教育的目的,The Aims of Education
1)The Aims of Education教育的目的
1.The Only Theme of Education Is Life:An Interpretation of The Aims of Education教育的唯一主题即生活——怀特海《教育的目的》解读

1.The Only Theme of Education Is Life:An Interpretation of The Aims of Education教育的唯一主题即生活——怀特海《教育的目的》解读
2.On Coordination of Sports Teaching Aim and Teaching Purpose体育教学目标与体育教学目的的协同
3.The Enlightenment of Russell s Education Goal View on Vocational Education;罗素的教育目的观对职业教育的启示
4.Differentiating and analyzing of concept of education --Of two groups concept: goal of education and object of education; goal of education and cultivating object;教育科学概念辨析——关于教育目的和教育目标、教育目的和培养目标两组概念
5.Life Education:The Necessary Aim of College Education生命教育:大学教育不可或缺的目标
6.Relation among Education Value, Education Function and Education Aim;论教育价值、教育功能、教育目的三者之关系
7.Quality Education of P.E.:The Main Items of P.E.Normal School Education;体育素质是体育师范教育的主要目标
8.Speech Education :Teaching Purpose & Practice of Confucius言语教育:孔子的施教目的与教学实践
9.The Function of Teachers image in Teaching Field;教师形象的悦目性对教育教学的影响
10.The purpose of this program is primarily educational.节目的目的主要是教育性。
11.Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy:The Antidote for Teacher Education Programs革命的批判教育学:教师教育项目的解毒剂
12.Discussion on Physical Education Thought and the Goal Reform in China;对我国体育教育思想和教育目标改革的探讨
13.Research on Target and Content of Qulity Education for Students in P.E. Major;对体育教育专业学生素质教育目标、内容的研究
14.The goal of education, then, is the cultivation of wisdom. This, essentially, is the goal the ancients attached to education.那么,教育的目标是智慧的培育。这本来是祖先附于教育的目标。
15.The Purpose of Constructing a Teachers Team in Continuing Education in View of Professional Education;专业教育视野下的继续教育教师队伍建设目标
16.Searching after Cultivating Aim and Multi-ability Education of Music Teachers in Higher Education;高等音乐教师教育的培养目标与多能教育探析
17.Disparities in Targets for Education,Moral Education and Mentality and Politics Education in Universities;论高校育人目标、德育目标和思想政治教育目标的差异
18.Separation Of Imparting Knowledge From Educating People--The Practical Absence Of Teaching Aims;教书与育人脱节——教学目的的实践缺失

purpose education目的教育
1.As an attempt to promote the reform and research in physical education and to improve the effect of physical training, a trial research is made to explore the effective methods of strengthening purpose education in physical education.采用实验的方法 ,对体育教学中如何加强目的教育进行了探讨 ,以推动体育教学改革与研究 ,更好地提高体育教学与锻炼的效
3)educational purpose教育目的
1.On presumed and generated educational purposes;论教育目的的预设与生成
2.Consensus and Unification Discrepancy and Diversity——on educational purposes breakout of the bewilderment;共识与统一 差异与多样——教育目的走出画地为牢的模式
3.The study on the educational purpose: A postmodernism perspective;后现代主义视野下的教育目的探析
4)educational aim教育目的
1.Under Dewey s philosophy of pragmatism and the actual conditions of education in the United States,Dewey proposed his principles of educational aim——"no educational aim",this view has its profound social background and philosophical and social thinking origins,it criticized the principles of educational aim based on the individual and society in history.杜威将实用主义哲学与美国教育实际相结合提出了"教育无目的论",这一观点有其深刻的社会背景和哲学及社会思想渊源,它批判了儿童本位论、社会本位论等教育目的观。
2.It contains important theoretical meaning and practical value for education today to fix the educational aim on promoting people s self-realization.把教育的目的定位于促进人的自我实现,就超越了过去那种整齐划一、千人一面的静态教育目的观。
3.Quality education seen from the educational aim and exam-oriented education seen f.就"教育目的"而言的"素质教育"与就"测量手段"而言的"应试教育"二者是不同类型因而也就不可类比、未必对立却又可以交叉重叠的范畴。
5)education aim教育目的
1.A Probe into Dewey s Perception of Education Aims and Its Enlightenment;杜威教育目的观解读及启示
2.Education value, education function and education aim are essential issues in education field, and are also starting point of education practice.教育价值、教育功能和教育目的是教育理论领域中的最基本的问题,也是教育实践工作的起点,三者之间是辩证统一的关系。
6)educational aims教育目的
1.Humanity is the Basis of Unification of Educational Aims——On the Humanity View of Reexploration the Educational aims;人性是教育目的统一的基础——论《再论教育目的》的人性观
2.On Educational Aims——the current educational aims;教育目的新探——兼论我国新时期教育目的的具体化
3.The education reform has become an irreversible trend which is reflected by the great and unprecedented changes in the aspects of the educational concepts,educational aims,educational content and educational evaluation.教育变革已成为不可逆转的潮流,在教育观念和教育目的、教育内容及教育评价等方面都发生了前所未有的变化。

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