1.The depositors are the basis of the finance market and the main source of the capital.存款人是金融市场存在的基石,是我国资本市场资金的主要来源。
2.There is no definite provision on whether the depositors in the case of illegal receival of public s deposit.非法吸收公众存款案的存款人是被害人还是证人 ,法律没有明确规定 ,在实践中的做法不一 ,笔者主张具体把该存款人分成利益未受到损害的存款人、利益受到损害且有过错的存款人和利益受到损害且无过错的存款人等三种情况。

1.The current account offers savers instant access to funds.活期账户让存款人能随时存取款项。
2.Research on the Litigant Position of the Depositors in the Case of Illegal Receival of the Public s Deposit;非法吸收公众存款案存款人诉讼地位探析
3.A book held by a depositor in which his or her deposits and withdrawals are recorded by the bank.银行存折存款人持有的折子,记录着他或她的银行存款和存取情况
4.The holder can choose to terminate the account, and make additions or withdrawals at any time.存款人可选择何时结束该账户,亦可随时增加存款或进行提款。
5.Setting up the Deposit Insurance Legal System Perfect the Protection of Depositors Benefits;建立存款保险法律制度,完善对存款人利益的保护
6.The closing of the bank will entail inconvenience on the army of depositors.银行的关闭会给存款人导致不便。
7.deceased account存款人已死亡的银行帐户
8.A depositor draw a lot money from the bank.一位存款人从银行支取了好多钱。
9.Bank Reputation, Depositor's Prospect and Bank Run银行声誉、存款人预期与银行挤兑
10.The number of our depositor is growing every day.我行存款人的数量每天都在增长。
11.The bank keeps money for people.银行替人保管存款。
12.Fatten one's bank account.增加某人的银行存款
13.reserve available for private nonbank deposits非银行私人存款准备金
14.I bank at the People's Bank of China.我存款于中国人民银行。
15.We have FCY savings, FCY note savings and RMB savings.花旗银行的活期存款包括外汇活期存款、外币现钞活期存款以及人民币活期存款。
16.Individuals' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with banks on a voluntary basis, withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors' identity ensured.个人的外汇储蓄存款,实行存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为储户保密的原则。
17.Deposit account: This type of account is intended for anyone who wishes to deposit money and does not want to make use of it immediately.存款帐户:这一类型帐户适合愿意存人暂不使用的款项的任何人。
18.The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service.借款人可用现金或其在中国银行的存款偿还贷款本息。

corporate deposits法人存款
3)private deposits私人存款
4)the individual deposits个人存款
1.In our country, the existing legislation and the theoretical circles on the legal nature of the individual deposits have two diametrically opposed views: the property theory and the claims theory.在我国现行的立法上和理论界,关于个人存款的法律性质,存在两种截然相反的观点:物权说和债权说。
6)Petty Cash Depositor小额存款人
1.Theoretical Analyses of Banks Charging Petty Cash Depositors;银行收取小额存款人账户管理费的理论依据

《中国人民银行储蓄存款试行章程》发布《中国人民银行储蓄存款试行章程》发布  【《中国人民银行储蓄存款试行章程》发布】1972年n月,《中国人民银行储蓄存款试行章程》由中国人民银行总行发布。章程规定:除了储蓄原则、政策、储蓄存款利率、储蓄种类等应由总行统一规定外,其它方面,各省、市、自治区分行可以结合当地情况作出具体补充。银行在执行章程的过程中,要切实贯彻“为储户保密”的原则。今后向银行查询储户存款情况,只限于司法或公安机关审理案件的需要,并经县支行或市行的区办事处一级同意。属于非储蓄性质的存款,如确需储蓄所代理服务时,应从严掌握,并不得列作储蓄存款,不计利息。目前的零存整取利率偏高,为防止套取利息的漏洞,每月储蓄金额由各省、市、自治区分行规定一限额,以不超过30元为宜。