公路资产,road asset
1)road asset公路资产
1.The society capital lead into the component of road asset,so it is not avoided the problems of toll.在公路资产的构成中,由于引进了社会资本的投入,不可避免出现公路收费问题。
2.Reserach on road asset management plays an importmant role in promoting the theory system of Chinese road asset management,also it provides a theory basis for the full management of road asset in road management sector.公路建设是我国国民经济发展的重要部分,公路资产管理问题研究对于完善我国公路资产管理理论体系具有重要的促进作用,同时为公路管理部门全面管理公路资产提供理论支持。

1.Research on Financing Risk Forewarning of Asset Backed Securitization of Expressway;高速公路资产证券融资风险预警研究
2.Discussion on the Application of Assets Securitization on Highway Financing高速公路资产证券化融资的应用探讨
3.Highway Asset Management-Strategic Management for Highway Infrastructures;公路资产管理—公路基础设施的战略管理
4.Modern Technologies for Expressway Asset Management;高速公路资产现代化管理技术的研究
5.Aplications of earning method in assess of highway capital;收益法在公路资产评估中的应用初探
6.Discussion about the Inspiration of U.S. Road Asset Management to Our Country美国公路资产管理对我国的启发探讨
7.Appraisal on improved AHP method in risk assessment of ABS highway;高速公路资产证券融资风险层次分析模型评价
8.Research on the Asset Backed Securitization Pricing of Highway Project Based on the Real Option;基于实物期权的高速公路资产证券化定价研究
9.Reflections on Management of Expressway Assets;关于高速公路资产经营管理的几点思考
10.The New Financing Model in Highway Construction Named Property Negotiable Securities;资产证券化——高速公路建设融资新模式
12.A Research on Financing Way Using Egotiable Securities in the Highway Projects;高速公路建设项目资产证券化融资研究
13.The Application of Asset-Backed Securitization in the Analysis of the Financing Model of Highway Construction;资产证券化在高速公路建设融资模式中的应用
14.The New Idea for Broadening Real Estate Investment --Investing Apartments for College Students;开拓房地产投资的新思路——投资高校学生公寓
15.The Research on Asset-Backed Securitization Financial Model for Changde-Meicheng Expressway Project常梅高速公路项目资产证券化融资模式研究
16.Issues of Chinese AMCs and Their Solutions我国资产管理公司面临的问题与解决思路
17.Discussion on Establishing Investment Fund for Our Road Traffic Industry;关于创建我国公路交通产业投资基金的探讨
18.Study on Establishing Investment Fund for Highway Communication Industry;关于设立公路交通产业投资基金的探讨

highway asset公路资产
1.The choice of total price of highway asset reconstruction,the computation methods of physical and technical depreciation rates and economic changes are analyzed and a case is studied.阐述了成新率成本法评估资产的一般公式及其构成,对公路资产重置全新价格的选取,以及物理成新率、技术成新率和经济价值波动系数的测算方法作了具体分析和实例操作。
2.Research on non-tolling roads asset management plays an important role in promoting the theory system of Chinese highway asset management and highway economy, at the same time it provides a theory basis for the full management of non-tolling road asset in highway management sector, so it is significant in the sustainable development of non-tolling road and the full construction of a rich country.非收费公路是我国公路交通的主体,非收费公路资产管理问题研究对于完善我国公路资产管理理论体系和公路经济理论体系具有重要的促进作用,同时为公路管理部门全面管理非收费公路资产提供理论支持,对于非收费公路可持续发展和全面建设小康社会具有重要的现实意义。
3)highway asset management公路资产管理
1.Pavement is the key important part of transportation infrastructure, and pavement management is the main task of highway asset management.路面是交通基础设施的主要组成部分,路面管理是公路资产管理的重要内容。
4)highway equipment公路路产
1.The system and structure plans are studied and designed on management information system of highway equipment compensated based machine vision in the paper.研究与设计基于机器视觉技术的公路路产赔偿管理系统的系统方案和结构方案。
5)traffic asset management of highway公路交通资产管理
1.A great deal of application data information technology and the asset evaluation of the existing traffic facilities are the important guarantee for ensuring the asset management go on wheels, in the end, provides the referable suggestions for the implementation of traffic asset management of highway in China in view of the foreign advanced management experience.如何有效地利用公路交通资产管理的方法,对公路设施进行管理,确保交通资产最大程度发挥作用,是当今交通领域关注的问题之一。
6)public Asset公共资产
