比赛经验,Experience of competitions
1)Experience of competitions比赛经验

1.Please list adventure race experience or prior swimming, in-line skating and mountain biking experience/ qualifications.请填写过往参与越野比赛经验或对游泳、排轮、野定向及越野单车的资历。
2.They still lack experience in international competitions.他们还缺乏国际比赛的经验。
3.The players have enough experience of life in football to understand the next game is always the most important one.球员有足够的经验来理解,下一场比赛总是最重要的比赛。
4.Although much less experienced, he gave a good account of himself in the boxing match.他虽然很缺乏经验, 但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。
5.To win is not the ultimate aim in a contest. More importantly, contestants learn from one another and gain experience through matches.比赛的获胜不是最终目的,更重要的是,竞赛者互相学习,从比赛中获取经验。
6.The game was called off by common consent.比赛经大家同意而取消。
7.I go for broke in the race.我已经尽全力去比赛了。
8.A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.欺骗性比赛胜负已经预先定好的不公正比赛
9.I like to compare economic competition to a game of leap frog.我想把经济竞争比做跳蛙比赛。
10.Any of various meets at which contests are held to test the skill of the competitors, as in equestrianship, gymnastics, or sports car racing.竞技表演各种用来检验参赛者技能的比赛,如马术,体操和赛车等
11.Rallying is a test of endurance and speed of the car over great distances.拉力赛是对赛车在长距离的比赛中速度和耐力的考验。
12.Each pair's pre-existing relationship will be forever changed by their participation in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.在比赛过程中,每队双人搭档之间原有的感情都将因为这个千载难逢的全球经验而永远的改变。
13.To win is not the ultimate aim in a contest. More importantly, contestants learn from one another and gain experience and maturity through matches.比赛的输赢不是最终目的,互相切磋,求取进步,从失败的经验中成长,才是最重要的。
14.Compare this to, say, the Spurs, the Pistons, or the Celtics and the Lakers will be at a disadvantage come playoff time.但是这些比起马刺、活塞、凯尔特人等,湖人的这些季后赛经验则显得微不足道。
15.We had Shaun but he was a bit inexperienced and maybe not ready for this level then.我们虽有小赖特,但他经验不足,而且他的年龄还不适合这个阶段的比赛。
16.Deepen Teaching Reform and Strengthen Practice Teaching--Summary of "First National Students Survey and Maping Skills Competition"深化教学改革,加强实践教学——“首届全国大学生测绘技能比赛”经验总结
17.The long race tested the swimmer's endurance.长距离比赛考验了游泳者们的持久力。
18.The Experimental Study on the Imagination Training in Wushu Teaching;比赛法在武术套路教学中的实验研究

current study比赛检验
3)competition experience参赛经验
1.The paper describes forms and rules of ACM/ICPC in brief,analyses its development tendency,summarizes the fundamental knowledge on mathematics and computer sciences,and then discusses the curriculum arrangement and teaching methods,at last it sums up the competition experience of Hefei University of Technology during the last ten years.文章概述了ACM/ICPC的形式和规则,分析了其发展趋势,以及ICPC所需要的数学基础和计算机专业知识,探讨了ICPC的课程设置、教学内容和教学方法及教学形式,最后阐述了合肥工业大学ICPC十年来的参赛经验。
4)empirical analogy method经验类比
5)competitive racing比赛测验训练法
6)technical skills competition实验技能比赛

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概 述安许茨1813式0.22in比赛步枪,是德国安许茨有限公司同国际上一流射手合作研制成功的,它在世界优秀射手中享有一定的声誉。结构特点1. 枪安许茨1813式比赛步枪主要由枪管、扳机、木托等组成。扳机的扣引位置可以调整。该枪木托用胡桃木加工而成,其上有拇指孔、贴腮板、手枪型握把和护木。其贴腮板、托底板和托肩钩均可调整。木托亦适合于左手操枪的射手使用。2. 瞄准装置该枪瞄准装置包括准星及照门两部分。3. 弹药该枪发射0.22in运动步枪弹。性能数据口径----0.22in全枪长----1140~1170mm枪管长----690mm全枪质量----7kg扳机力----1n配用弹种----0.22in运动步枪弹