语言魅力,language charm
1)language charm语言魅力
1.The paper, first deals with two types of sound symbolism and their respective characteristics, and then explores its unique language charm in literature, especially iri poetry.本文从语音象征的分类及特点着手,进一步探讨了它在文学作品、尤其是在诗歌中独特的语言魅力

1.Linguistic Charm:Researches on Literary Language in the New Vernacular;语言魅力的凸显——新时期文学语言探索寻踪
2.The Analysis of the Host s Language Glamour of TV Talk Show;解析电视Talk Show主持人的语言魅力
3.Discuss About Realism and Language Charm of Yunzhai s story;论《芸斋小说》的现实主义力量和语言魅力
4.An Experience of Aesthetic Bliss--Toward Appreciating the Linguistic Charms of Lolita感受“审美狂喜”——论小说《洛丽塔》的语言魅力
5.Agreement between Charm of Guides' Language and Tourists' Aesthetic Perception论导游语言魅力与游客审美知觉的契合
6.Your sensual body language will be all it takes to stir up the imagination in someone who has been eyeing you.富于艺术气息的身体语言魅力四射,让一直关注你的人更富想像力。
7.Artistry and Charm of the Language Emptiness in A Dream of Red Mensions;《红楼梦》语言的“空白”艺术及其魅力
8.Sad and Mild Charms --Lyrical features of language in "Shangshi;凄婉的魅力——《伤逝》语言的抒情特色
9.The Glamour of Vision:The Implementation of the Photographical Language in Advertise Designing视觉的魅力:摄影语言在广告设计中的应用
10.On Applied Language s Charm by LIAN Zhan and SONG Chu-yu s Speech during Their Visits to Mainland China;从连战、宋楚瑜大陆行看应用语言的魅力
11.The Scientific Manner of Sound Production Makes the Standard Chinese More Charming;科学的发声方法使普通话语言更有魅力
12.Freedom,Travesty and Language Glamour;自由、戏仿及语言的魅力——评徐坤的小说创作
13.The New Exploration of Activated and Personalized Language Arts Charm in Ancient Greek Plays古希腊戏剧动作化语言和个性化语言艺术魅力新探
14.Hemingway: A Great Language Artist--Charm and Enlightenment Reflected in the Novel The Snows of Kilimanjaro;海明威:一位伟大的语言艺术家——小说《乞力马扎罗的雪》的魅力与启示
15.Still life is a basic skill & charming language form in oil painting.静物 ,是油画艺术的一种基础和一种极有魅力的语言形式。
16.His language was natural, unaffected, distinctively vivid, humorous and strongly charming.语言既朴实无华,又鲜明生动,幽默而富有艺术魅力。
17.On Express Artistic Charm in Artistic Language--Talk about How to Make the Language of Artistic Figure TV Programm Having more Artistic Charm;用艺术语言彰显艺术魅力——浅谈如何使艺术类人物(电视片)语言更具艺术特点
18.The use of partial tone in network language makes it show charming.而许多网络词语和语句正是运用了谐音的手段,使网络语言呈现出其特有的魅力。

Glamourous Linguistics魅力语言学
3)speech effect有声语言魅力
4)charm of lingual art语言艺术魅力
5)The Charm of Advertising Language广告语言的魅力
6)The Charm of Graphic Language图形语言的魅力

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。