发展目的,development aim
1)development aim发展目的
1.In the article,the ontology basis of development aim will be revealed in the view of humans\' being style,the subject principle of development aim will be analyzed by the means of eliminating the humans\' dependence on goods and capital,and the happiness theory of development aim will be interpreted in the light of unification of humans\' material happiness and spirit happiness.发展目的以影响人们价值选择的方式决定着发展方式、发展过程和发展结果。

1.Scientific development view and goal of human development:Discussion on the ideological and political education goal;科学发展观与人的发展目的——兼论思想政治教育的目的
2.development-related refugee project与发展有关的难民项目
3.Aims Problem about Development of Higher Education in Developing Countries;发展中国家高等教育发展的目的问题
4.The All-round Development of Man: the Supreme Objective of Social Development;人的全面发展:社会发展的最高目标
5.All-round Development of People: the Value Target of Sustainable Development;人的全面发展:可持续发展的价值目标
6.Discussion on the Development of Privileged BOT Project;浅议特许经营项目(BOT项目)的发展
7.The Development and Prospect of Dweck s Motivational Goal Orientation Theory;Dweck成就目标取向理论的发展及其展望
8.SWOT Analysis on Promoting Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects开发清洁发展机制项目的SWOT分析
9.Harmonious Development of Man and Nature’ Ultimate Goal of Sustainable Development;可持续发展的目标:人与自然的和谐发展
10.Analysis on Development of Project Management from Kuhn s Scientific Development Mode;从库恩的科学发展模式来解构项目管理的发展
11.Harmonious Development of Man and Nature: Ultimate Goal of Sustainable Development;可持续发展的终极目标:人与自然的和谐发展
12.Development-based curriculum and professional development of the school teachers;发展为本的课程目标与中小学教师的专业发展
13.Human-Oriented Development of Material Interests as Target in Scientific Development View科学发展观要求物质利益的发展要以“人”为目的
14.The Environment Analysis on Economic and Social Development in Xinjiang and Its Objective Positioning;新疆经济社会发展环境分析及发展目标的定位
15.Sustainable development is essential to building a well - off society and boosting socialist modernization;重视可持续发展确保既定发展目标的实现
16.The Development of Teleology and Marxism s Theory of End;目的论的发展与马克思主义关于目的的学说
17.Explain the goal of the Project for Sustainable Mobility of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.解释世界可持续发展经济协会的可持续汽车发展项目的目标。
18.On the Development Purposes And Selctive Purposes of Moral Evaluation;论德育评价的发展性目的与选择性目的

development purposes发展性目的
1.Generally speaking,the purpose of moral evaluation can be divided into selective purposes and development purposes.德育评价的目的总的来说存在选择性目的和发展性目的两种,但在实践工作中却经常发生只看到其中的一种目的,而将另一种忽视,甚至将二者对立起来。
3)development of destination目的地发展
4)Objectives of science development发展科学的目标
5)development of strategic target发展的战略目标
6)develop currently of advantage目前发展的优势

发展发展development  指疾病或病情的蔓延、扩散或加重的意思。