赊销,credit sale
1)credit sale赊销
1.Research on the Credit Evaluation and Management Methods of Credit Sale Customer;赊销客户信用评价与管理方法研究
2.The Study of Management of Credit Sale Risk of Sheng Mei Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.;圣美经贸有限公司赊销风险管理研究
3.The credit sale is a very important way for a company to sale their products, at the same time, the reproachable and bad debts become an inevitable problem.赊销是现代企业的重要销售方式,应收账款和坏账的产生也就成为了一个不可避免的问题,如何在运用赊销手段的同时最大额度、最快速度的收回应收账款,避免坏账损失也就成为企业必须面对的问题。

1.We do not give discounts. We sell on credit .我们不打折扣。 我们赊销
2.We don't give discounts. We sell on credit.我们不打折扣。我们赊销
3.Account Sale and Credit Management of Enterprises企业赊销与信用管理
4.Study on Credit Sales Risk Assessing Model and Operation Based on Credit Sales Risk Degree基于赊销风险度企业赊销风险评估模型及操作
5.There is no financial risk in selling to east European countries on credit .向东欧国家赊销没有财务风险。
6.Keywords:account sale, credit management, credit evaluation关键词:赊销 信用管理 信用评定
7.A Study of Supply Chain Coordination on Trade Credit基于赊销条件下的供应链合作的研究
8.The Study on Credit Sale and Costumer Credit Management of Daqing Oil Administration Bureau;大庆石油管理局赊销与客户信用管理
9.The Research of Enterprise on Tick Management System Establishing;UNT公司赊销管理体系的建立研究
10.The Study of Management of Credit Sale Risk of Sheng Mei Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.;圣美经贸有限公司赊销风险管理研究
11.Neural Network Model for Credit Analysis of Tally Clients;赊销客户信用度分析的神经网络模型
12.a credit sale is recorded by debiting or charging accounts Receivable and by crediting the Sales account.赊销记人借项,或记人应收帐款销售帐的贷项。
13.Every business, however, would rather sell for cash than on account.另一方面,每家企业都宁愿现销而非赊销
14.Agricultural Credit in the Financial Contracts:Community Credit and Bundling农资赊销中的金融合约:社区信用与捆绑销售
15.Therefore it is imperative for the enterprises to create scientific credit management mechanisms, establish the credit management organizations, regulate the credit sale, and control the credit sale risks.企业必须建立科学的信用管理机制,成立信用管理部门,规范赊销行为,控制赊销风险。
16.Managementand dominationof account receivable evokedby account sale信用赊销引发的应收账款的管理与控制
17.Establishing & Improving of the Credit Management System in Xi an Janssen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.;西安杨森赊销信用管理体系的建立和完善
18.The Research of Credit Management of Charge Sales of ShanDong A-Hua Packing CO.,LTD;山东阿华包装有限公司赊销信用管理研究

account sale赊销
1.Game theory is employed to discuss conditions for enterprises to consent to account sales under the circumstance of short term trade and long term trade.利用博弈论的方法,讨论了企业在和客户的短期交易与长期合作两种情况下,企业同意客户赊销请求的条件,讨论结果表明长期客户获得赊销的条件要比短期客户获得赊销的条件宽松。
2.Margin transaction (account sale) is the result of market development.信用交易 (即赊销 )是市场发展的产物 ,但是信用风险和信用管理对企业的发展影响极大 ,甚至对企业的生存直接造成威胁。
3.The sale of electronic component is different from the sale of common daily consumable, as the one of industry products; one of the most important selling ways is account sale.电子元器件类的销售不同于普通日用消费品的销售,作为工业用品的一种,一个重要的销售方式就是赊销
3)sales on credit赊销
1.The export credit insurance and insurance agency operation have the function to lessen and decrease the reckoning crisis in the international trade and provide the safeguard against the crisis in the sales on credit of the export commodities.出口信用保险和保理业务都具有减少和降低国际贸易中收帐风险的功能,两者都能为出口商赊销产品提供风险保障。
2.Aiming at the phenomena that some enterprises depend on sales on credit measures to open markets then leading to constant increase of account receivables, the composing contents of the cost of possession and the general standard of the best level for account receivables.针对有些单位单纯依靠赊销手段开拓市场,导致应收帐款不断增加的现象,分析了应收帐款的占用成本构成内容和确定应收帐款的最佳水平一般标准,指出企业应建立赊销风险责任制和风险预警机制并应选择好银行结算方式以加强应收帐款的成本管理。
4)selling on credit赊销
1.The enterprises should collect selling on credit s fee.赊销是市场经济条件下企业采用的主要销售方式 ,它对保证交易的完成 ,促进产品销售的实现具有重要作用。
5)credit sales赊销
1.The inflated credit accounts of a business caused by credit sales have seriously affected the working funds of the business.因赊销引起的企业应收账款膨账 ,现已严重地影响着企业的资金周转 ,并承担较大的坏账风险。
6)sales on account赊销

赊销  一种延期付款的销售方法,即在商品交易时卖方对买方先交付商品,经过一定时期再收取货款。    赊销使商品的让渡和商品价值的实现在时间上分离开来,使货币由流通手段转变为支付手段(见货币的职能)。它实质上是提供信用的一种形式。赊销商品使卖者成为债权人,买者成为债务人,这种债务关系是在商品买卖过程中产生的。    赊销产生于古代,是商品流通发展的产物。在中国古籍《周礼》的《地官·泉府》中,就已经有了春秋战国时期关于"赊"的记载。在封建社会中,随着商品经济的发展,"赊"逐渐成为商业习惯。在宋代,商贾贩卖的惯例,多是一年后付货款。在资本主义社会中,赊销更为普遍,一种是消费信用,另一种是企业间的商业信用。前者主要是在资本主义经济出现生产过剩,群众购买力低,销售困难的情况下,资本家用作招徕顾客、扩大推销的手段,通常采用分期付款形式。后者除了新商品试销外,也大多是因资本主义市场经常不景气、商品滞销、竞争激烈所致。    在社会主义条件下,为了扩大商品销路,活跃市场,赊销也是一种可以适当利用的方法。