二元对立,binary opposition
1)binary opposition二元对立
1.Romanticism——Emotion of the binary opposition mode;浪漫主义——二元对立模式的情感延伸
2.The poetical transcendence of binary opposition from ideality and reality——a structuralist approach to Great Expectations;理想与现实二元对立的诗意超越——《远大前程》的结构主义辨析
3.There exist all kinds of superficial binary opposition which contains beauty and ugliness, loftiness and despicableness, flesh and spirit, sex and love, arranged marriage and freedom to choose spouse, and so on.与此相应,文本的表层有各种各样的二元对立,这包括美/丑、高尚/卑劣、肉体/精神、性/爱、包办婚姻/自由恋爱等。

1.Rationalism and Empiricism from Duality to Dialogue - A Comparison between Chomsky s and Lakoff s views on Language;从二元对立到二元对话——Chomsky和Lakoff的语言观对比
2.From Duality-Opposion to Multi-Element Coexistance--Clearing-up the Misunderstanding of Duality-Opposion Thinking of the Practice Aesthetics;从二元对立到多元共存——走出实践美学争论的二元对立思维误区
3.Wishes from Another Shore: From Conflicting Dualism to Harmonious Pluralism;彼岸的希盼—从二元对立走向多元共存
4.Governing Public Affairs: From Binary Oppositions to Polycentricity;公共事务治理:从二元对立到多元化
5.Educational Research Mode: from Dual Contradiction to Pluralistic Integration;教育研究范式:从二元对立到多元整合
6.On English Writing Course;从二元对立走向二元共生——管中窥豹说写作
7.Deconstruction of Gender Binary Opposition in Middlemarch;《米德尔马契》中性别二元对立的解构
8.On the Dichotomy in A Midsummer Night s Dream;论《仲夏夜之梦》中的二元对立结构
9.Romanticism--Emotion of the binary opposition mode;浪漫主义——二元对立模式的情感延伸
10.Three Groups of Dual-antagonistic Model of Postcolonial Culture Criticism;后殖民文化批判的三组二元对立模式
11.Falsehood and Truth:On Binary Opposition in Hamlet;假与真:《哈姆莱特》的二元对立结构
12.Deconstructing the Antithesis:A Post-colonial Interpretation of The Joy Luck Club;解构二元对立:后殖民视野中的《喜福会》
13.The Application of Binary Opposition in Thinks by David Lodge;洛奇小说《想……》中二元对立技巧的应用
14.Interpreting Structuralism from the Perspective of Binary Oppositions;从二元对立的角度解读结构主义文论
15.Soft Power-the Binary Opposition Between Rural Communication Systems Structure;软力量——乡村传播系统的二元对立结构
16.Dissemination of Binary Oppositions in WANG Xiao Bo s Fictions;王小波作品中的二元对立关系的分解
17.Subject-Object Dualism Opposites and Dialectical Thinking in Philosophy and Aesthetics;哲学、美学中主客二元对立与辩证思维
18.Metaphor Cannot Deconstruct the Dualistic Antagonism between Philosophy and Literature;隐喻不能解构哲学与文学的二元对立

