涉身自我,embodied self
1)embodied self涉身自我
1.Above all,with the development of new technology,embodied self has been at issue.建立在二元论基础上的传统生命伦理学不断遭遇实践有效性的考验,尤其是新技术的发展使得"涉身自我"凸显,一定程度上消解了身心二元对立的界线,从而导致其确定性丧失。
1.Information as a new agent in society construction,has established a self-referring system based on special technology,which has manipulated the symbol and mechanism of social intercourse.建立在特定技术基础上的信息,生产出一个自我指涉的意义系统,控制了作为社会交往基础的符号体系和形式结构,形成社会交往障碍,造成了交往中社会意义的缺失。

1.A Study of Auto-referentiality and Intratextuality in Mingyuan Shihua;《名媛诗话》的自我指涉及其内文本建构
2.Form as Content:On Self-reference in Literature;形式作为内容——论文学的自我指涉
3.Both are capable of great emotional depth, and both occasionally stray into dry intellectuality and sterile self-reference.它们均能表达深刻的感情,偶尔也会陷入一本正经的理智,以及枯燥乏味的自我指涉
4.I preferred to come and deal with him personally.我宁愿来亲自同他交涉。
5.I had gotten myself out of a questionable situation.我使自己从涉嫌的境地里摆脱出来。
6.self instructional training自我指导训练自我指导训练
7.Self-monitoring As a Moderator Variable in Sex Facilitation Effect自我监控性作为性别助长效应的干涉变量
8.A Research on the Implicit Self-Evaluation of Drug Criminals涉毒青年男性罪犯内隐自我评价的研究
9.I love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself don't interest me.我喜欢听有关旁人的流言,至于牵涉我自己的,我不感兴趣。
10."I'm a good man," he pointed at himself.“我是好人,”他指着自己。
11.Such corrections are not automatic: something (a misadventure in Iran?像这样的自我修正并不是自动的:有些事情(涉险伊朗?)
12.For those aggressive acts that do involve the perpetrators' self-regard, we believe that threatened egotism is crucial.只要暴力事件涉及了犯案人的自尊,我们相信「自尊受威胁」是关键。
13.If the alleged subsidy is not thereafter notified promptly, such Member may itself bring the alleged subsidy in question to the notice of the Committee.如被指控的补贴此后仍未迅速作出通知,则该成员自己可将被指控的所涉补贴提请委员会注意。
14.Deictic Egocentricity and Deictic Projection;指示语的自我中心性和指示映射现象
15.The Object-Oriented, Other-Oriented, and Self-Oriented Characteristics of the Chinese People;中国人的事物指向、他人指向和自我指向特点
16.The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.自我,自己自我,尤指不同于世界和其他个体
17.Indeed, a younger and less cautious man would long since have spoken的确,倘若是一个涉世未深的毛手毛脚的男子早就自我表白了。
18.Strand DNA also references twins- twins strands- a metaphor for your Yin/ Yang self merging.鮀NA同样涉及到双生子-双生子线-对你的阴阳自我结合的隐喻说法。

1.Information as a new agent in society construction,has established a self-referring system based on special technology,which has manipulated the symbol and mechanism of social intercourse.建立在特定技术基础上的信息,生产出一个自我指涉的意义系统,控制了作为社会交往基础的符号体系和形式结构,形成社会交往障碍,造成了交往中社会意义的缺失。
4)ego involvement自我涉连
5)physical self身体自我
1.Influential elements of physical self of higher vocational schools in Zhejiang province;职高学生身体自我影响因素研究——以杭州市为例
2.Comparative study of physical self and sport behavior response of university students at different grades;不同年级大学生身体自我与体育行为应对的对比
3.Factors Affecting the Physical Self of Individuals with Disability;残障者身体自我的影响因素
6)physical self-concept身体自我
1.A Research on Different Exercise Form Influences University Students Physical Self-concept;不同锻炼方式对大学生的身体自我概念影响的研究
2.A comparison on the characteristics of physical self-concept between P.E. Students and non-P.E. Students体育专业与非体育专业大学生身体自我的比较
3.The results show the male students physical self-concept is significantly better than the female students ,the high grade students physical self-concept is better than the low grade students ,and the physical selfconcept of the students coming from rural areas is better than the students coming from urban areas.采用身体自我描述问卷(PSDQ)对284名体育专业大学生进行调查,探讨其身体自我特点。

多指并指综合征多指并指综合征 为常染色体显性遗传伴有不同表现度。表现:桡侧多指,有时包括第1掌骨或骨,手和/或足的并指(趾)畸形,通常为轻度或中度。