全死因死亡率,All cause mortality
1)All cause mortality全死因死亡率
2)total mortality全死亡率
3)Cause-specific death rate死因别死亡率
4)total death全体死亡
5)death reason死亡原因
1.The paper analyses the death reasons of 54 cases, then draws the conclusion that the common death reasons of DCM are refractory cardiac failure, sudden death, cardiac shock, and embolism.目的为了进一步认识扩张型心肌病(DCM)的死亡原因,提高对该疾病的诊治水平,以降低其死亡率。
2.Objective To discuss the relative factors of death reason and prevention strategy of child bearing women in Yuzhong district of Chongqing city.目的 探讨重庆市渝中区育龄妇女死亡原因相关因素及防治对策。
3.Objective To study the death reasons of patients with lung cancer.目的 探讨肺癌病人死亡原因。

1.The Analysis of the Causes and the Majoy Influencing Factors of 171 Perinatal Death171例围产儿死亡原因及相关因素分析
2.Septicemia was emphasized as a common cause of death in burns.败血症是烧伤的常见死亡原因
3.The Analysis of whole Death Causes of the Inhabitants in Lin County, Henan Provine During 1977-19861977—1986年林县居民全部死亡原因分析
4.Analysis on Maternal Deaths of Cesarean Section in Shanghai上海市20年剖宫产产妇死亡原因分析
5.Analysis of Causes of Diseases and Death from 1991 to 2000 in Wuxian City;吴县市1991-2000年居民病伤死亡原因分析
6.The Analysis of Death Causes in 1053 Diabetic In-patients Cases;1053例住院糖尿病患者死亡原因分析
7.Study on the Cause of Cotton Seedlings Death in Xinjiang and Corresponding Control Measures;新疆棉苗大量死亡原因及其防治研究
8.Factors of Perioperative Death in Patients with Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma;食管癌、贲门癌围手术期死亡原因分析
9.Analysis of Cause of Death in Maintance Hemodialysis Patients;维持性血液透析患者的死亡原因分析
10.The Analysis of the Causes of Perinatal Death in Zhejiang Province, 2006-2007;浙江省2006年-2007年围产儿死亡原因分析
11.Analyses on Death Causes of Residents in Tongcheng 1998 to 2007;桐城市1998-2007年居民死亡原因分析
12.Analysis of Cause of Death for Nursing Young Pig and Corresponding Countermeasure;哺乳仔猪死亡原因分析及相应的对策
13.The Death Cause,Time and Burial Place of the Two Emperors of North Song Dynasty;北宋徽钦二帝死亡原因、时间、葬地考
14.The Analysis of the Expert Evidence of the Cause of H's Death on the Science of Evidence LawH死亡原因鉴定结论的证据法学分析
16.cause of loss of life火灾死亡的原因不通
17.Examination of a dead person to see what is the cause of death.对死人的检查,找出引起死亡的原因。
18.Examination of a dead person to see what be the cause of death对死人的检查,找出引起死亡的原因

total mortality全死亡率
3)Cause-specific death rate死因别死亡率
4)total death全体死亡
5)death reason死亡原因
1.The paper analyses the death reasons of 54 cases, then draws the conclusion that the common death reasons of DCM are refractory cardiac failure, sudden death, cardiac shock, and embolism.目的为了进一步认识扩张型心肌病(DCM)的死亡原因,提高对该疾病的诊治水平,以降低其死亡率。
2.Objective To discuss the relative factors of death reason and prevention strategy of child bearing women in Yuzhong district of Chongqing city.目的 探讨重庆市渝中区育龄妇女死亡原因相关因素及防治对策。
3.Objective To study the death reasons of patients with lung cancer.目的 探讨肺癌病人死亡原因。
6)Death cause死亡原因
1.Analyses on death causes and mortality for in-patients of psychiatric dept. during different years.;不同年代精神科住院患者死亡原因及死亡率分析
2.Analysis of death causes for 19 AIDS patients.艾滋病19例死亡原因分析
3.OBJECTIVE To study the mortality and death causes among residents in Kunming in order to adopt effective preventive measures.目的分析昆明市居民死亡水平、死亡原因分布及特征,为制定卫生政策并采取相应疾病预防控制措施提供科学依据。

标准化死亡率比标准化死亡率比  标准化死亡率比是在研究人群中观察死亡数与以标准人口死亡率计算的预期死亡率之比。标准化死亡率比是一有用指标。它可以在不受被调查人的年龄,性别分布的影响条件下表示某地区疾病死亡频率的强度。