自然遗产地,Natural Heritage
1)Natural Heritage自然遗产地
1.Protection Zoning System of Natural Heritage——A Case Study on Wulingyuan Famous Scenic Sites of China;自然遗产地保护分区模式探讨——以武陵源风景名胜区为例

1.Remote Sensing Analysis of the World Nature Heritage Area where the Three Rivers Flow Abreast in Yunnan, China三江并流世界自然遗产地的遥感分析
2.Soil Erosion Remote Monitoring of World Natural Heritage Site and Conservation of the Heritage Site--Example for the Libo World Natural Heritage Site in Guizhou世界自然遗产地水土流失遥感监测与遗产地保护——以贵州省荔波遗产地为例
3.Visitors' Interpretive Preference and Motivation in World Natural Heritage Site:the Case of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage Area世界自然遗产地游客动机与解说偏好研究——以湖南武陵源世界自然遗产地为例
4.A Comparative Analysis on Cone Karst of Libo World Natural Heritage Site with Global Similar Sites;世界自然遗产地荔波锥状喀斯特全球对比分析
5.Threats on the World Heritage Natural Sites and China s Conservation Countermeasures;世界自然遗产地面临的威胁及中国的保护对策
6.A Preliminary Study of Protection and Utilization of China′s World Natural Heritage Destination;我国世界自然遗产地的保护和利用研究初探
7.An Analysis on Landscape Esthetic Features of the Libo Karst World Heritage Site荔波世界自然遗产地的景观美学特征分析
9.The geological traces of the world natural heritage- the Tree Parallel Rivers Belt is the geological landscape of the tethys region produced by neotectonism.三江并流世界自然遗产地是特提斯构造域新构造运动的地质景观 .
10.Researches on the Formation and Evolution of Cone Karst in Libo World Heritage Site;荔波世界自然遗产地锥状喀斯特地貌形成与演化研究
11.The Diversity of Soil Fauna Communities in the Canyon Landform of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage武陵源世界自然遗产地峡谷地貌土壤动物的多样性
12.An Analysis on Cave Tourism and Its Prospect in South China Karst as World Natural Heritage--With a Special Reference to the Libo Heritage Site of South China Karst喀斯特世界自然遗产地洞穴旅游与前景分析——以中国南方喀斯特荔波遗产地为例
13.A primary analysis of tourist resources and environment frangibility of Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas三江并流世界自然遗产地旅游资源及其环境脆弱性分析
14.Protecting and Using of Ecotourism Resource of Moon Mountain Scenic Spot in Three Parallel River Area;“三江并流”世界自然遗产地生态旅游资源的保护与利用
15.On the protection of geological vestige resources and natural and cultural heritage;略论地质遗迹资源与自然文化遗产保护
16.Nature,Culture,and Natural Heritage:Toward a Culture of Nature自然、文化和自然遗产:走向自然之文化
17.The Compensation Mechanism of Restriction the Tourism Construction Land in Nature & Culture Heritage Sites;自然文化遗产地控制旅游建设用地的补偿机制
18.Biodiversity and Value of the Danxia Landform Area in Chishui Nominated for the World Natural Heritage赤水丹霞世界自然遗产提名地的生物多样性及其遗产价值

natural geomorphic heritage地貌自然遗产
3)nature & culture heritage sites自然文化遗产地
1.The purpose of this study is to analyze the reason of tourism construction land out of hand in nature & culture heritage sites and make suggestion of establishment transferable development rights market.本文通过分析自然文化遗产地旅游建设用地失控的原因,认为在目前我国规制手段不健全、管理体制不顺的情况下,城镇化和旅游经济高度发展的阶段,自然文化遗产地的农地流转成旅游建设用地将不可避免,提出借鉴海外土地发展权制度,在遗产地内配置土地发展权的补偿机制建议,作为遗产地控制旅游建设用地的有效管制方法。
4)natural heritage自然遗产
1.Precious natural heritage of Beijing:plant diversity;北京的珍贵自然遗产——植物多样性
2.Protection and restoration of natural heritages in post-earthquake reconstruction:a case of Dujiangyan City;震后重建中的自然遗产保护——以都江堰市为例
3.Study on the Legal Mechanism of Natural Heritage Preservation in China;我国自然遗产保护的法律机制研究
5)nature heritage自然遗产
1.The ultimate problem of nature heritage is the property right.自然遗产保护的根本问题是产权问题,产权问题是伴随着自然遗产的稀缺性而日渐突出的。
2.Nature heritage is the national wealthy.自然遗产是人类不可再生的财富,但是目前自然遗产的保护工作中存在许多问题。
6)Place of world cultural and natural heritage世界文化和自然遗产地
