科学伦理,scientific ethics
1)scientific ethics科学伦理
1.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Scientific Ethics and the Progress of Science and Technology;浅析科学伦理道德与科技进步之间的关系
2.We must analyse the three forward questions: the essence connecting of modern science and technology and scientific ethics, the essence connecting of invented space-time and reality spa.作为以现代科技变化发展规律和特征为主要研究对象的科技哲学,无论是从推进现代科技良性运行和创新发展的迫切需要,还是从自身学科体系建设的迫切需要来看,科技哲学尤须下功夫分析现代科技与科学伦理的内在关系、虚拟时空与现实时空的内在关系、科学精神与科学方法的内在关系三大前沿问题,提出具有理论创新价值和实践指导意义的研究成果,以积极引导人们建立与现代科技良性运行和创新发展相适应的思维和行为方式。

1.Ethical Perspective on Science and Dominating Nature──Review of William Leiss Ethical Idea of Science;科学与控制自然的伦理透视——莱斯科学伦理观述评
2.Ethics is a branch of philosophy.伦理学是哲学的分科.
3.Science and Ethics-Comments on Poincare s Ethical Thoughts;科学与伦理学——彭加勒伦理思想评介
4.Inspirations of Scientific Development View to the Disciplinary Development of Medical Ethics;科学发展观对伦理学学科发展的启迪
5.Educatinoal Study about Scientific Ethics of Students of Science and Engineering;试述增强理工科学生科技伦理的教育
6.Dialectic Thinking of Medical Research and Ethics;医学科研与医学科研伦理的辩证思考
7.Ethics and psychology, treated as different subjects, have the same root.伦理学与心理学在学科渊源上是一家。
8.Research on Environmental Ethics Education of Geography Subject in Middle School;中学地理学科中的环境伦理教育研究
9.As regards science and technology, ethic foresight has the priority over ethic appraisal.对科学技术而言,伦理预见优先于伦理评价。
10.Discussion of the Medical Ethics Decision-making in the Construction of Hospital Subject浅议医院学科建设中医学伦理学决策
11.A Discussion on Ecological Logic of Ethics,Environmental Ethics and Scientific-technological Ethics from Perspective of Process Philosophy;伦理、环境伦理及科技伦理的生态逻辑——过程哲学的视角
12.Theoretically speaking,the study of religious ethics can push forward the development of both ethics and religious studies;在理论上,宗教伦理学研究有利于伦理学与宗教学的学科发展;
13.Ethical View of Western Scienticism on Educational Management西方科学主义教育管理伦理观及启示
14.Neuroethics:the Perfect Intersections of Humanities and Neuroscience;神经伦理学——人文科学与神经科学的完美结合体
15.Discipline Nature and Construction about Ethics关于伦理学的学科性质与学科建设的几个问题
16.Scientific spirit designing that as for applying ethics ken;从应用伦理学视野看设计的科学精神
17.Environmental ethics: a new interdiscipline;环境伦理学——一门新兴交叉性学科
18.Discussion on the Environmental Ethics Thought Contained in the Scientific Development View论科学发展观蕴涵的环境伦理学思想

science of ethics伦理科学
3)ethics of science科学伦理学
1.The content of ethics of science and technology(S&T) includes ethics of science and ethics of technology.科学技术伦理学就内容而言包容着科学伦理学、技术伦理学,但并不是两者的简单加和。
4)ethics in science科研伦理学
5)scientific ethical viewpoint科学伦理观
6)ethic science伦理科学性

国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technology  guomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。