主和,advocating peace
1)advocating peace主和

1.Democracy and Monarchy in France法国的民主和君主制
2.Neoconservative,Democracy and "Great Middle East Initiative";新保守主义、民主和“大中东民主计划”
3.An Actual Relationship between Democracy and Peace Distorted by“Democratic Peace”Theory;从“民主和平论”看民主与和平的关系
4.a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system.相信和主张君主制度的。
6.Who are the starring actor and actress?男主角和女主角是谁?
7.invert the subject and predicate of a sentence.颠倒主句的主语和谓语
8.Richart and Principally Quasi-Baer Modules;Richart模和主拟-Baer模
9.The leading part or the air in a harmonic composition.主旋律,主声调和声乐曲中之主要声部
10.Dicussion on "subject,dominance,and mainstream" of the construction of the corporation of the university;论高校社团建设的主体、主导和主流
11.The Capitalism, Social Democracy and Welfare Country;资本主义、社会民主主义和福利国家
12.The Realistic Socialism:Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism;现实社会主义:世界主义和国民主义
13.Laski’s “Democrat Socialism”--Transitional Stage of “Social Democracy” and “Democrat Socialism”;拉斯基“民主的社会主义”——社会民主主义和民主社会主义的过渡阶段
14.Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Haper& Row,1796, p.269.[5]熊比特:《资本主义、会主义和民主主义》,第312页。
15.make a composition with one's creditors和债主达成和解协议
16.Beyond "liberal" and "civic republican": Habermas Procedural Democracy;超越自由主义和共和主义:哈贝马斯的程序民主
17.Application of Objectivism and Subjectivism in the Conviction and Sentence客观主义和主观主义在定罪和量刑中的适用
18.Agreed Framework of 21 October 1994 between USA and DPRK美国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国之间

main arrow and main carpenter square主矢和主矩
3)principle part and leading force主体和主导
4)moment and principal Axes矩和主轴
5)hexie theme和谐主题
1.Development of HeXie Theme for Self-Organizing-System Based Enterprises;基于自组织系统的企业和谐主题演化分析
2.With the exploration of HeXie Theme, the approach to differentiating and recognizing HeXie Theme were refined in light of problems and tasks faced by enterprise in the strategy implementation.首先,通过总结已有的研究工作,界定了和谐这一基本的概念;然后,从企业家对和谐主题的搜索入手,根据企业战略实施的阶段性工作中面临的问题和任务,提炼并给出了辨析和谐主题的方法;最后,通过分析和则、谐则、和谐主题及其与组织、环境、领导和战略之间的一致性关系和动力学机制,得到了和谐管理理论发展和应用需要解决的几个基本问题。
3.It is the first work of the study on the integration of enterprise senior team that studies the “HeXie theme” of senior team s integration based on the harmonious management theory.企业高层团队整合之“和谐主题”的研究 ,是基于“和谐管理”视角研究高层团队整合的首要工作。
1.Mixed Constitution and Civic Virtue:Tension and Outlet of Republicanism in the Constitution of United States;混合政体与公民美德——美国宪法共和主义的内在张力及出路
2.Interpretation of American Constitution Republicanism Based on Neo-Roman Theory:Contribution and Limitation;新罗马理论对美国宪法共和主义的解读:贡献与缺陷
3.The Republicanism Theory and Its Political Practice on the Initial Stage of French Revolution, 1789-1794;法国大革命初期的共和主义思想及其政治实践(1789—1794年)

手心主标本手心主标本 手心主标本   解剖结构名。指六经中之标本。《灵枢·卫气》:“手心主之本,在掌后两筋之间二寸中;标,在腋下下三寸也。”马莳注:“手心主即手厥阴心包络经之本,在掌后两筋之间,即内关穴,标在腋下三寸,即天池穴。”