性命论,theory on individual personality
1)theory on individual personality性命论

1.Ethical Thoughts of Wang Chong's Theory on Celestial Body,Human Nature and Individual Personality王充天体论、人性论和性命论中的伦理思想探析
2.A Brief Analysis on Tian-ming View and Xin-xing View in Xingzimingchu;郭店楚简《性自命出》的天命观与心性论
3.The Miserable Destiny--On Xiao Hong s thinking of females destiny;苦难的宿命──论萧红对女性命运的思考
4.The Exhaustiveness of Theory and the Mission of Theorectical Workers论理论的彻底性与理论工作者的使命
5.Character Determines the Fate--On Hamlet s Character and Fate;性格决定命运——论哈姆雷特的性格与命运
6.On Female Revolutionary Images and Women Liberation;夹缝里的革命——论女性革命者形象与女性解放
7.Awareness of self in Feminist Poems;生命的独白——论女性主义诗歌中的生命意识
8.Beyond the Limit of Life--On Sima Qian s Life Viewpoints of Rationality;生命极限的超越——试论司马迁理性生命观
9."Tone" and "Taste"--On the Aesthetic Quality of Poetic Life“味”与“趣”——试论诗性生命的审美质性
10.Theory of human nature in the Doctrine of the Mean and the chapter of Nature Originates from the Mandate;《中庸》与郭店简《性自命出》篇的人性论
11.On the Emotion and Nature in HAN Ying s Memoir of Shijing and the Origin of Nature from Fate;《韩诗外传》情性论与《性自命出》的渊源
12.The Revolutionary and Modernist Narratives of the New Frontier Literature论“新边塞文学”的革命性与现代性叙事
13.On Naming of Literary Theory: A Reflection on Its Disciplinarity;论文学理论的命名——文学理论的学科性反思之一
14.Critical Analysis on the Doctrine of Spirit(Xing) and of Sentiment(Qing)of Spirit Stems from Fate(Ming), and Its Academic Affiliation;《性自命出》性情论辨析——兼论其学派归属问题
15.Perception and Intelligence:Instant Image and Life Form--On the Intelligent Living Expression of Xin Di s Poems;感性与智性:瞬间印象与生命形式——论辛笛诗歌中的智性生命表达
16.On Fulfilling the Life Education Value Idea by the Education Practice in the Necessity;论践行生命化教育价值观念的必要性
17.Conflict management: reflections on general theoretical proposition;冲突管理:一般理论命题的理性思考
18.The Meaning of Denominating Socialist Modernity in Chinese Literary Theory;中国文论社会主义现代性命名的意义

human nature and life theory性情命论
1.Wang Anshi in Song Dynasty with a standpoint of politician and thinker had investigated human nature and life theory deeply.性情命论是中国哲学史上最为重要的问题之一,宋代的王安石以一位政治家、思想家的视点,对性情命论做了一番深入的考察。
3)The Study on Zhang Zai s Theory of Nature and Mandate张载性命论研究
4)"fate" thought"命"论
1.About the reasons of Wang Chong s "fate" thought formativing,the former people had done a lot of research,but few people studied it from society,especially from the angle of choosing officers system in the Han Dynasty.关于王充“命”论思想形成的原因,前人已有研究,但很少从社会特别是汉代选官制度这个角度加以研究。
5)The Destiny of the Contemporary Virtue Ethics当代德性论的命运
6)lifecycle academic model生命周期理论性态
1.In this article,the author expounds emphatically the reciprocities between corporate governance and equity-capital-struc-ture of China listed companies associated with the lifecycle academic model of enterprise.文章结合企业生命周期理论性态,着重阐述我国上市公司治理结构与其权益资本结构的相互作用。

论命1.定罪。 2.算命。