驾校,Driving School
1)Driving School驾校
1.Procedure and Menu Design of Driving School s Charge Information Management System;驾校收费信息管理系统程序及表单设计

1.It s the Lofty Responsibility of the Driving School to Foster Drivers of High Quality;培养高素质的驾驶员是驾校的神圣职责
2.Jiajiao car repair, learning vocational skills training examination.汽车驾校,修理,职业技能学习,培训考核。
3.It is said that the regis-tration fee paid to the driving school is over tens of thousand yuan each term.如: 飞机驾驶,据说驾校每期每人报名收费在十几万元以上;
4.It may sound like a frivolous expense, but going to a high-performance driving school is one of the best ways to improve your skill as a driver.这似乎是轻举妄动的高消费,不过参加高效的驾校培训是提高驾驶技术的最好方法。
5."When Senior 3 students graduate from high school, I will take them to a driving school for more thorough learning,"explained teacher Han Haiyan.""毕业后,我会带他们去驾校进行更详尽的学习,"韩海延(音译)老师表示。
6.Driving Training School [Fire Services Department]驾驶训练学校〔消防处〕
7.Excuse me. Where is the Principle's Office, please?劳驾,请问校长办公室在哪里?
8.“Three-Carriage Running Together”for Advancing the Power of Science and Research of Colleges or Universities;提升高校科研实力需要“三驾齐驱”
9.Philosophical Thoughts on the Construction of Harmonious Campus under the Leadership of College Party Committee高校党委驾驭和谐校园建设的哲学思考
10.The Police Driving School was provided with a dedicated radio system.警察驾驶学校亦已装设专用的无线电系统。
11."We are so lucky to have the opportunity to learn driving skills at school.""能有机会在学校学习驾驶,我们感到很幸运"。
12.A Study on the Development Strategy of Tianjin Dongan Vehicle and Motorcycle Driver Training School;天津东安驾驶员培训学校发展战略研究
13.The Research on the Correction Module of Driver Direction Control Model;驾驶员方向控制模型的控制校正环节的研究
14.The driver suffered a seizure while driving students to school Thursday morning.在周三早上,正当驾驶校车带学生们去学校时,司机突发疾病。
15.By presenting of your HKU SPACE ALUMNI Membership Card or Lifelong Learner Card, you can enjoy Special Driving Course Offer. Please click here for details.报读驾驶课程时出示校友会会员证或终身学员证可享有香港驾驶学院优惠。详情请按此处。
16.Barry: That's good. You can't have frisky horses in a riding school. Beginners can't handle them.巴里:那很好。骑术学校的马不可太过活跃。初学者会无法驾御。
17.But I hope the school can introduce new styles of equipment to make it feel more realistic.不过我希望学校能再引进一些新型设备,让模拟更加贴近实际驾驶。
18.The exploration and practice of colleges and universities setting public elective of"automobile driving technique";高校开设《汽车驾驶技术》公共选修课的探索与实践

Driving coaches驾校教练
3)Niqiao Driver Training School泥桥驾校
1.Niqiao Driver Training School is the biggest one in Zunyi, leading the development of the industry for almost 10 years since its establishment .但是,随着近年来驾培市场竞争的进一步加剧,泥桥驾校存在的问题也日益凸现,如何顺应市场需要调整发展战略,继续领跑遵义市乃至贵州省驾培行业,是摆在泥桥驾校面前的一个重大课题。
4)a driving school驾驶训练学校
5)Peter Parker伯驾
1.Commentary on the effects of American Missionary Peter Parker s Medical Enterprise in China;美国传教士伯驾在华医疗事业影响述论
2.Peter Parker——Forerunner Medical Missionary from America to China;医药传教之先驱——伯驾
1.Study Between Fatigue and Safety in Driving;驾驶疲劳特性与汽车安全的研究
2.Analysis on "Public Security Vehicles Driving Technology "Program;《公安车辆驾驶技术》课程分析
3.Driving Buses Properly in order to Reduce Transport Cost;正确驾驶客车 降低运输成本——行车记录仪在车辆技术管理中的作用

山东保安驾校山东保安驾校,即临沂安保驾驶培训有限公司,建于2000年12月,是全市成立最早和最大的机动车驾驶员综合培训及服务基地之一。学校坐落在新规划的临沂市行政中心--南坊新区,东邻柳清河,西靠经五路,南傍纬三路。环境幽雅,交通便利,占地200多亩,拥有教学楼、学员公寓、多媒体阶梯教室、微机教室、汽车驾驶模拟室、生活服务中心、学员休息大厅、娱乐室20000多平方米和160多亩全封闭、花园式、多功能大型现代化汽车综合训练场地,硬化道路10多公里,设百米加减挡、连续障碍路、单边桥、侧方停车位、限速通过限宽门、直角拐弯、曲线行驶、坡道定点停车与起步等10 多个科目。可容纳60多台教练车同时训练。