binary oppositions二元对立
1.Deconstruction bases its metaphysics on the dismantling of conventional binary oppositions, or of hierarchies and systems.解构主义的哲学基础来自于它对传统的二元对立的瓦解,其矛头直指一切等级制和中心制。
2.On the other hand,it eliminates binary oppositions,questions scientism,and subverts the speech power,thus providing a philosophical and value basis for qualitative research.在心理学研究方法上,后现代主义思潮一方面对盲目崇拜数字的量化研究进行了批判,另一方面其消解二元对立、质疑科学主义、颠覆权威话语的鲜明理念,对质化研究的兴起起了重要的催化作用。
3.In his masterpiece On the Road that brought him fame overnight, Kerouac represents some crazy characters trying to construct a romantic dream to escape the empty and decadent society, which is based on these binary oppositions like past vs.被一些评论家称为新浪漫主义者的凯鲁亚克,在其成名小说《在路上》中刻画了一些人物,他们试图构建一个脱离空虚堕落的现实社会的浪漫之梦,这个浪漫之梦是建立在过去—现在、纯真—腐败、精神主义—物质主义,以及浪漫主义—理性主义几组二元对立之上的。
1.With a summary of the core idea of the methodology of structuralism,namely the idea about structures and dualism of structuralism,this article,from the perspective of the Marxist Materialistic Dialectics,examines the one-sidedness and limitations of the methodology of structuralism and points out its origin in Pan-Scientism.文章概述了结构主义方法论的核心思想,即结构主义的结构观和二元对立观。
2.Some feminists in 1970s,breaking from analyzing conventions about society,absorbed in the ecological intelligence,and got a sharp opinion that all the oppressions and destruction had all being rooted in the grade system of Patriarchy and the thought mode of dualism.20世纪70年代,部分女性主义在吸纳生态智慧的基础上,打破以往对社会分析的壁垒,敏锐深刻地指出:父权等级制度和二元对立的思维模式是各种压迫和破坏的共同根源;而任何危害生命的活动都不仅仅是一个生态学的问题,还是一个女性主义的问题。
3.However, the construction propelled by the dualism thinking-pattern will inevitably get nowhere.作为一种实际的操作方式和践行过程,妇女解放途径必然需要适应于一定的环境、服务于一定的目标,而在二元对立思维引导下的构建,只会使其自身走入困境。
1.By a skillful manipulation of this relation,Shakespeare gives prominence to the dichotomy of forest and court,sense and sensibility.在《仲夏夜之梦》中,剧情设置与观众接受之间有着复杂而又微妙的互动关系,莎士比亚通过对这种关系的巧妙处理,突出了剧中的森林与宫廷、理性与感性的二元对立,在批判冷酷理性、颠覆传统权威的基础上,抒发了自己对感性、癫狂、梦幻的肯定和渴求。
2.The essay dwells on the dichotomy and spiritual conflicts of man and woman major characters in the novel--Humanity and Christianity and further proves that the dichotomy and spiritual conflicts actually belong to the society of England and the author s itself.从宗教思想的角度切入哈代的代表作之一《无名的裘德》 ,这是一个全新的审视视角 :男女主人公的精神矛盾显示着人文精神与基督精神的二元对立与冲突 ,这一精神冲突 ,乃是存在于英国社会和作家自身的精神冲突的反
3.The Frangipani Gardens depicts various behaviors of women in the peripheral position under dichotomy between male and female by its feature narration.为了对这些变化作出反映,小说《鸡蛋花花园》通过自己特有的叙事方式,向世人呈现出在二元对立的状况下,处于社会边缘位置上的女性们的种种行为,她们渴望摆脱被动的位置、抛弃不同程度的自我压抑,要求与男性一样的平等待遇和性自由。
5)dualistic opposition二元对立
1.A lot of citizen novels commonly showed the dualistic opposition between elite and common people, noble and poor, refined and vulgar, ideal and practical.在市民文学的文本世界之中,普遍呈现出精英与平民、高贵与平贱、雅与俗、理想与实在的二元对立,这种二元对立成为许多市民小说的叙事结构中心。
6)beyond duality超二元对立

二元二次方程二元二次方程组求解的基本思想是“转化”,即通过“降次”、“消元”,将方程组转化为一元二次方程或二元一次方程组。由于这类方程组形式庞杂,解题方法灵活多样,具有较强的技巧性,因而在解这类方程组时,要认真分析题中各个方程的结构特征,选择较恰当的方法。(1)有两组相等的实数解。(2)有两组不相等的实数解;(3)没有实数解。解:将②代入①,整理得。二次方程③的判别式(1)当,即a<2时,方程③有两个不相等的实数根,则原方程有不同的两组实数解。(2)当,即a=2时,方程③有两个相等的实数根,则原方程有相同的两组实数解。(3)当,即a>2时,方程③没有实数根,因而原方程没有实数解。评析 由一个二元一次方程和一个二元二次方程组成的方程组,一般用代入法求解,即将方程组中的二元一次方程用含有一个未知数的代数式表示另一个未知数,然后代入二元二次方程中,从而化“二元”为“一元”,如此便得到一个一元二次方程。此时,方程组解的情况由此一元二次方程根的情况确定。比如,当时,由于一元二次方程有两个相等的实根,则此方程组有相同的两组实数解……诸如此类。