1.The Research on the Objective,Strategy and Instruments of the ECB's Monetary Policy欧央行货币政策目标、策略及工具研究

1.The Research on the Objective,Strategy and Instruments of the ECB's Monetary Policy欧央行货币政策目标、策略及工具研究
2.Although the ECB and the Bank of England have sounded sanguine about tightening credit, central bankers are not entirely unperturbed.虽然欧央行和英格兰银行看来会继续收紧信贷,央行们其实也并不完全是如此坚定。
3.The Fed, the ECB and the Bank of Japan all have work to do.美联储,欧洲央行和日本央行都有工作要做。
4.European Central Bank forecasts accelerated economic rebound in Euro area欧洲央行官员说欧元区经济将于年内加速回升
5.The Policy Transformation of ECB and the Perspectives of Euro欧洲央行与欧元问世二年:政策转换与价值前景
6.The European Central Bank may keep its benchmark interest rate at2%.欧洲中央银行可能维持其2%基准利率。
7.But the European Central Bank held rates steady.但是欧洲中央银行保持利率稳定。
8.Evaluation of performance of ECB monetary policy:1999~2005欧洲中央银行货币政策绩效评价:1999~2005
9.ECB:Independence and Its Judicial Interpretation欧洲中央银行:独立性及其司法解读
10.On the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism of ECB欧洲中央银行货币政策传导机制研究
11.The Dichotomy of the Monetary Policy of European Central Bank;欧洲中央银行货币政策的二元性矛盾
12.Oil prices are also hindering interest rates cuts in Europe where the Bank of England and European Central Bank remain worried about high inflation.油价也牵制了欧洲的降息行动,英国央行(BoE)和欧洲央行(ECB)依然担心通胀高企。
13.The third chapter discusses the ECB high levels of independence set by the Community law.第三章对欧洲中央银行的法律框架进行研究,探讨了欧洲中央银行独立性的表现形式;
14.Third, the European Central Bank (ECB) is providing less of a following wind than it did.第三个原因,欧洲中央银行没有盲目的跟风。
15.And ECB watchers generally work largely on English texts.而关注欧洲央行的人士通常使用英文版本。
16.Study on the Issue of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism of European Central Bank;欧洲中央银行货币政策传导机制问题研究
17.Gedanken über Zielsetzung der Geldpolitik vom ESZB;关于欧洲央行体系货币政策目标的思考
18.Other eurozone central banks have printed nearly 370m ?500 notes.欧元区的其他央行已经印制近3.7亿张面值为500欧元的纸币。

European Central Bank欧洲中央银行
1.The Study of European Central Bank Independence and Accountability;欧洲中央银行独立性和责任性研究
2.US Federal Reserve Bank,Bank of Japan and European Central Bank can be called the three central bank giants in the world,th.美国联邦储备银行、日本银行以及欧洲中央银行堪称世界范围内中央银行的三大巨头,相关保障中央独立性的法律制度具有代表性,值得我国借鉴与学习。
3.This paper firstly sums up and introduces the main communication strategy and instruments that have been adopted by the European central banks in their practice,then compares the informati.如何最充分、准确、及时地向公众披露与解释货币政策目标、策略和决策已成为多数国家货币政策操作所面临的首要问题,本文首先对欧洲中央银行在实践中所采用的主要沟通策略和工具进行归纳和介绍,然后将欧洲中央银行与世界其他主要中央银行的信息公开程度进行横向比较,最后就关于提高欧洲中央银行货币政策透明度的相关建议和争议进行评述。
1.The Independence of ECB Reflected from the Suffering Experiences of u nti-inflation in Germany;从德国反通货膨胀的经历中看欧洲中央银行的独立性
2.A series of dualistic contradictions are produced because of ECB s own defects and the restrictions of other macroeconomic policies.欧元区统一货币政策由于欧洲中央银行制度设计的缺陷和其他宏观经济政策的制约,在其执行过程中产生了一系列的二元性矛盾。
4)European Central Bank (ECB)欧洲中央银行
1.The Maastricht Treaty is very explicit in formulating the personal, functional and financial independence of the European Central Bank (ECB) for the price stability in the third stage of the European E conomic and Monetray Union.为确保欧洲经货联盟第三阶段的物价稳定,“马约”对欧洲中央银行的独立性作了详尽的规划。
5)Euro-Zone central banks欧元区中央银行
1.and Euro-Zone central banks,and studies the successful ideas and practices of those central banks from three aspects of establishment modes,organizational orientation,functions and roles of their branches,so as to supply an instructive enlightenment to the ref.本文以英、美及欧元区中央银行的发展历史与近期变化为考察对象,从分支机构的设立方式、组织定位、功能与角色三个方面研究其成功的理念和做法,以期对我国的中央银行体制改革提供有益的启示。
