殡葬制度,burial culture
1)burial culture殡葬制度

1.The Focus in Environmental Ethics:A New Way of Thinking for the Reform of Funeral System in China环境伦理的焦点:中国殡葬制度改革的新思路
3.funeral procession出殡队伍,葬礼的行列
4.The funeral is on Friday afternoon.本礼拜五下午殡葬。
5.The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.承办殡葬者准备埋葬尸体。
6.Some Chinese characters which relate to death and funeral and interment represent the funeral and interment customs of the ancient people in our country.一些和死亡、殡葬有关的汉字,反映了我国古代先民的殡葬习俗。
7.As an important aspect of human culture,funeral and interment culture reflects the level of social civilization.殡葬文化是人类文化的重要组成部分,它从一个侧面反映了社会文明发展的程度和水平。
8.The profession or duties of a funeral director.丧葬事宜,殡仪业丧葬指导者的职业和责任
9.one whose business is the management of funerals.一个以处理葬礼和殡仪为职业的人。
10.To clothe and prepare(a corpse)for burial.穿寿衣为(尸体)穿衣做殡葬准备
11.a room in a funeral home used for conducting funeral services.殡仪馆中用来举行葬仪的礼堂。
12.Funeral and Interment Culture of Shaoxing:A Case Study对殡葬文化的个案调查——以绍兴市为例
13.Yearn and Memory: The Study on the Design of the Modern Funeral Building;怀念·追思: 现代殡葬建筑设计研究
14.Operating of Law--A Case Study of G Village;法规的运行——以G村的殡葬改革为例
15.On Advancing the Industrialization of Funeral and Interment Service;关于推进泉州殡葬服务产业化的思考
16.Enlightenment to China s Funeral Reform with Lian and Song Holding Memorial Ceremonies to Ancestors;连宋大陆祭祖对我国殡葬改革的启示
17.His book glance at the burial custom of the indian tribe他的著作简略地提到印第安部落的殡葬习俗
18.The problems existed in the reform of funeral and interment in countryside of Henan province and ways to do with当前河南省农村殡葬改革存在的问题及对策

funeral and interment殡葬
1.General investigate and evaluation for ambient environmental pollution on national funeral and interment craft;全国殡葬行业环境污染现状调查与评价
1.Based on the situation for national funeral-hall,this paper expunds a soution of information for funeral-hall.文章介绍殡葬ERP系统的开发背景以及殡葬ERP系统的体系结构和主要的功能模块,用一个成功实施的用户案例,说明了殡仪馆实施殡葬ERP系统的体会和所获得的效益。
2.This paper discusses how funeral industry of China should face challenges and opportunities of WTO,andopen up a way to succes of its own after China’s entering WTO.本文论述了中国加入WTO后,殡葬行业如何面对入世的挑战和机遇,走出一条属于自己的发展道路。
4)funeral and interment space殡葬空间
1.This article is a research of the buffdings and spaces in Wan an cemetery which is at the root of the Fragrant Hills It Surveys the old buildings and spaces within the new ones,conclude the characters of the funeral and interment space in Wan an cemetery point out it is a contribution to the harmonious society and fits living city.本文对位于香山脚下的北京市万安公墓的建筑及空间进行研究,对其老建筑及其空间、新建筑及其空间分别调查,并且对与其殡葬活动相关的特色空间进行归纳,指出殡葬空间的研究是为和谐社会和宜居城市的建设做贡献。
5)Funeral Reform殡葬改革
1.However,in rural areas of western and southern Hubei province,when funeral reform is carried out,the harmony of rural life was turned to disorder and chaos because of its characteristic of being unreasonable.但是近年来,在现代化的语境下,国家在鄂西南农村地区强制推行殡葬改革,使原来形成的乡村秩序均衡状态陷入到一种无序和混乱之中。
2.How to ensure that people in different areas and of different backgrounds will not be deprived of funeral-selection rights in the process of funeral reform and will not suffer economically because of the new policy has become the problem confronted.殡葬改革是一种政府行为,从目前的情况来看,全国虽然还没有一刀切地进行,但从部分走在前列的省市情况来看,城乡差别完全取消的现象已经普遍存在。
3.This offers us with new angel to observe and ponder over China s funeral reform, also bring us with valuable enlightenments on carrying on the cultural quintessence of holding memorial ceremonies for ancestors.连宋大陆祭祖及其在海内外炎黄子孙中引起的巨大反响和强烈共鸣,给我们带来了观照和思考我国殡葬改革的新视角,也给我国殡葬改革带来了诸如要传承弘扬慎终追远、敬祖重根这一中华民族传统殡葬文化精髓等五个方面的有益启示。
6)Funeral Profession殡葬行业
1.The Possibility of Using ERP Management in the Funeral Profession;浅谈在殡葬行业推行ERP管理的可能性
