1.Loyalty and the Realization of Collective Actions:The Case Analysisof Wenzhou Smoking Set Association′s Anti- dump Lawsuit;忠诚与集体行动的实现——以温州烟具协会的反倾销诉讼为案例
2.How Enterprise to Win Staffs Loyalty;企业如何赢得员工的忠诚
3.The Effects of Retail Business Open Information on Customers Perception-Satisfaction-loyalty;零售企业公开信息对顾客感知-满意-忠诚关系的影响

1.The state or quality of being loyal.忠诚,忠实忠诚或忠实的状态或素质
2.revolt from one's allegiance to反叛, 对...不再忠诚
3.Love asks faith, and faith firmness .爱情贵忠诚,史诚能坚贞。
4.The virtues of loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.忠诚,勇敢和诚实的美德。
5.Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Scheme [BFI Scheme]经纪忠诚保险计划〔忠诚保险计划〕
6.He is loyal to the Party and he will always remain so.他对党非常忠诚,而且他会永远忠诚
7.Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness.爱情需要忠诚,而忠诚则要求坚定。
8.Faithful Foolishness and Foolish Faithfulness: Yang Xian-zhen s Repentance;忠诚的愚蠢 愚蠢的忠诚——杨献珍的忏悔
9.Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.忠诚,忠实忠于职守、义务或责任
10.Fidelity to an original or a standard.忠实,忠诚对原型或标准的忠实
11.The service, homage, and fealty required of a vassal.忠顺,效忠奴仆所需要的服务忠诚和效忠
12.Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.忠诚,效忠对国家,君主或事业的忠诚或尽忠的责任
13.plighted their loyalty to the king;向国王宣誓他们的忠诚;
14.You can confide in her good faith.你可以信任她的忠诚
15.Yet this inconstancy is such然而这一下的不忠诚
16.Loyalty is not built on money.忠诚不立在金钱上。
17.Treachery seems to have replaced loyalty!叛变似乎已代替了忠诚!
18.compulsory fidelity insurance scheme强制性忠诚保险计划

1.How to Constitute a Loyal and Devoted Team of Employees in Enterprise;关于建立一支忠诚于企业的员工队伍的思考
3)support of or loyalty to a government, ruler, cause, etc.忠诚,效忠?
4)allegiance :忠诚、效忠。
6)customer loyalty顾客忠诚
1.Effect of service quality on customer loyalty of sportswear brands;运动服装品牌服务质量对顾客忠诚的影响
2.Research on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in international service market;国际服务市场上顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系研究
3.Value of customer loyalty and strategy to enhance it;顾客忠诚的价值分析及提升策略探讨
