价值秩序,value order
1)value order价值秩序
2)order value秩序价值

1.Conflict and Resolution of Juristical Values between Freedom and Order;法的自由价值与秩序价值的冲突及其消解
2.Study of State-Oriented Legal Order Valueunder China International Civil Procedure Law;我国国际民事程序法“国家本位”秩序价值初探
3.The transaction security theory of civil and business law embodies law′ s order value.民商法上的交易安全体现了法律的秩序价值
4.Standard and Restrictive Elements in Realizing the Value of Administrative Reconsideration Order;行政复议秩序价值实现的衡量标准及制约因素
5.On the Order Value of Police Criminal Enforcement of Law duringthe Period of Social Transition论社会转型期警察刑事执法的秩序价值
6.On the Value of Freedom for Establishing Country Governed by Law--Thought of the Conflict between Freedom and Order value;论自由对建立法治国家的价值——对自由与秩序价值冲突的思考
7.The general values are order, justice and interest.国际法的基本价值有秩序、义、益。
8.Justice and Order :the Key Values of to Administer the Country by Law正义和秩序:依法治国的核心价值
9.Order and mechanism : The contemporary art market value of my views;秩序与机制:当代艺术市场价值之我见
10.Analysis on the Value of Clansman Order for the Development of Grass-roots Adminstration;基层行政对于宗法秩序的价值性开掘
11.The Eternal Value of Politics :Pursuit of Order and Justice;政治永恒的价值:对秩序与正义的追求
12.Justice and Order: Core of Value Target on Running a State by Law;正义和秩序:依法治国的核心价值目标
13.Conflict Between Liberty and Order;“自由与秩序的法律价值冲突”辨析
14.Educational Order:The Pursuit of Constructing of Education System教育秩序:教育制度建设的价值追求
15.Justice and order between generations:The constitutional value of a harmonious society;代际公平与秩序:和谐社会宪法的价值追求
16.Order or Freedom: The Historical Development of Law s Value;自由还是秩序——关于法律价值的历史考察
17.Exploration of the Order of the Public Power System;公共权力体系的秩序探求:价值、制度、组织
18.Order and justice are the common valuable pursuit of law and harmony;论法律与和谐的共同价值追求——秩序与正义

order value秩序价值
3)rule and value秩序与价值
1.Macro-narration method has been adopted to integrate rule and value and reshape the university ma.本文试图采用"秩序与价值"一体的思考方法,对高校管理进行形上思考,以"秩序与价值"对其模式从价值与制度组织层面重构,以塑造高校管理制度文明,从而获得大学生这一管理客体的认同,强化管理主体的"合法性"。
4)mind or value order人心价值秩序
1.Society order is to be divided into society organization order and mind or value order according to its constitution material carrier.马克思从资本主义社会组织秩序之维度展开他的理论思考与实践批判;而舍勒从资本主义人心价值秩序之维着手他的理论反思和批判。
5)Objective value order客观价值秩序
1.The objective standard, namely objective value order, indicates that the basic right is one kind of standard or value, and various state agency must observe and implement when they fulfill the authority.客观规范即客观价值秩序,表示基本权是一种规范或者价值,各国家机关在履行职权时须遵守和贯彻即为基本权的保障义务。
2.It has become consensus in the field of law and practice that the decision established a series of important principles for a long time,including the indirect radiance effect of private law caused by constitutional law applying,objective value order being as weighing standard when basic rights and private law interest conflicting,freedom of expression occupying basic positioning in basic rights.长期以来,该判决确立的一系列重要原则,包括宪法的适用效力可对私法产生间接的辐射效应、客观价值秩序可作为基本权利与私法益发生冲突时的衡量标准、表达自由在基本权利中居于基础性地位等等,已经成为法学界和司法实践部门的共识。
6)objective order of values客观价值秩序
1.Besides the character as individual rights, fundamental rights are also the "objective order of values" which were established by the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.除了作为个人权利的性质外,基本权利被认为是德国基本法所确立的“客观价值秩序”,是对国家权力产生直接约束力的法律。
