义利,justice and benefit
1)justice and benefit义利
1.The view of relationship between justice and benefit is a major topic of Confucian ethic economics thoughts in China.在儒家学者中,董仲舒最为全面和深入地论述过义利问题,但他关于义利的思想在中国当代经济思想史研究领域却是基本被否定的。
2.The procedure of seeking for happiness is the procedure of balancing justice and benefit,the res.通过对二者的比较分析,尤其是对儒家义利观的得失分析,以均衡概念所内含的方法论为指导,可以正确揭示幸福的实质即义与利的均衡,人们追求幸福的过程即义与利的均衡过程,义利均衡的结果即人们实现的幸福,幸福的评价标准即义利相通的伦理精神原则。

1.A Study of the Original Meanings of Justice and Interest;“义”、“利”辨说——关于“义利之辩”的再认识
2.On Mencius View of Justice and Utility--An Essay on the Doctrine of Justice and Utility in the Book of Mencius;论孟子的义利观——《孟子》义利学说考察
3.The Dual Implication of the Traditional Confucian Conception of Righteousness versus Profitableness“义以建利”与“以义制利”——传统儒学义利观的二重义蕴
4.The Concepts of “Righteousness” and “Benefits” in Ideologies of Pre-Qin Confucianism,Mohism,Legalism and in Socialism先秦儒墨法家义利观与社会主义义利
5.Modern Interpretation of Confucian Value About Treasuring Morality While Despising Benefits and Its Significance;神圣化的义利观转向平民化的义利观——儒家义利观的现代诠释
6.Personal Gain,Public Interests,Justice And Humality--Traditional reflexion and mordern explanation to the relation between righteousness and profit;私利·公利·正义·仁义——义利关系的传统反思与现代诠释
7.Nomlnal(or money) interest rate名义(或货币)利率
8.welfare statism福利国家论[主义]
9.one who puts profit before righteousness is shameful.先义而后利者荣,先利而后义者辱。
10.One who put righteousness before profit is honorable; One who puts profit before righteous is shameful先义而后利者荣,行利而后义者辱
11.The doctrines and practices of the Pharisees.法利赛派教义法利赛人的教义和习惯
12.Boundary between Altruism and Egoism in Market Economy;市场经济与利他主义、利己主义的界限
13.On the Opinion that There is No Utilitarianism in Chinese Philosophy;论中国哲学没有“功利主义”——兼论“大利主义”不是“功利主义”
14.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争
15.How to Accommodate Justice and Utility--Deciphering the Relationship of Utility and Justice of Mill s UTILITARIANISM;功利何以容纳正义——解读密尔《功利主义》中功利与正义的关系
16.I was stubborn and egocentric,我是顽固的利己主义者。
17.Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States国家权利和义务宣言
18.Bulgarian Insurrection of 1944保加利亚1944年起义

righteousness and interest义利
3)well-gotten gains义利
4)righteousness and profit义利
1.Confucianist thought of righteousness and profit in the pre-Qin Dynasty and its practical significance;先秦儒家义利思想及其现实意义
2.Thinkers represented by Liu Gou and Ye Shi in Song dynasty criticized the opposition between thought of righteousness and profit,and advocated the unification of the two.宋代以李觏和叶适为代表批评义利对立观,主张义利统一论,在提倡大胆言利的基础上,进而提出义利和合的经济伦理思想,具体表现为坚持本末并重的经济发展模式。
5)justice and profit义利
1.From their opinions on justice and profit,the hierarchical system economy,and people-centered economy,Confucius,Mencius,and Xunzi s contribution to the establishment,inherence and advancement of the Pre-Qin Confucian economic philosophy are revealed in this paper.文章研究先秦儒家的代表人物孔子、孟子、荀子的经济哲学思想,进而从他们的义利观、等级制度经济观、以民为本的经济观等三方面阐释孔子、孟子、荀子对先秦儒学的经济哲学思想的创立、继承和发展。
2.The character of Mo-tse s idea of justice and profit is advocation of profit and valuation of justice.墨子义利观的特点是尚利与贵义。
6)righteousness/ interest义/利

义利【义利】 (术语)义与利相应,义必有利,故曰义利。佛地经论一曰:“义利。现益名义,当益名利。”大日经疏七曰:“于一一真言,皆具能成就一切义利。”