯战略Nash均衡和混合战略Nash均衡等方法进行探讨,提出针对不同物流企业提供不同服务质量的差别定价战略,得出此战略能使物流服务的供应方和需求方均得益的结论,发现差别物流服务价格反映物流服务价格与物流服务质量的正相关关系。
2.In the socialization reform of university logistics, property relation and service price are the focal points that have a direct impact on the further development of universities and the improvement of service quality of university logistics.在高校后勤的社会化改革中,产权关系和服务价格是矛盾的焦点,直接关系着我国高校的进一步发展和高校后勤服务质量的提高。

1.The term" price of services" refers to fees collected for services rendered.服务价格是指各类有偿服务的收费。
2.Prices of service items in household consumption rose by 1.8%.居民消费价格中,服务价格上涨1.8%。
3.Pricing and Payment Management Based on Grid Service Market网格服务市场下的服务价格协商和支付管理
4.Study on the Mechanism of Medical Service Price Regulation医疗服务价格管理的仁医理论探索:医疗服务价格调节机制研究(一)
5.The information service rate will be reduced to stimulate private information consumption.降低信息服务价格,刺激居民信息消费。
6.The cost of all services in this hotel is comparatively moderate.这家宾馆的各种服务价格比较适中。
7.Profitable ones will have a free hand in setting their medical service prices.营利性医疗机构医疗服务价格放开。
8.Theoretical and Positive Analysis of Medical Care Price Regulation;医疗服务价格规制的理论与实证研究
9.The Impact of Medical Service Price Adjustment for Medical Cost in Hospital;医疗服务价格调整对医疗费用的影响
10.Our Country Government to Medical Service Price Rules and Regulations Research;我国政府对医疗服务价格的规制研究
11.Study of Price Factors about CT after Service in Beijing;北京市CT售后服务价格影响因素初探
12.number of service expenditure服务性支出价格指数
13.The price shown on the ticket includes ticket price and service charges.票上的价格包括票价和服务费
14.A Study on Water Resources Price of Ecological Services Value;基于生态服务价值的水资源价格研究
15.The Effect of Price Promotion Extent to Brand Reputation;价格促销幅度对服务品牌价值的影响
16.Social Supervision of Information Services(Ⅱ) --Price Supervision in Information Services;信息服务的社会监督(Ⅱ)——信息服务的价格监督
17.offer for sale at a price lower than the market price.以比市场价格低的价格提供商品或服务。
18.To state(a price)for securities, goods, or services.报价报出有价证券、商品或服务项目(价格)

medical service price医疗服务价格
1.The two policies of“ regulation on improving centralized tendering process for drug purchase” and“ normative and adjustment of medical service price” were enforced in 2004 and 2005 in Zhejiang Province to control the rapid increasing of medical expenditure.浙江省于2004年~2005年分别出台了“改进医疗机构药品集中招标采购价格管理办法”和“规范和调整医疗服务价格”两个政策,以期控制医疗费用过快增长。
2.Main reasons and the countermeasures for increasing medical service price were analyzed.笔者认为医疗费用上涨主要是由医疗服务价格上升引起的,并对引起医疗服务价格上升的主要原因进行了分析,提出了对策。
3.In order to realize the normative medical order and charge and meet with the requirement of clinical business and extension, it analyzes the medical service price, medical order as well as various entity relations, and offers effective designs and plans for realization.为了实现规范的医嘱和医疗收费,满足临床业务和扩展需要,对医疗服务价格、医嘱及各种实体关系等做了分析,并给出了有效的设计和实现方案。
3)basic service price基本服务价格
1.With an analysis of different metro ticket systems, their calculative methods of distance and price, the author holds that the basic service price shall be established and the comprehensive social profit be put into consideration, while making ticket price policy.分析了地铁票制的种类及其优缺点,以及计程票制的计程方法及计价方法;讨论了基本服务价格存在的必要性。
4)service price of higher-learning institutions高教服务价格
5)tourism service price旅游服务价格
1.The relation between tourism service price and tourism service quality was anglyzed,the English tourist apperceive of tourism service price and tourism service quality to the Chinese Beijing,Shanghai,Xi an,Guangzhou,Guilin and Kunming six big international tourisms hot spots city were studied.英国一直是中国在西欧的第一大客源国,文章通过分析旅游服务价格和服务质量之间的关系,研究了旅华英国游客对北京、上海、西安、广州、桂林、昆明6大国际旅游热点城市的旅游服务价格和旅游服务质量的感知,通过构建“质量—价格”矩阵图,分析了6个旅游热点城市服务价格和服务质量的契合程度,发现6个城市在“价格—质量”策略上的差异,探讨了其原因和解决方案。
6)Grid Service Evaluation网格服务评价

服务价格fuwu jiage服务价格service charge  提供劳务或以提供劳务为主收取的费用。又称劳务收费。它不是单纯出售实物,而是以一定的场所、设备、工具和劳动提供某种服务的收费,是最终价格的一种。  在中国,服务价格按是否提供实物划分为两类:一类是出售自己加工制做的饮食品价格;另一类是只提供某种服务的非商品收费。  饮食品价格是零售价格的一种,由原材料成本、生产经营管理费、经营利润和税金构成。依据档次高低和消费范围不同,饮食品的定价形式有所区别。属于大众化的饮食品,通常规定统一的质量规格,实行地方统一价格的形式;属于高档次和特殊风味的饮食品,实行原材料成本加一定毛利的办法定价,其毛利率由地方有关部门根据饮食业的不同类型分别确定。  非商品收费包括的范围很广,形式多样,通常分为三类:①营业性服务收费。即具有商品属性的服务报酬,如提供住宅、水、电、煤气、交通、邮电、电影、戏剧、旅店、宾馆、招待所、照相、理发、浴池、洗染、租赁、修理修配、服装加工等的服务收费。②事业性服务收费。事业单位收取的各种服务报酬,如学杂费、幼儿收托、医疗卫生、防疫检疫、计量器具检定、监测、勘测设计、殡葬火化、水利工程等的服务收费。③行政性收费。各级政府直属部门收取的各种费用,如各种执照、车辆监理、市场管理、城市管理、公路养护、排污清洁等的收费。  非商品收费标准应按照各业不同特点,区别技艺高低、设备状况、服务质量和社会声誉等条件分等论价。营业性服务收费标准,是以成本费用为主要依据,使经营单位在正常经营条件下保持合理盈利为原则;事业性服务收费标准,是以合理开支、以收抵支为原则;行政性收费,是以取之于民、用之于民为原则,根据实际情况,核定收费标准。   (贾秀岩)