伦理知识,ethical knowledge
1)ethical knowledge伦理知识
1.; In the speech act analysis stage, meta-ethics combined with transcendental rationalism and phenomenological intu- itionism, forming negotiation ethics and subjectivity axiology, promoted the establishment of universal ethical knowledge.在语言分析阶段产生了直觉主义、情感主义、规定主义等学派;在言语行为分析阶段,元伦理学逐渐与先验理性主义、现象学直观主义相结合,形成商谈伦理学以及主体性价值论,推动了普遍伦理知识的建立。

1.Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics--From the language analysis of ethics to speech acts analysis普遍的伦理知识何以可能?——从伦理学语言分析到言语行为分析
2.From the Intellective Vindication of Ethics to the Ethical Critique of Knowledge;由知识对伦理的辩护到伦理对知识的批判——论知识的伦理价值
3.Ethic research on the management of Beijing Olympic knowledge rights北京奥运知识产权管理的伦理学思考
4.On the Ethical Spirit of the Contemporary Chinese Public Intellectual;论当代中国公共知识分子的伦理精神
5.The Problems in Knowledge Domain and Phenomenology of Bioethics;生命伦理学的知识场域与现象学问题
6."Promoting Virtue and Respected Knowledge":Traditional Confucian Theory of Knowledge-Ethics;“尊德性而道问学”:传统儒学知识伦理论
7.Ethical reflection on the issue of intellectual property rights during the network economy;网络经济中知识产权问题的伦理思考
8.Virtue is Knowledge;美德即知识——试析苏格拉底伦理哲学观
9.Knowledge Is Virtue--A Brife Analysis on the Influence that the "General Know" Brings to the Formation and Change of Chinese and Western Ethical Ideas;知识就是美德——浅析“知识”对中西伦理思想形成和变化的作用
10.What is the relationship between ethics and the law in connection to inte lectual property rights?在知识产权领域伦理和法律是什么关系?
11.They include both the knowledge of technical standards as well as ethical standards.这三点包括技术标准和伦理标准方面的知识。
12.The Rise of Network Ethics and Its Knowledge Scope Based on Problem Domain;网络伦理学的兴起及其知识范畴的形成
13.Ethical Loss of Law of Knowledge Property and Path of Its Return知识产权法价值的伦理迷失及其回归路径
14.Primary Inquiry into Questions of Capital of Knowledge, Capital of Labor Power and Capitalization of Ethical Value;知识资本、人力资本与伦理价值的资本化问题初探
15.Theoretical Knowledge, Specific Knowledge and Innovation;知识原理、知识具体与企业知识创新
16.To have knowledge or an understanding of.具有…知识,理解…
17.Combination of scientific knowledge and ecological ethics as a form of cultural progress--An interpretation of the philosophical text of Albert Schweitzer科学知识与生态伦理的耦合:文化进步的合理形态——阿尔贝特·史怀泽哲学的文本解读
18.An Analysis of Ecotourists Ethical Consciousness and Principles;生态旅游者个人伦理意识和伦理原则探析

knowledge ethics知识伦理
1.The positions and structures of different kinds of knowledge form the relation of knowledge ethics.各种知识间的地位和结构构成知识伦理关系。
3)theory of knowledge ethics知识伦理论
4)ethics of knowledge知识伦理学
1.The basis of ethics of knowledge includes two aspects,its possibility and its reality.知识伦理学的依据包括可能性和现实性两个方面。
2.At last, a philosophical turn named ethics of knowledge will be suggested after the enlightenment spirit being reflected in modern knowledge society.现代知识社会中知识启蒙作用之萎缩的原因 ,决定了知识伦理学的转
5)The Origin of our Knowledge of Right and Wrong伦理知识的起源
6)On the Basis of Ethics of Knowledge知识伦理学的根据
