1.The Application of the RFID Technology to the Underground Mine Personnel Orientation System;射频识别技术在井下矿山人员定位中的应用
2.Application of RFID in ship identification and management;射频识别技术在航港管理中的应用
3.Design of UHF RFID reader/writer;UHF频段射频识别读写器的设计

1.Study on Several Problems in Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification;超高频射频识别(RFID)中的若干问题研究
2.Research on Key Technology of UHF RFID;射频识别UHF频段关键技术的研究
3.Study on UHF RFID Based on DSP;基于DSP的UHF频段射频识别技术研究
4.The Research on Phase Noise of the UHF RFID System超高频射频识别系统相位噪声的研究
5.2.45GHz Passive RFID Reader RF Front-end Design and Implementation;无源射频识别读写器射频前端的设计与实现
6.RFID VS Wireless Connection: Witch One of Them More Ubiquitous--The Development of RFID in China;射频识别VS无线互联:哪个更“泛在”——谈射频识别在我国的纵深发展
7.The Technology of RFID and the Research of Its Application in Automobile Identification射频识别技术及其在车辆识别应用的研究
8.The Design of Digital Controller for RFID Tag IC;射频识别标签芯片数字控制器的设计
9.The Research on Multiple Tags Anti-collision Algorithm of the Radio Frequency Identification Technique;射频识别技术多标签抗冲突算法研究
10.The Study and Design of Embedded RFID System;嵌入式射频识别系统(RFID)的研究与实现
11.Research on Key Technology for 13.56MHz RFID System;基于13.56MHz的射频识别关键技术研究
12.Research and Development of RFID System in ETC;ETC中射频识别系统的研究与开发
13.Research and Achievement of the Arithmetic of RFID;无线射频识别系统的算法研究与实现
14.Research on Application of RFID Technology;射频识别技术(RFID)应用研究
15.Research of Some Key Technologies in RFID Systems;射频识别系统中若干关键技术的研究
16.Research on Security and Privacy for Low-cost Radio Frequency Identification;低成本无线射频识别安全与隐私研究
17.The Research and Design of 125kHz Radio Frequency Identification System;125kHz射频识别系统的研究与设计
18.Investigation of Indoor Location Algorithms Based on RFID;射频识别(RFID)室内定位算法研究

Radio frequency identification射频识别
1.Automatic Meter Reading System Based on Radio Frequency Identification(RFID);基于射频识别技术(RFID)的自动抄表系统
2.Design of Radio Frequency Identification Tag Antenna Based on Slot Antenna;基于缝隙的射频识别标签天线设计
3.Design and implantation of high frequency radio frequency identification reader virtual instrumentation system;近高频射频识别读写器虚拟仪器系统设计与实现
3)radio frequency identification(RFID)射频识别
1.The system described in the paper employs radio frequency identification(RFID) technology to collect data of vehicle from RF IC card,and the recognition rate is high.该系统采用了射频识别技术(RFID),通过射频IC卡采集车辆数据信息,车辆可进行自动识别,且识别率较高;此外针对无车卡的情况,系统采用匹配追踪算法,通过从相应字典中逐个挑选基来实现对图像的识别,分别给出对车牌检测和识别的相应的内部算法,在车速过快、车牌模糊等恶劣情况下仍然保持较高的识别率。
2.When handling the problem of collision in Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) system, the algorithm of this paper utilizes choosing collision-bit randomly to impact the braches of backtracking and dynamic tree, in order to let more pairs of tags that just have one collision-bit identified at one time, which can improve efficiency of tags identification.基于随机选择的返回式动态树形反碰撞算法在解决射频识别系统中碰撞问题时,通过随机选择碰撞位来影响返回式动态树的分支,让尽可能多的只有一位碰撞的一对标签被同时识别,从而提高识别效率,同时通过减少阅读器检测标签时发送给标签的参数,来提高信道利用率。
3.This paper proposes an active Radio Frequency IDentification(RFID) system that can work at very low power consumption.基于传感器网络系统中的传感器节点及TinyOS操作系统,提出一种可以超低功耗工作的有源射频识别系统。
4)radio frequency identification (RFID)射频识别
1.With the lower cost strategy of radio frequency identification (RFID), this paper introduces the coding standard for electronic product code (EPC) and the concept of Internet and its feature and information flow, analyzes the core technologies such as object name service (ONS), physical marking language (PML) and Savant system.结合射频识别(RFID)的低成本战略,介绍电子产品编码EPC的编码标准、物联网的概念、特点及信息流程,分析其中的对象域名服务(ONS)、物理标记语言(PML)和Savant系统等核心技术,展望RFID与物联网技术在港口的应用前景。
2.A design of an active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system based on RF chips is proposed in this paper.设计了一种新的基于射频芯片的主动式微波射频识别(RFID)系统,并根据其硬件结构设计了简洁的通信协议,给出了阅读器和射频卡数据传输的软件设计流程。
3.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an advanced form of Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC).无线射频识别技术(RFID)是自动识别技术的一种高级形式。
5)RFID(radio frequency identification)射频识别
1.To identify multiple objects simultaneously assuming that the number of labels is not known in advance, multiple objects anti-collision RFID(radio frequency identification) technology and its application system model were presented.对于总数未知的多目标射频识别问题,提出了基于智能标签的具有防冲突功能的多目标射频识别技术方案及其系统框架;改进了ISOIEC15693标准中的冲突解决方案,采用地址访问策略的自匹配模式,动态调整时间槽的分配,以解决通讯冲突并逼近目标数目;分析了系统实现的软硬件参数的优化选择方法,给出了多目标防冲突识别的实现过程,并将其应用于某图书馆智能管理系统。
2.For example, both the EAS(Electronic Article Surveillance) system and the RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) system need high effective the short-range radio communication antenna.例如,许多电子安检设备,如EAS(商品防窃检测)、RFID(射频识别)读写设备等,都要应用高效的近场通信天线。
3.Anti-collision algorithm effects tag power consumption and searching speed directly in RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)system.针对射频识别系统(Radio Frequency Identification-RFID)中目标搜索算法直接影响标签功耗和搜索速度的特点,研究如何通过减少标签的平均响应次数,降低标签功耗。
6)Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)射频识别(RFID)
1.In this papera,radio frequency identification(RFID) anticollision algorithm was proposed based on an analysis of digital multi-beaming forming algorithm of planar array antenna.结合射频识别(RFID)系统的工作特点,在给出适用于该系统的面阵多波束实现方法基础上,提出了一种防冲突算法。

肺癌经皮肿瘤内射频治疗肺癌经皮肿瘤内射频治疗 介入放射学技术。在经皮穿刺活检技术上发展起来的一种用高频电磁波治疗肺癌的方法。在活检以后,通过保留的穿刺针将高频电磁场导入肿瘤内施行辐射,射频电磁波在生物介质中产生的热及非热效应可凝固癌组织,杀死癌细胞。根据肿瘤的大小,可分别采取单点和多点辐射,使肿瘤破坏更彻底。