湿热证模型,damp-heat model
1)damp-heat model湿热证模型

1.Establishment of animal model of damp-heat syndrome of influenza virus infection pneumonia小鼠流感病毒性肺炎湿热证模型建立
2.Results: The method of clearing away damp and heat has the effects as follows: Reduce significantly rats' ADH level in the blood.结果清热化湿法可以调节湿热证模型大鼠血液ADH释放水平。
3.Research on the Model of Large Intestine of Wet Heat Syndrome and Study the Effection of Jixiekang on It;大肠湿热证模型研制及急泻康对其影响的研究
4.Research on the Model of Traditional Medical Large Intestine of Damp-heat Syndrome and Study the Effect of Gegenqinliantang on It;中医大肠湿热证模型研制及葛根芩连汤对其影响的研究
5.A Preliminary Study on Damp-heat Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease Dominant Damp Over Heat Model and Dominant Heat Over Damp Model-making湿病湿热证湿重于热与热重于湿模型制作的初步研究
6.Reproduction and Its Mechanism of Animal Model of Splenogastric Hygropyrexia and Gene Expression of Aquaporins (AQP3, AQP4);脾胃湿热证大鼠模型复制及其水通道蛋白表达的研究
7.Research on the Lung Pathological Changes in Mice which Infected by Influenza VirusH1N1流感病毒性肺炎湿热证小鼠模型肺组织病理变化研究
8.Studying the Relationship Between Damp-heat Syndrome and its Related Indexes with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus;Ⅱ型糖尿病湿热证型的相关指标研究
9.Decision Tree Diagnostic Model of Gan-dan Damp-heat Syndrome and Gan-stangnancy Pi-deficiency Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B慢性乙型肝炎患者肝胆湿热证和肝郁脾虚证的决策树诊断模型初探
10.Study on Blood Stasis of Patients of Chronic Hepatitis B with Syndrome Dampness-heat Retention Spleen;慢性乙型肝炎湿热蕴脾证血瘀的研究
11.Research on Dehumidifying by HRV Based on Humidity Model in Solar-greenhouse;基于日光温室湿度模型的热交换除湿研究
12.Clinical Study of Antipyret Damp Dispel and Reinforcing Kidney in Treating the Dampness-heat Retention Spleen of CHB清热祛湿益肾法治疗慢性乙型肝炎湿热蕴脾证的临床研究
13.Clinical Trial on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Liver-spleen Dampness-heat Type with the Method of Jianpi Qingre Treatment;健脾清热利湿法治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝脾湿热证的临床研究
14.Clinical Research on Hepatochlic Hygropyrexia of Chronic B Hepatitis Treated by Expelling Heat-Dehygrosis Recipe清热祛湿方治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝胆湿热证的临床研究
15.Establishment of the Model of Wetness-Heat of Liver and Gallbladder Syndrome and the Mechanism of Longdanxiegan Pills in the Treatment of Wetness-Heat of Liver and Gallbladder Syndrome;肝胆湿热动物模型的建立和龙胆泻肝丸治疗肝胆湿热的机理研究
16.Study on Thermal and Humid Environment of Underground Space and Model of Coupled Convection Heat and Humidity Transfer;地下建筑热湿环境与热湿耦合对流传递模型研究
17.Study on Immunity Function of Patients of Chronic Hepatitis B with Syndrome Dampness-heat Retention Spleen;慢性乙型肝炎湿热蕴脾证患者免疫功能的研究
18.Study of Gene Expression of Damp-heat-accumulate Spleen with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2型糖尿病中医湿热困脾证的基因表达研究

animal model of damp-heat disease湿热证动物模型
3)heat and moisture model热湿模型
4)damp-heat syndrome湿热证
1.Studying the Relationship between Damp-heat Syndrome of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance Syndrome;2型糖尿病湿热证与胰岛素抵抗综合征关系初探
2.Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Jiuxiang Zhixie enteric-coated tablets(JZET) for acute infectious diarrhea of damp-heat syndrome.7%;对湿热证候疗效观察,治疗组总显效率为83。
3.Objective:To observe the dynamic interference in LBP mRNA,CD14 mRNA,NF-κBp65 on the cell endotoxin(ET) specific receptors of damp-heat syndrome model rats treated by Ganlu Xiaodu Dan,furthe to explore the therapy mechanism of Qingre Zaoshi Prescription.目的:观察甘露消毒丹对温病湿热证大鼠细胞内毒素特异性受体(LBP mRNA),(CD14 mRNA)及(NF-κBp65)表达变化的动态干预,深入探讨清热化湿方的治疗机制。
5)Dampness-heat syndrome湿热证
1.Objective To observe the effect of Gegen Qinlian Decoction (GQD) in combination with short-term intensive insulin treatment on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) of dampness-heat syndrome and its influence on dosage of insulin used.目的观察伴湿热证的2型糖尿病,经胰岛素强化血糖控制、并联合葛根芩连汤加味对湿热证候的疗效及胰岛素用量的影响。
2.Objective It is to discuss the clinical curative effect of multi-recipes combine compatibility in which Gegenqinlian soup was as principal recipe on diabetes gastroparesis with dampness-heat syndrome based on insulin controlling blood sugar.05);治疗组对湿热证候的疗效优于对照组(P<0。
6)syndrome of damp-heat湿热证
1.Objective: To discuss the relation of syndrome of damp-heat of acute period of GBS with hypophysis-adrenal cortex axis.目的:探讨吉兰-巴雷综合征(GBS)急性期湿热证与垂体-肾上腺皮质轴的关系。
2.The paper discussed the relationship between damp-heat constitution (DHC) and syndrome of damp-heat (SDH) from the angles of the disease occurrence, differentiation, treatment and drug administration.认为湿热体质与湿热证既存在程度上的差别,又具有密切的关系。

湿热湿热 湿热   ①病因学名词。指病邪。湿和热相结合的病邪。致病可分别引致脾胃、肝胆及下焦大肠、膀胱等脏腑或皮肤筋脉的病证。《素问·生气通天论》:“湿热不攘,大筋软短,小筋弛长,软短为拘,弛长为痿。”   ②病证名。吴坤安于《伤寒指掌》卷四中描述此证:“脉濡细而数,发热身痛,小水短涩;或身目俱黄,属湿热。宜五苓散加生栀、黄柏、茵陈、秦艽。”